Betreff: | [wkwi] JITTA 2017 Volume 18, Issue 1, Contents |
Datum: | Thu, 30 Mar 2017 11:46:10 +0200 (CEST) |
Von: | vom Brocke Jan <> |
Antwort an: | |
Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application (JITTA), 2017 Volume 18, Issue 1, Table of Contents, ==== ARTICLE 1 Editorial: Stimulating Discourse on Topical Themes in Information Systems Research Jan vom Brocke, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein Abstract JITTA continues to prove as an outlet to stimulate discourse on topical themes and timely contributions to information systems research. Special sections for big data analytics, business process management, human-centered IS, and neuroIS serve as standing call for papers on important contemporary research areas. The global profile of the editorial team, systematically involving all three strategic regions of the Association for Information Systems (AIS), contributes to a wide reach both of authors and readership. Last but not least, the journal’s strong commitment to fast turn-around times further facilitates knowledge dissemination and discourse in our field. In this issue, we publish two papers that we deem thought provoking and influential in important contemporary research areas. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below: ==== ARTICLE 2 Predator-prey / Obligate Mutualism in Information System Security and Usage Norman Pendegraft, University of Idaho, USA Abstract In this paper, I model the interaction of an information system, its users, and its attackers as an ecological system with three populations. I model the relationship between users and the system as an obligate mutualism and the relationship between the system and the attackers as a predator-prey relationship. Sensitivity analysis on a numerical example suggests that the model is consistent with expectations of economic reality. Critical point analysis suggests that defenses that reduce the reward to attackers are superior to those that reduce damage to assets. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below: ==== ARTICLE 3 Using a Work System Perspective to Expand BPM Research Use Cases Steven Alter, University of San Francisco, USA Jan Recker, Queensland University of Technology, Australia Abstract Business process management (BPM) has developed as a research field primarily situated in the computer and information systems sciences. Recently, van der Aalst (2013) analyzed the results of these research efforts and identified a set of research topics in the form of a series of BPM research use cases. Those BPM research use cases emphasize technological and computational challenges and solutions. Ideally, however, BPM research should also address managerial and organizational challenges that the existing technically oriented research use cases do not fully reflect. We propose expanding the scope and impact of BPM research by drawing on work system theory (WST) to identify new BPM research use cases and directions. After comparing a WST perspective on basic BPM topics with the technically oriented BPM perspective expressed in van der Aalst (2013), we present new research topics that extend the technically oriented BPM research use cases in van der Aalst (2013). We also present new research directions that go beyond those use cases. Taken together, the extensions of the existing research use cases and the new use cases lead to a more balanced BPM research agenda that more fully blends technical and managerial challenges. To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below: ==== ABOUT THE JOURNAL JITTA is an AIS Journal that is considered in a number of databases and rankings world-wide. It has been identified an A Journal in Australian Business Deans Council Journal Quality List 2016 and 2013 (on a four-Tier scale of A*, A, B, and C). JITTA is also included in the Journal List of the Chartered Association of Business Schools (United Kingdom) and the VHB Journal List (German Academic Association for Business Research).