-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: ICL2018 Date: Tue, 24 Apr 2018 20:10:26 +0200 From: ICL Conference Secretariat icl-conference@conftool.com Reply-To: info@icl-conference.org To: neumann@wu.ac.at
Dear Gustaf Neumann,
Dear colleague,
please note: The deadline for complete submissions of
* Full and Short Papers (only for authors with accepted abstracts) * Special Session papers * Work in Progress * Posters
as well as for proposals for
* Workshops and Round Table Discussions
is *01 June 2018*.
This deadline is hard. No extension will be possible.
Submissions via: https://www.conftool.com/icl-conference/
Please find below the latest news of ICL2018 Conference, Kos Island Greece:
* /Strategies for Building Inclusive Classrooms in Engineering./ *Stephanie Farrell*, Professor and Founding Chair of Experiential Engineering Education at Rowan University (USA) – 2018-19 President of the American Society for Engineering Education * /Educational Data Analytics for Personalized Learning in Online Education/. *Demetrios Sampson*, Golden Core Member, IEEE Computer Society – Professor, Digital Systems for Learning and Education, University of Piraeus, Greece * /New Challenges in Technical Higher Education:/ The Causes of the Dropout from an Engineering Pedagogical Aspect. *Péter Tóth*, Professor of Trefort Ágoston Centre for Engineering Education at Óbuda University, Hungary – Professor of Faculty of Education at János Selye University, Slovakia
* /The Engineer in a Global Networked World/. *Hans-Juergen Hoyer*, Secretary General of the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES), Executive Secretary of the Globlal Engineering Deans Council (GEDC)
The topic of the first *preconference workshop https://lists.online-engineering.net/lists/lt.php?tid=LUkHCVMDCV5TUklRA1BXGFYBAFcZXgJVWhVdVwEIBgUEUAEJU1ZNXlUABwVTVQEYVgRQBBlSAFFRFVpUUgRPAFQBV1JUVwRfAVVUTgcHAldUAA0FGQcABlQVDFQFAE9TXAcEHVINBwcBAFADVFFXUw* has been announced
The *program frame https://lists.online-engineering.net/lists/lt.php?tid=LUkCVlYGAlcBVEkCAgFRGFYEAFQZXw1UUBVeVgkDV1NXBwVTAVFNXlUABwVTVQEYVgRQBBlSAFFRFVpUUgRPAFQBV1JUVwRfAVVUTgcHAldUAA0FGQcABlQVDFQFAE9TXAcEHVINBwcBAFADVFFXUw *has already been shaped!
Your ICL2018 team!