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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: ET&S Special Issue on "Knowledge Visualization and Knowledge Management in E-Learning"
Date: Wed, 25 Aug 2010 22:14:08 +0800
From: maggie wang <maggiemhwang@gmail.com>
To: AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org

Call for Papers

Journal of Educational Technology & Society

(ISSN 1436-4522)


Special Issue on

“Knowledge Visualization and Knowledge Management in E-Learning”


Due to its access flexibility and just-in-time delivery, e-learning is emerging as a popular approach adopted by educational institutions and organizations. It provides a learning mode that students or employees learn through interactions with a wide range of multimedia resources and through communications with peers. While e-learners are provided more freedom in knowledge acquisition and construction, they often suffer from cognitive overload as well as conceptual and navigational disorientation. In this context, a coherent mental representation of knowledge structure is essential. A variety of paper and pencil methods were used for knowledge externalization and visualization, while computer-based technologies expand the capacity by virtue of machine-processable knowledge modeling, visualization, reasoning, and analysis. Visualization methods help people to construct knowledge, organize information, and communicate learning with others. With the emergence of social media and Web 2.0 technologies, knowledge construction and knowledge management practices have been well supported through social networking and communities of practice. In the meantime, knowledge visualization has been extended to visualizing social network structure for effective communication and collaboration in e-learning and knowledge management.


Although the importance of knowledge visualization has been well recognized and discussed, there have only been isolated approaches with diverse perspectives. This special issue is dedicated to innovations in knowledge construction and visualization mechanisms and approaches in digital learning and knowledge management. The focus is on explicit representation of knowledge structure, learning process, and social networking for support of active learning and knowledge management. Relevant topics include but not limited to:


l   Knowledge visualization of complex subject matter

l   Knowledge mapping and curriculum design

l   Visualization in hypermedia design

l   Interactive learning with dynamic visualization

l   collaborative knowledge construction and visualization

l   Social network analysis and visualization

l   Knowledge construction in Web-based learning communities

l   Visualization of argument

l   Visualization of knowledge acquisition process

l   Cognitive mapping for problem solving

l   Visualization for cognitive scaffolding



Special Issue Guest Editors


Maggie M. Wang, Faculty of Education, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong (magwang@hku.hk)


Michael J. Jacobson, Faculty of Education and Social Work, The University of Sydney, Australia (michael.jacobson@sydney.edu.au)



Important dates


Submissions due:                                   25 October 2010

First decision:                                         25 December 2010

Revised manuscripts due:                      1 February 2011

Feedback on revised manuscripts:         5 March 2011

Final manuscript due:                             30 March 2011



Submission guideline


The manuscripts should be original, unpublished, and not in consideration for publication elsewhere at the time of submission to Educational Technology & Society and during the review process.


The manuscripts must be within 7000 words (including everything - title, author names, affiliations, abstract, keywords, main body, references, appendices - everything).


Please carefully follow the author guidelines at http://www.ifets.info/rev.php?pub=true

while preparing your manuscript. To get familiarity with the style of the journal, please see a previous issue at http://www.ifets.info/



All manuscripts should be in WORD format and submitted via email to the guest editor (magwang@hku.hk).


All manuscripts will be subject to the usual high standards of peer review at ETS Journal. Each paper will undergo double blind review.


The Educational Technology & Society Journal is included in the Thomson Scientific Social Sciences Citation Index (SSCI) with impact factor of 1.067 according to Thomson Scientific 2009 Journal Citations Report.