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Call for Papers- Special Issue on "Issues and Challenges of the
Diffusion of Web 2.0 on User Privacy and Security"
Journal of Information Privacy and Security
Scope of special issue
Web 2.0 technologies are transforming how people interact, communicate
and exchange information. Web 2.0 tools include blogs, wikis, social
networking sites, twitter, Flickr, youtube, virtual worlds etc. Web 2.0
provides great value to both individuals and businesses. Individuals can
easily connect, interact and generate new content, and businesses are
leveraging Web 2.0 to advertise and market products to users. There are
millions of users using Web 2.0 tools to create and share content on
blogs, wikis, YouTube, Flickr, del.icio.ous and other social networking
sites. This use of Web 2.0 applications increases the amount of
information that is provided by individuals. This information is a gold
mine for businesses that need to extend their reach to consumers.
The eruptive growth of Web 2.0 applications has raised concerns for user
privacy and security. As millions of users provide and exchange
information on the Internet using Web 2.0 tools, there are concerns
about how their personal information is collected and used. The impact
of Web 2.0 technologies on user privacy and security is a major issue
impacting businesses, researchers, users and policy makers alike.
This special issue will provide a forum to share research related to
issues and challenges of the diffusion of web 2.0 on user privacy and
security. The issues and challenges of the diffusion of web 2.0 on user
privacy can be addressed from multiple perspectives. For example, one
can research the issues and challenges from an individual's perspective,
organizational perspective, society perspective, or government
perspective. Each perspective presents unique issues that can be
examined or challenges that need to be addressed. In the following
paragraphs we list potential questions that can be addressed in this
Individual Perspective: Do people care? Do people know? Do people
understand? Does age matter? Does culture impact people understanding
or attitude?
Organizational Perspective: Do organizations do a good job of informing
users on privacy policies? Do organizations solicit feedback on their
privacy policies? Do organizations educate (train) employees on
consumer privacy? How do organizations leverage shared on social
Society Perspective: How does the diffusion of web 2.0 impact privacy
issues in society? How has societal perspective on privacy transformed
with the evolution of web 2.0? Are there any differences in how
societies around the world view the impact of web 2.0 on privacy and
Government Perspective: What policies and laws are needed to address
privacy and security issues in the context of web 2.0? What role should
national governments play in drafting policies and laws to address these
issues? What unique challenges and opportunities does this create for
governments around the world?
Submission guidelines
The submitted papers must be written in English and describe original
research which is not published nor currently under review by other
journals or conferences. Please check the journal website
(http://jips.cob.tamucc.edu/) for details on submission guidelines.
Please submit all submissions to Anil Kumar (anil.kumar@cmich.edu) or
Poonam Kumar (pkumar@svsu.edu).
Guest editors
Anil Kumar
Central Michigan University
Poonam Kumar
Saginaw Valley State University
Important dates
Submission of abstract (1-2 page): January 15, 2010
Submission of paper: March 15, 2010
Acceptance notification: May 15, 2010
Revisions due: July 15, 2010
Publication date: October 2010
We look forward to receiving your submissions for the special issue.
Please forward all inquiries to Anil Kumar (anil.kumar@cmich.edu) or
Poonam Kumar (pkumar@svsu.edu).
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