-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] IAT 2011 - Call for Papers
Date: 24 Feb 2011 09:56:27 +0900
From: wic-office@wi-consortium.org
To: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de

[Apologies if you receive this more than once]

IEEE/WIC/ACM Intelligent Agent Technology 2011

2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on
Intelligent Agent Technology (IAT-11)

August 22 - 27, 2011, Lyon, France


Sponsored By
IEEE Computer Society
Web Intelligence Consortium (WIC)
Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Workshop proposals submission: December 17, 2010 (Notification of
acceptance: January 7, 2011)
Full Papers submission (WI and IAT):
    - Electronic abstracts submission (WI and IAT): March 4, 2011
    - Electronic submission of full papers (WI and IAT): March 11, 2011
Notification of paper acceptance (WI-IAT): May 23, 2011
Workshop paper submissions: March 21, 2011
Notification of Workshop paper acceptance: June 1, 2011
Demo paper submissions: April 4, 2011
Notifications of Demo paper acceptance: May 23, 2011
Industry Track paper submissions: March 21, 2011
Notification of Industry Track paper acceptance: June 1, 2011
Camera-ready copies of accepted papers: June 10, 2011
Workshops and Industry track: August 22, 2011
Conference: August 23-25, 2011
Summer School: August 26-27, 2011

The 10th edition of the IAT/WI conferences will be organized
in memoriam of Herbert A. Simon, and to give a special award
to WI/IAT most significant papers of the ten editions.

IAT 2011 provides a leading international forum to bring together
researchers and practitioners from diverse fields, such as computer
science, information technology, business, education, systems
engineering, and robotics, to (1) examine the design principles and
performance characteristics of various approaches in intelligent agent
technology, and (2) increase the cross-fertilization of ideas on the
development of autonomous agents and multi-agent systems among
different domains. By encouraging idea-sharing and discussions on the
underlying logical, cognitive, physical, and sociological foundations
as well as the enabling technologies of intelligent agents, IAT 2011
will foster the development of novel paradigms and advanced solutions
in agent and multi-agent based computing.

IAT 2011 will be jointly held with the 2011 IEEE/WIC/ACM International
Conference on Web Intelligence (WI 2011).
The two conferences will have a joint opening, keynotes, reception,
and banquet.
WI-IAT 2011 will include a summer school providing in-depth background
on subjects that are of broad interest to Web intelligence and
Intelligent Agent Technology communities. It will also include
workshops and an industry day. The workshop and the industry day
programs will focus on new research challenges, initiatives and

All papers accepted for workshops and industry day will be included in
the Workshop and industry day Proceedings published by the IEEE
Computer Society Press and will be available on site.
Topics of Interest

We invite submissions in all IAT related areas. Papers exploring new
directions or areas will receive a careful and supportive
review. Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Autonomy-Oriented Computing (AOC)
- Autonomy-Oriented Modeling and Computing Methods
- Complex Behavior Characterization
- Complex Systems Modeling and Simulation
- Emergent Behavior
- Hard Computational Problem Solving
- Large-Scale Systems Applications 
  (e.g., Social, Policy, Sustainability, Brain Informatics (BI), 
   and Web Intelligence (WI) Applications)
- Nature-Inspired Computing
- Regularities and Models of AOC
- Self-Organization in Multi-Agent Systems
- Self-Organized Complex Networks
- Swarm or Collective Intelligence
- Unconventional, Self-Organized Computing Paradigms

* Agent and Multi-Agent Systems Modeling 
- Cognitive Architectures
- Cognitive Modeling of Agents
- Emotional Modeling
- Neuroeconomics
- Peer-to-Peer Models for Multi-Agent Systems

* Agent and Multi-Agent Systems Engineering
- Agent Oriented Sofware Engineering
- Multi-Agent Oriented Software Engineering
- Multi-Agent Programming Languages
- Formal Framework for Multi-Agent Systems
- Testing, Debugging of Multi-Agent Systems
- Evaluation of Multi-Agent Systems
- Efficiency and Complexity Issues
- Scalability
- Tools and Standards
- Fault-Tolerance in Multi-Agent Systems
- Mobile Agent Languages and Protocols
- Multi-Agent Autonomic Architectures

* Coordination
- Multi-Agent Planning
- Social Interactions in Multi-Agent Systems
- Information Exchanges in Multi-Agent Systems
- Learning and Self-Adaptation in Multi-Agent Systems
- Agent Interaction Protocols
- Social and organisational structures, institutions
- Norms and normative behaviour
- Trust, reputation
- Privacy, safety, security

* Autonomous Auctions and Negotiation
- Agent-Based Marketplaces
- Auction Markets
- Combinatorial Auctions
- Hybrid Negotiation
- Integrative Negotiation
- Mediating Agents
- Pricing Agents

* Autonomous Knowledge and Information Agents
- Agent-Based Knowledge Discovery and Sharing
- Autonomous Information Services
- Distributed Data Mining
- Distributed Knowledge Systems
- Evolution of Topics, Trends, Knowledge Networks and Communities
- Human-Agent Interaction
- Information Filtering Agents
- Agent-Based Knowledge Aggregation
- Ontology-Based Services
- Recommender Agent-Based Systems

* Distributed Problem Solving
- Agent Networks in Distributed Problem Solving
- Collective Group Behavior
- Coordination and Cooperation
- Distributed Intelligence
- Distributed Search
- Dynamics of Agent Groups and Populations
- Market-Based Computing
- Problem-Solving in Dynamic Environments

* Applications
- Agent-Based Cloud Computing
- Agent-Based Assistants
- Agent-Based Virtual Enterprise
- Software and Pervasive Agents
- Perceptive Animated Interfaces
- Embodied Agents
- Interface Agents
- Virtual Humans
- Games
- Knowledge and Data Intensive Systems
- Social Simulation 
  (e.g., Social Behavior, Social Inference, Social Networks, and Social Norms)
- Ubiquitous Systems and e-Technology Agents

On-Line Submissions and Publication

High-quality papers in all IAT related areas are solicited.  Paper
submissions should be limited to a maximum of 8 pages in the IEEE
2-column format.  The same format will be used for final camera-ready
papers (see the Author Guidelines at

All submitted papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee on the
basis of technical quality, relevance, significance, and clarity.

Note that IAT 2011 will accept ONLY on-line submissions in PDF
format. Please use the Submission Form on the WI-IAT 2011 website to
submit your paper. Accepted papers will be published in the conference
proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society Press that is indexed by EI.
Submissions accepted as regular papers will be allocated 8 pages in
the proceedings and accorded oral presentation times in the main
conference.  Submissions accepted as short papers will be allocated 4
pages in the proceedings and will have a shorter presentation time at
the conference than regular papers.

All co-authors will be notified at all time, for the submission,
notification, and confirmation on the attendance. Submitting a paper
to the conference and workshops means that, if the paper is accepted,
at least one author should attend the conference to present the
paper. The acceptance list and no-show list will be openly published
on-line. For no-show authors, their affiliations will receive a

Authors of a selected number of IAT 2011 accepted papers will be
invited to submit extended and revised versions of their papers for
condideration for inclusion in Web Intelligence and Agent Systems: An
International Journal (http://wi-consortium.org/journal.html) and
other related journals.

The best paper awards will be conferred at the conference on the
authors of (1) the best research paper and (2) the best application
paper. Application-oriented submissions will be considered for the
best application paper award.

More detailed instructions and the On-Line Submission Form will be
found on the IAT 2011 homepage:


An important part of the conference is the workshop program which will
focus on new research challenges and initiatives. All papers accepted
for workshops will be included in the Workshop Proceedings published
by the IEEE Computer Society Press that are indexed by EI, and will be
available at the workshops.  Detailed information is available at the
conference homepage.

Summer school

IAT 2011 also welcomes Tutorial proposals for the summer school taking
place after the main conference. IAT 2011 will include tutorials
providing in-depth background on subjects that are of broad interest
to the Web intelligence and Intelligent agent technology
community. Both short (2 hours) and long (half day) tutorials will be
considered.  Detailed information is available at the conference

We solicit Demo-Track papers. More detailed instructions available at
the conference homepage.

Important Dates

Workshop proposals submission: December 17, 2010 
(Notification of acceptance: January 7, 2011)
Electronic abstract submission: March 4, 2011
Electronic submission of full papers: March 11, 2011
Notification of paper acceptance: May 23, 2011
Workshop paper submissions: March 21, 2011
Demo paper submissions: April 4, 2011
Notifications of Demo paper acceptance: May 23, 2011
Industry Track paper submissions: March 21, 2011
Notification of Industry Track paper acceptance: June 1, 2011
Notification of Workshop paper acceptance: June 1, 2011
Camera-ready copies of accepted papers: June 10, 2011
Workshops and Industry track: August 22, 2011
Conference: August 23-25, 2011
Summer School: August 26-27, 2011

Conference Organization

Conference General Chair:
* Mohand-Said Hacid, University Claude Bernard Lyon 1, France

Program Chair:
* Olivier Boissier, ENS Mines Saint-Etienne, France

IAT Program Co-Chairs:
* Jeffrey Bradshaw, UWF/Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, USA 
* Longbin Cao,, University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
* Klaus Fischer, DFKI GmBH, Saarbruecken, Germany

WI Program Co-Chairs:
* Boualem Benatallah, University New South Wales, Sydney, Australia
* Mike Papazoglou, University of Tilburg, Netherlands
* Zbigniew Ras, University North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

Organizing Co-Chairs:
* Jerome Gensel, University Mendes-France, Grenoble, France 
* Robert Laurini, INSA Lyon, France
* Pierre Maret, University Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France

Workshop Co-Chairs:
* Jomi F. Hubner, UFRSC, Florianopolis, Brazil
* Jean Marc Petit, INSA Lyon, France
* Einoshin Suzuki, Kyushu University, Japan

Panel Co-Chairs: 
* Valentina Tamma, University of Liverpool, UK
* Laurent Vercouter, ENS Mines Saint-Etienne, France

Demos Co-Chairs:
* Daniel Florian, University of Trento, Italy
* Gauthier Picard, ENS Mines Saint-Etienne, France

Industry Day Co-Chairs:
* Catherine Garbay, LIG-CNRS, France
* Hamid Motahari, HP Labs, Palo Alto, USA
* Michel Occello, Pierre Mendes France University, France

Summer School Co-Chairs:
* Cecile Favre, ERIC, University Lyon 2, France
* Jose-Norberto Mazon, University of Alicante, Spain

Ten Years Most Influencial Paper Award
* Gabriella Pasi, Universita degli Studi di Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy

Publicity Co-Chairs:
* Adnene Guabtni, UNSW, Sydney, Australia
* Christine Largeron, University Jean Monnet, Saint-Etienne, France
* Ansaf Salleb-Aouissi, Columbia University, New York, USA 

* Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

* Maria Gini, University of Minnesota, USA

WIC Co-Chairs/Directors:
* Ning Zhong, Maebashi Institute of Technology, Japan
* Jiming Liu, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

WIC Advisory Board:
* Edward A. Feigenbaum, Stanford University, USA
* Setsuo Ohsuga, University of Tokyo, Japan
* Benjamin Wah, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
* Philip Yu, University of Illinois, Chicago, USA
* L.A. Zadeh, University of California, Berkeley, USA

WIC Tech. Committee & WI/IAT Steering Committee:
* Jeffrey Bradshaw, UWF/Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, USA
* Nick Cercone, York University, Canada
* Dieter Fensel, University of Innsbruck, Austria
* Georg Gottlob, Oxford University, UK
* Lakhmi Jain, University of South Australia, Australia
* Jianchang Mao, Yahoo! Inc., USA
* Pierre Morizet-Mahoudeaux, Compiegne University of Technology, France
* Hiroshi Motoda, Osaka University, Japan
* Toyoaki Nishida, Kyoto University, Japan
* Andrzej Skowron, Warsaw University, Poland
* Jinglong Wu, Okayama University, Japan
* Xindong Wu, University of Vermont, USA
* Yiyu Yao, University of Regina, Canada

* Jean-Paul Jamont, Pierre Mendes France University, Valence, France

*** Contact Information ***

Email: wi-iat11@liris.cnrs.fr

Mailing-Liste: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-admin@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi