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MAMA 2013: Metrics, Analysis and Tools for Online Community Management
Sep 19, 2013
held in conjunction with the INFORMATIK 2013 conference
Koblenz, Germany
** Summary **
Online communities have become a part of many aspects of our everyday life.
For many people they form an essential channel for communicating with their
friends and private social network. Business oriented communities create a
rich eco-sphere of information and interaction with employees and customers
for industries. Frequently, new community platforms are launched on the
public web, for dedicated interest groups or in company intranets. The
number of members in these communities quickly grows to thousands or even
millions of users. The complex nature of such online communities, their
structure, the generated content as well as their social value motivate a
demand to manage these communities and to take care of their prosperity.
This demand calls for tools to analyse, understand and actively manage
online communities. In the context of larger communities even the role of a
community manager is called for.
In this workshop we intend to bring together researchers and practitioners
to discuss concrete scenarios and needs of community owners and
administrators on the one hand and solutions and tools for the analysis and
management of communities developed and proposed by researchers on the
other hand. To this end the workshop is composed of invited talks from
industries to demonstrate their settings and challenges as well as
technical program with scientific papers. In an additional setting of
break-out sessions we will bring together the two worlds to allow for
networking and cross fertilization effects.
** Topics of Interest **
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* Data mining and analytics of online community data
(structures, content and interactions)
* Forecasting and simulation of the development of
an online community
* Policy making processes for online communities
* Success metrics for online communities
* Management tools for online communities
** Submissions **
For the MAMA workshop we seek full technical research papers presenting
novel work. Submitted papers should describe original work and present
significant results. We encourage authors to provide references to their
public data sets and other material used in their evaluation as well as
links to live demo systems or the source code of their tools.
Paper submissions must be formatted in the style of the Lecture Notes in
Informatics (LNI) and must not exceed 12 pages. Submissions which do not
comply with the LNI formatting or which exceed the page limit will be
rejected without review.
Submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three independent reviewers.
The review process will be double-blind, so please anonymize your
submission. Accepted papers have to be presented at the workshop. At least
one author must register for the INFORMATIK 2013 conference by June 30.
Submissions will be managed by the INFORMATIK 2013 submission system:
** Important Dates **
All deadlines end on the specified date at 23:59pm CEST
* Submission of papers: 22 April, 2013
* Notification of acceptance: 20 May, 2013
* Camera-ready versions of accepted papers: 1 July, 2013
Mailing-Liste: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
Administrator: wi-request@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi