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Subject: [AISWorld] Managed Complexity, CFP
Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2023 13:52:44 +0000
From: Mārīte Kirikova <Marite.Kirikova@rtu.lv>
To: AISWorld <aisworld-bounces@lists.aisnet.org>, AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

Call for Papers
ManComp 2023
8th Workshop on Managed Complexity


1-day workshop
September 15, 2023
University of Camerino - Ascoli Piceno, Italy
in conjunction with BIR 2023


Managing complexity has a long tradition for algorithms and general problems. However, it is an important issue also in Business Informatics domain. Here the complexity of different systems and systems of systems has to be managed. While complexity usually associates with large or very large scale systems still managing complexity is important even for systems with small sizes operating in complex environment. Nowadays informatics requires handling complexity at different levels and configurations of social, physical, enterprise, software, and hardware systems. The workshop is planned to focus on approaches and methods for managing complexity in the domain of applied informatics that may concern interplay of systems and ecosystems of various sizes and substances. Its purpose is to share and transfer knowledge on complexity identification, representation, controlling and reduction as well as to exploit possible synergies in development of innovative complexity handling strategies, approaches, and methods.
The ultimate goal of the workshop is bringing together researchers and practitioners to discuss theoretical approaches or real-life case studies featuring success and/or failure stories in managing complexity. It welcomes seeking and discussing answers to such complexity management questions as:

* How is complexity divided?
* What kinds of models are to be specified?
* What is the role of system architecture in complexity handling?
* How is the human recognized in the loop?
* What kind of rules are to be applied?
* In which way do patterns help?
* Which notation or ontologies are useful in complexity handling?
* How is knowledge reused?
* How is knowledge propagated?
* and many others.

Based on these discussions, we expect to deepen the understanding of strategies, approaches, and methods in managing complexity in enterprise and software engineering. A cross-pollination of experiences in both domains is assumed.

Three types of submissions are welcomed: position papers, research papers, and reports. All types should treat a topic from the workshop themes.

* Position papers (2-6 pages): Such papers should state the position of the authors regarding any topic of the workshop.
* Reports (6-8 pages) Experience reports and case studies are expected to be submitted in this category.
* Research papers (10-12 pages): Research papers should describe innovative approaches.

In workshop proceedings of the conference, Authors must use the CEUR-ART style for writing papers to be published with CEUR-WS. The uniform style for the proceedings is 1-column. The CEUR-ART styles can be found in the
https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-XXX/CEURART.zip file.
The papers should be submitted to
https://easychair.org/my/conference?conf=bir20230, and clicking the option „Workshop on Managed Complexity“
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: July 21, 2023
Author notification August: 21, 2023
Camera-ready submission August 31, 2021

Workshop topics include, but are not limited to:

* Measures of complexity
* Agility in complexity
* Models for handling complexity
* Tools for managing complexity
* Enterprise Architectures and Complexity
* Ontologies for managing complexity
* Patterns for managing complexity
* Capability impact on complexity management

Organizers and the chairs of PC
Peter Forbrig, University of Rostock, Germany
Marite Kirikova, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Charles Moller, Aarhus University, Denmark

Program Committee (tentative)
Clara Bassano, "Panthenope" University of Naples, Italy
Bertrand, David, Ecole Centrale de Lyon, France
Peter Forbrig, University of Rostock, Germany
Janis Grundspenkis, Riga technical University, Latvia
Igli Hakrama, Metropolitan Tirana University, Albania
Markus Helfert, Dublin City University, Ireland
Ebba Þóra Hvannberg, Iceland University, Iceland
Marite Kirikova, Riga Technical University, Latvia
Christophe Kolski, University of Valenciennes, France
Paula Kotze, CSIR Meraka Institute Pretoria, South Africa
Charles, Moller, Aarhus University, Denmark
Malgorzata Pankovska, University of Economics in Katowice, Poland
Khuram Shahzad, University of the Punjab<https://www.linkedin.com/company/864725?trk=prof-exp-company-name>, Pakistan
Chris Stary, University of Linz, Austria
Bengt Wangler, Stockholm University, Sweden
Marco Winckler, Paul Sabatier University Toulouse, France
Jelena Zdravkovic, Stockholm University, Sweden
Iryna Zolotaryova, Kharkiv National University of Economics, Ukraine

If further information is needed, please contact:

* Marite Kirikova: marite.kirikova@cs.rtu.lv<mailto:%6D%61%72%69%74%65%2E%6B%69%72%69%6B%6F%76%61%40cs.rtu.lv>
* Peter Forbrig: peter.forbrig@uni-rostock.de<mailto:%70%65%74%65%72%2E%66%6F%72%62%72%69%67%40uni-rostock.de>
Charles Moller: charles@mpe.au.dk