-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: WWW2014 - Call for Papers
Datum: Wed, 4 Sep 2013 13:00:07 +0800
Von: newsletter@iw3c2.org
An: newsletter@iw3c2.org

*** WWW2014 Call for Contributions ***

The 23rd International World Wide Web Conference,
April 7-11, 2014
Seoul, Korea


For more than two decades, the International World-Wide Web Conference has
been the premier venue for researchers, academics, businesses, and
standard bodies to come together and discuss latest updates on the state
and evolutionary path of the Web. The main conference program of WWW 2014
will have 11 areas (or themes) for refereed paper presentations, and we
invite you to submit your cutting-edge, exciting, new breakthrough work to
the relevant area. In addition to the main conference, WWW 2014 will also
have a series of co-located workshops, keynote speeches, tutorials,
panels, a developer track, and poster and demo sessions.

For more details and the important dates, please visit
http://www2014.wwwconference.org/ and details attached.

Upcoming newsletters, subscribing, etc.

The WWW2014 Newsletter will be sent periodically, roughly once every month
leading up to the conference.  To unsubscribe, either via
http://www.iw3c2.org/mailman/listinfo/newsletter) directly or send an
email to "contact at iw3c2 dot org"