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Subject: VLDB/MDDE-2003 - Submission Deadline: June 9, 2003 Date: Mon, 2 Jun 2003 12:39:22 +0200 From: "Chabane Djeraba" chabane.djeraba@polytech.univ-nantes.fr To: ontoweb-list@www1-c703.uibk.ac.at Cc: turkstat@bilkent.edu.tr
3rd International Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering (MDDE-2003) www.sciences.univ-nantes.fr/info/recherche/sic/djeraba/mdde03/mdde-2003.html September, 8th 2003, Berlin, Germany, in conjunction with
29th International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB-2003) http://www.vldb.informatik.hu-berlin.de/
The 3rd international Workshop on Multimedia Data and Document Engineering is aimed to bring together experts from all aspects of multimedia data and document engineering, including experts in data mining, documents engineering, digital media content analysis, multimedia databases and domain experts from diverse applied disciplines with potential in multimedia data and document engineering. Particularly, the workshop will address the following questions: - What are the problems and the applications addressed by multimedia data and document engineering? - What are the specific issues in knowledge extraction from multimedia data and documents composed of image, sound and video? - What are the advanced architectures for multimedia data and document storage and retrieval? - What are suitable representations and formats that can facilitate multimedia data and document management? - How can the existing database and data mining techniques be adapted and enhanced for knowledge discovery from unstructured complex multimedia data and documents?
Research papers are solicited in, but not limited to, the following topics: - Analysis, indexing and retrieval of multimedia data and documents - Models and languages for documents and semi-structured data - Semantic modeling and retrieval - Content description definition languages and metadata - Mining from semi structured data (video, image, audio, web documents) - Content-based multimedia indexing and retrieval - Video analysis and content exploration - Video genre classification - Multimedia database management systems - Relevance ranking of video clips for queries - Query processing and optimization - Multimedia Standardization Models (MPEG7, MPEG4, SMIL)
IMPORTANT DATES Submission Deadline: June 9, 2003 Notification of Acceptance: June 20, 2003 Camera-ready papers due: July 20, 2003 Workshop: September 8, 2003
PROGRAM CHAIR Sadiye Guler, Northrop Grumman Information Technology / TASC, USA
PROGRAM COMITTEE MEMBERS Michel Adiba (University of Joseph Fourier, France) Mokrane Bouzeghoub (University of Versaille, France) Chabane Djeraba (University of Nantes, France) Dave Doermann (University of Maryland, USA) Jianping Fan (University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA) Elena Ferrari (University of Milano, Italy) Farshad Fotouhi (Wayne State University, USA) William Grosky (University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA) Alex Hauptman (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Tom D. Little (Boston University, USA) Andrew Merlino (Virage Inc., USA) Deb Kumar Roy (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA) Gunther Saake (Universität Magdeburg, Germany) Mohand-Said Hacid (University of Lyon, France) Ishwar Sethi (Oakland University, USA) Mubarak Shah (University of Central Florida, USA) Christine Vanoirbeck (EPFL, Switzerland) Aidong Zhang (University of Buffalo, USA)
SUBMISSIONS Only electronic submission is accepted. The submission deadline is June 9, 2003. Please follow the instructions given below. Papers will be reviewed using a double blind review process and accepted papers will appear in MDDE'03 proceedings. Proceedings will be distributed to all participants at the workshop. If you have any questions or problems regarding the submission process, please send e-mail to SGuler@northropgrumman.com with subject MDDE03.
ELECTRONIC SUBMISSION 1.. Prepare your manuscript, in English, using one of the two provided style files, either LaTeX (in tar gzipped format) or Microsoft Word 97/2000 (in Zip format). The submitted manuscript should correspond to the full paper and be no longer than 8 (double-column) pages. 2.. Create a Portable Document Format (PDF) version of your manuscript. 3.. Send your manuscript in PDF to SGuler@northropgrumman.com