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Subject: [AISWorld] CFP: 18th Annual Security Conference, Las Vegas, April 29-May 1, 2019
Date: Wed, 22 Aug 2018 09:02:06 -0400
From: Gurpreet Dhillon <gpdhillon9@gmail.com>
To: AISworld@lists.aisnet.org

The 18th Annual Security Conference
Securing the Interconnected World

April 29 - May 1, 2019
The Tuscany
Las Vegas, Nevada, USA



Submissions: January 15, 2019.

The nature and scope of the Information Security field have evolved over
the past several years. No longer are we just concerned with protecting the
technical edifice. Our emphasis has become more holistic and we tend to
consider all aspects of information protection as central to the field of
security. The Annual Security Conference provides a forum for discourses
in Security, Assurance, and Privacy that will define the moment and provide
a useful basis for nurturing further dialogues.

Contributions in the form of research papers, panel proposals, and case
studies are invited. All submissions are peer-reviewed and considered for
publication in the Journal of Information System Security (
http://www.jissec.org), European Journal of Management Studies and
Information and Computer Security.

Further details and submission instructions can be found at:

General Chair
Gurpreet Dhillon, The University of North Carolina, Greensboro, USA

Co-Conference Chairs
Dionysios Demetis, University of Hull, UK
Steve Furnell, University of Plymouth, UK

Program Chair
Mark Harris, Augusta University, USA
Mark Schmidt, St. Cloud State University, USA
Spiro Samonas, California State University, Long Beach, USA

European Outreach Chairs
Ella Kolkowska, Örebro University, Sweden
Sergio Nunes, ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal

International Program Committee
Atif Ahmad, University of Melbourne, Australia
Ian Angell, London School of Economics, UKIMG_0424
James Backhouse, London School of Economics, UK
Rita Barrios, Compuware, USA
Stefan Beißel, EUFH, Germany
Mario Caldeira, ISEG University of Lisboa, Portugal
Nathan Clarke, University of Plymouth, UK
David L. Coss, College of Charleston, USA
Eduardo Vera Cruz, University of Lisboa, Portugal
Meledath Damodaran, University of Houston-Victoria, USA
John D’Arcy, Notre Dame University, USA
Dionysis Demetis, University of Hull, UK
Robert Erbacher, Utah State University, USA
Jean-Noel Ezingeard, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK
Solange Ghernaouti-Hélie, University of Lausanne, Switzerland
Sanjay Goel, State University of New York at Albany, NY, USA
Karin Hedstrom, Orebro University, Sweden
Anat Hovav, Korea University Business School, S. Korea
Fredrik Karlson, Orebro University, Sweden
Ella Kolkowska, Orebro University, Sweden
Michael Lapke, University of Mary Washington, USA, USA
Jeff May, James Madison University, USA
Jean-Henry Morin, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Krish Muralidhar, University of Kentucky, USA
Sergio Nunes, ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal
Yasser Omar, ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal
Nancy Pouloudi, Athens University of Economics & Business, Greece
Mario Romāo, ISEG, University of Lisboa, Portugal
Nancy Russo, Northern Illinois University, USA
Carlos Salema, IST University of Lisboa, Portugal
Rathindra Sarathy, Oklahoma State University, USA
Filipe de Sá-Soares, University of Minho, Portugal
Reijo Savola, VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland Oulu, Finland
Richard S. Swart, Utah State University, USA
Junyuan Zeng, Samsung Research America, USA
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