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CALL FOR PAPERS: Electronic Commerce Research, Springer
Special Issue on Electronic Commerce in Social Networks
- Morad Benyoucef, PhD, Professor, Telfer School of Management,
University of Ottawa, Canada
benyoucef@telfer.uottawa.ca - Xiao-Liang Shen, PhD,
Professor, Economics and Management School, Wuhan University,
xlshen@whu.edu.cn - Zhao Huang, PhD, Associate Professor,
School of Computer Science, Shaanxi Normal University, China
Electronic commerce in social networks aka social commerce
(s-commerce) leverages the social ties that exist between members
of a social network as a vehicle for electronic commerce.
S-commerce includes both exchange-related activities at stages of
the consumer's decision-making process and the design and
implementation of computer-mediated social environments, where
meaningful personal connections and sustained social interactions
exist among network members. S-commerce emphasizes social goals,
social connection and multi-user interaction. Successful
s-commerce requires a deep understanding of the interplay of the
consumer's decision-making process and the associated social
interaction enablers.
This special issue seeks high-quality, innovative and novel
research that explores s-commerce, with a focus on new s-commerce
models, design theories for s-commerce, empirical and theoretic
work on relevant business processes and consumer behavior, and how
s-commerce integrates and expands the knowledge rooted in diverse
disciplines and across different locations. All contributions
should clearly address knowledge gaps in the field of s-commerce
and will be peer-reviewed.
This special issue is open to research submissions from all
theoretical perspectives, using all methodologies, and at all
levels of unit of analysis. We call for research across a range of
disciplines, including information systems, marketing, and
management. Submissions are expected to contribute to the
development of new ideas and the advancement of current knowledge
in the field of s-commerce. We particularly welcome research that
challenges our field's boundaries and addresses emerging
concepts/themes of s-commerce. Topics of interest include (but are
not limited to):
- Systems design that enables s-commerce
- Customer experience in s-commerce
- Drivers of s-commerce engagement
- Decision-making process in s-commerce
- Emerging services in s-commerce
- Business value derived from s-commerce
- Business models and s-commerce strategies
- Informational behavior on s-commerce platforms
- Cross-cultural issues related to s-commerce
- Integration of s-commerce and other innovative technologies
- Dark sides (e.g., privacy and risks, negative/misleading WOM) of
All submissions must be original, not published or under review
elsewhere. Authors should submit their manuscripts through the
Electronic Commerce Research (ECR) online submission system
http://www.springer.com/journal/10660/submission), and specify
"Article Type" as "S-commerce Special Issue". Manuscripts should
follow ECR's guidelines for manuscript submission instructions,
and be no more than 32 double-spaced pages in 12-point font,
inclusive of all figures, tables, figures, and appendixes. Any
inquiries about the special issue can be sent by email to the
coordinating guest editor Morad Benyoucef
- Submission of Manuscripts: Dec 31, 2018 - Notification to
authors: Feb 28, 2019
- Revised version due: Apr 30, 2019
- Final decision: June 30, 2019
- Final revised Manuscripts: July 31, 2019 - Publication: fall
2019 (exact date to be determined)
Morad Benyoucef, PhD
Full Professor
Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa
Office: DMS7120
Phone:(613) 562 5800, 4787
benyoucef@telfer.uottawa.ca Address: 55 Laurier Ave. East,
Ottawa, ON K1N 6N5, Canada
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