-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Call for papers: Pattern Recognition Letters special issue on Image/Video-Based Pattern Analysis and HCI Applications (PA&HCI) Datum: Wed, 06 Aug 2008 09:36:07 +1000 Von: Liang Wang lwwang@csse.unimelb.edu.au Antwort an: Liang Wang lwwang@csse.unimelb.edu.au An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
http://www-staff.it.uts.edu.au/~wuq/CFP/SI_PAHCI.htm Pattern Recognition Letters Special Issue On Image/Video-Based Pattern Analysis and HCI Applications (PA&HCI)
Pattern Recognition Letters is seeking high qualified manuscripts for a Special Issue on Image/video-based pattern analysis and HCI applications, scheduled for publication in 2010.
*Aim and Scopes:* The interests and goals of HCI (Human-Computer Interaction) include understanding, designing, building and evaluating complex interactive systems, which involve disciplines, e.g., computer science, engineering, IT, and psychology to name a few. The need for natural and effective Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) is increasingly important due to the prevalence of computers in human activities. Developments in image/video computing technologies are continuously driving a range of applications in supporting our collaborative and communicative needs both at work and at play. Computer vision and pattern recognition continue to play a dominant role in the HCI realm because image/video computing (such as body gesture recognition, facial expression analysis, etc) provides most natural visual communication channel for humans and machines. The availability of low-cost camera technology has also led to a quickly increased use of visual cues in HCI.
This special issue is particularly interested in new advances in vision techniques for intelligent HCI. We are soliciting original contributions, of leading researchers and practitioners from academia as well as industry, which address a wide range of theoretical and application issues in vision-based HCI. Original papers to survey the recent progress in this exciting area and highlight potential solutions to common challenging problems are welcome. The topics include, but are not limited to:
o Hand motion and gesture recognition o Sign language analysis and recognition o Human motion capture and recognition o Human pose estimation o Non-rigid object structure recovery (e.g. structure from motion for hand and face shapes, active shape models, active appearance models) o Visual object tracking and feature extraction (e.g., face, body, hands) o Biometrics authentication in HCI (e.g., face recognition, gait recognition, etc) o Affective computing for HCI (e.g., facial expression, emotion, motivational aspects) o Vision processing in human factors analysis o Event detection and recognition o Perceptual user interfaces and multimodal integration o Behaviour understanding o Interactive visual navigation and human-robot interaction o Perception and modelling of user and context o HCI issues in image/video browsing and retrieval o Learning aspects in HCI o Performance evaluation in HCI o Data corpora of visual HCI events o Visual interface design o Relevant HCI applications (e.g. person authentication, surveillance and monitoring, automatic driver assistance, smart meeting, entertainment, game, virtual reality)
*Submission procedure:* Manuscript should conform to the standard guidelines of the Pattern Recognition Letters. Instructions for formatting papers can be found in the “Guide for authors”. Submitted articles must not have been previously published and must not be currently submitted for publication elsewhere. Prospective authors should submit the electronic copy of their complete manuscript via online electronic Elsevier system (EES), in which authors must select the "article type" from the menu as “PA&HCI”, the acronym of the special issue. All submitted papers will be reviewed by at least two independent reviewers.
*Important Dates:* o Full paper due: *Aug. 30, 2008* o First notification: Nov. 30, 2008 o Revised manuscript (for second review) due: Jan. 30, 2009 o Acceptance Notification: Mar. 30, 2009 o Final manuscript due: Apr. 30, 2009 o Scheduled publication of the special issue: 2010
*Guest Editors* Dr. Liang Wang (lwwang@csse.unimelb.edu.au) The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Dr. Qiang Wu (wuq@it.uts.edu.au) University of Technology, Sydney, Australia.
Dr. Hanzi Wang (hwang@cs.jhu.edu) Johns Hopkins University, USA.
Dr. Xin Geng (xin.geng.au@gmail.com) Southeast University, China.
Dr. Ming Li (ming@deakin.edu.au) Deakin University, Australia.
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