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Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: ICCL 2020
Date: Mon, 13 Jan 2020 10:20:36 +0100
From: Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik <iwi@uni-hamburg.de>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

*International Conference on Computational Logistics (ICCL'20)*

Call for Papers and Sessions

University of Twente, Enschede, Netherlands, September 27-30, 2020


The 11th Conference on Computational Logistics will be held September 27-30, 2020 at the University of Twente in Enschede, The Netherlands. In the tradition of the previous conferences, the conference will focus on the theory and applications of operations research, artificial intelligence, and management science to problems in logistics. The theme of this edition is /Optimization and Artificial Intelligence in Logistics Management./

*Topics of the conference include among others:*

* Operations Research and Management in logistics
* Routing problems
* Emergency logistics
* Reverse logistics
* Crowd logistics
* Freight transportation
* Green supply chain
* Metropolitan/city logistics
* Smart Agro-Logistics
* Uncertainty modeling in planning and control
* Large-scale evolutionary optimization in logistics
* Multi-agent systems in logistics
* Self-organizing logistics
* Internet of things in smart logistics
* Artificial Intelligence in logistics
* Machine learning applications in supply chain
* Last generation ICT networks
* Land and maritime smart logistics
* ICT in logistics
* Computational issues in foreign trade supply chains
* Facility (re-)layout decision problems

*Important Dates*

* February 21, 2020: Submission deadline for proposal special sessions
* March 6, 2020: Notification of acceptance session proposals
* May 1, 2020: Submission deadline full papers (conference proceedings)
* June 12, 2020: Submission deadline abstracts for presentation only
* June 26, 2020: Notifications of acceptance (for both full papers and
* July 15, 2020: Deadline for submission camera-ready paper
* August 14, 2020: End of early registration (reduced conference fee)

Guidelines for special session proposals

Session proposals (length up to 400 words) should be submitted to Martijn Mes (m.r.k.mes@utwente.nl <mailto:m.r.k.mes@utwente.nl>) and Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz (e.a.lalla@utwente.nl <mailto:e.a.lalla@utwente.nl>), and should cover the following points:

* Session title.
* The organizer(s). Include names, addresses, affiliations, and
indicate the main responsible person.
* A brief summary of the scope/topic.

Further details can be found in: https://iccl2020.nl/call-for-papers/#sessions

Guidelines for paper submission

Two kinds of submissions are invited, i.e., a proposal can be submitted for:

* Conference papers for publication in Springer's Lecture Notes in
Computer Science (LNCS).
* Abstracts for presentation only.

Further details can be found in: https://iccl2020.nl/call-for-papers/#sessions


Conference papers will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences (LNCS), Springer.

Selected papers will be invited to a post-conference special issue in *Annals of Operations Research*.

Conference Chairs

* Eduardo Lalla-Ruiz (e.a.lalla@utwente.nl <mailto:e.a.lalla@utwente.nl>)
* Martijn Mes (m.r.k.mes@utwente.nl <mailto:m.r.k.mes@utwente.nl>)
* Stefan Voß (stefan.voss@uni-hamburg.de

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