-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Legal Security and Privacy Issues (Prague) CFP Datum: Tue, 10 Jun 2008 01:56:17 +0200 (CEST) Von: sylvia.kierkegaard@lspi.net Antwort an: sylvia.kierkegaard@lspi.net An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
The Third International Conference on Legal, Security and Privacy Issues in IT Law (LSPI)
Date: September 3-5, 2008 Place: Prague
The International Association of IT Lawyers (IAITL) and the University Economics Prague invite you to participate in the 3rd Intl. Conference on legal, security and privacy issues in information technology law.
The Conference is an opportunity for academics, practitioners and consultants to come together, exchange ideas, and discuss emerging issues in IT law and the emerging technological environment. We invite contributions focusing on Legal, Security and Privacy Issues of IT, including: Cybercrime E-signatures E-forensics and Evidence Email monitoring and privacy issues in the workplace Data retention & protection Intellectual Property Rights Contract and Tort Virtual Companies E-commerce law Media & entertainment law Data mining Internet Freedom Phishing,virus,malware etc. Trustmarks Legal risks and protection strategies E-government& edemocracy Jurisdiction in Cyberspace Mobile technology Robots &Intelligent agents Consumer Protection Cross-border ADR and Litigation Content Regulation and Liability Issues Telecommunication law and technology Licensing and franchising IT Outsourcing Taxation of cross-border transactions Jurisdictional barriers to regulation and enforcement E-trade Audio-visual technology Broadband technology Virtual worlds: regulation and taxation issues
The conference committee is seeking submissions of papers for oral presentations at the conference in two major categories:
Academic, peer reviewed papers - these papers will be peer reviewed by members of the program committee and other independent reviewers (where necessary) and will be published in the under a non-exclusive copyright agreement in the edited conference proceedings with ISBN. All papers will also be published in several leading international journals. Case studies, abstracts of research in progress, as well as full research papers will be considered for the conference program for presentation purposes. However, only complete papers will be published in the proceedings. Previously published peer-reviewed papers will also be considered, provided the authors (s) are granted license from the publisher and publication information are noted in the article.
Non-academic papers - these papers will not be peer reviewed. These papers will be selected on merit by the program committee. This category covers corporate papers, best practices, new technologies, policy issues etc. For complete papers, authors must provide about 150 word abstract and five keywords. There is a maximum page limit of 15 pages (single-spaced, Times Roman10). All photos, tables and figures must be in jpg format. Papers must be submitted in the correct template, which may be downloaded from the website.
All information enabling the identification of authors must be removed from submissions undergoing academic peer review. Please send in a separate attachment in a word document, the following information: Title, Affiliation and Authors Name.
Send submissions by electronic mail in a Word document to:
submit@lspi.net or sylvia@kierkegaard.co.uk
For further information, please contact:
Sylvia Kierkegaard sylvia.kierkegaard@lspi.net ; contact@lspi.net
Jiri Strouhal strouhal@vse.cz +420606887164.
Submission Deadline for Full Research Papers: August 1, 2008 Submission Deadline for Abstract Presentations: August 15, 2008 Notification of Acceptance: August 3, 2008 For papers submitted before the deadline, authors will be notified 7 days after submission Final Camera-Ready (Proceedings) Version and Registration: August 10, 2008
For further details about the Conference:
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