ICMLA 2012: The 11th International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications Boca Raton, Florida, USA, December 12-15, 2012 http://www.icmla-conference.org/icmla12 Call for Papers The Eleventh International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA 2012) will be held at Boca Raton, Florida, USA on December 12-15, 2012. The aim of the conference is to bring researchers working in the areas of machine learning and applications together. The conference will cover both theoretical and experimental research results. Submission of machine learning papers describing machine learning applications in fields like medicine, biology, industry, manufacturing, security, education, virtual environments, game playing and problem solving is strongly encouraged. Paper Submission: Authors are expected to ensure that their final manuscripts are original and are not appearing in other publications. Each submission should be limited to 6 pages and submitted in IEEE format (double column). All submissions will be handled electronically. A selected number of accepted papers will be invited for possible inclusion, in an expanded and revised form, in some special journal issues. ICMLA 2012 Best Paper Award and ICMLA 2012 Best Poster Award will be conferred at the conference to the authors of the best research paper and best poster presentation, respectively. Paper Submission Date: Main Conference July 6th Special Session August 6th Paper Notification Date: September 7th Camera Ready Submission: October 1st