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International Journal of Digital Literacy and Digital
Competence (IJDLDC)
(DOI: 10.4018/IJDLDC, ISSN: 1947-3494, EISSN: 1947-3508)
Special Issue on
"School revolution ? Let’s start from teachers’ digital
literacy and competences !"
Guest Editors:
• Antonio Cartelli, University of Cassino
• Carlo Giovannella, University of Rome Tor Vergata
• Antonella Nuzzaci, University of L'Aquila
Deadline: October 30, 2015 ***
After the huge investments of the last decade on the development
of learning technologies that didn’t succeed in being massively
transferred within schools and other educational settings,
decision makers and scholars started to realize that the
bottleneck is largely determined by people and cultural settings:
for example the teachers’ level of acceptance of the technologies
as aids for the realization of higher quality educational
processes. A level of acceptance that, surprisingly, is much lower
than the corresponding one concerning technologies used daily to
satisfy individuals’needs.
This special issue, therefore, intends to investigate in more
detail the nature of the barriers that still prevent the
acquisition of adequate digital literacy and competences by
teachers. A precondition, this latter, needed to exploit at best
the potentialities of the technologies that should be adopted, not
because of the last wave, but rather to sharpen with educational
and technical awareness the quality of the learning processes.
We welcome contributions offering original perspectives or
describing case studies useful to answer at least one of the
following questions:
• Under which pedagogical perspective should teachers’ acquire
digital literacy and competences and use them daily into the
schools, by going beyond the “do it yourself” attitude and
embracing a systemic vision ?
• How teachers’ digital literacy needs to cross over and through
other literacies and
account for cultural issues, social contexts and peculiarities of
the knowledge domain under consideration ?
• Due to its continuous lagging behind the technology evolution,
there is no established and shared definition of digital literacy.
Are, therefore, the frameworks of reference developed to describe
teachers’ digital competences (e.g. UNESCO 2011) still useful or
need to be redefined ? How far can be used in a world where the
formal learning is mixing more and more with informal and not
formal ones ?
• How one can take advantage of the digital skills and competences
that teachers usually acquire during their daily life - for
example by using smart phones and social services - and transfer
them into schools settings, practices and processes ?
• How decision makers will effectively take care of the training
needs of educators and support the acquisition of adequate
technological, methodological and managerial skills ?
• How teacher’s individual digital literacy and competences
interplay with the e-maturity level of the bodies in which s/he
operates (schools and learning eco-systems at large) and, more in
general, may influence their transformation ?
Submission procedure and Authors' guidelines
Only original and previously unpublished articles will be
All article submissions will be forwarded to at least 3 members of
the Editorial Review Board of the journal for double-blind, peer
Final decision regarding acceptance/revision/rejection will be
based on the reviews received from the reviewers. All submissions
must be forwarded electronically.
All manuscript submissions to IJDLDC should be sent through the
online submission system:
For scientific advices and for any query please contact the
• cartan [at] unicas.it
• giovannella [at] scuolaiad.it
• antonella.nuzzaci [at] univaq.it
marking the subject as:
"IJDLDC, special issue on: 'School revolution ? Let’s start from
teachers’ digital literacy and competences !' "