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Betreff: [AISWorld] Final Call for Abstracts to UWS Joint-Conference - New Deadline: 30 May 2017
Datum: Fri, 5 May 2017 21:08:51 +0000
Von: Abel Usoro <Abel.Usoro@uws.ac.uk>
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

UWS Joint Conference:
28th Annual IIMA (International Information Management Association) http://www.iima.org/
4th ICITED (International Conference on Information Technology and Economic Development)

Dates: 11-13 September 2017

Location: Paisley, Scotland, UK

Theme: Smart Systems for Complex Problems

Both technical and non-technical submissions are invited:
Abstracts to conference and papers to journals; also submissions for panel or workshop, PhD symposium and poster event
Details at http://www.uws.ac.uk/jointconference2017/
Email contact: jointconf@uws.ac.uk<mailto:jointconf@uws.ac.uk>

New Submission deadline: 30 May 2017

Conference Description:
Society appears to be becoming more complex. We need to address the challenges from rising complexity through the knowledge and intelligence available in technological and social systems. From a technical perspective there is the search for more efficient computing algorithms using computational intelligence along with nano-scale technologies and sensors that could simplify human, business and industrial operations by taking over human cognitive functions. We find the application of smart systems in a wide range of topics such as the support for the elderly and disabled, medical applications, smart city technologies (e.g. transportation, energy management, and industrial automation), and different business systems (e.g. e-payment). Since these technologies are mostly to assist humans, the human side of the system cannot be ignored. Nor can we ignore business and organisational aspects since the systems affect business and organisations either as recipients or as financiers. There is 
 great opportunity for research in areas such as systems analysis, information management (which includes big data from which intuitive insights can be drawn), knowledge management and human-computer interface. This joint-conference, therefore, expects contributions about current research and work in progress in both the technical and non-technical aspects geared at addressing complex human, business, industrial and organisational problems. The conference seeks submissions related but not exclusive to the following areas:

Smart Systems
Artificial Intelligence
Computational Intelligence
Information Science
IT for Economic
Technological Innovations
Virtual Computing
Digital Marketing,
Business Analytics
Cloud Computing
Emerging Trends
Digital Accounting
Healthcare IT
IT Auditing/Forensics
Mobile Computing
Organizational Culture & Technology
Social Networking
Big Data
Ethics for Smart Future

Submission of Abstracts to conference:
Submissions to the conference must not already have been published in a journal, presented at another conference, or be currently under consideration for publication or presentation elsewhere. All submissions will be reviewed by the track chairs, program committee and selected reviewers. All reviews are double blind. All accepted Abstracts will be published in the UWS Joint Conference 2017 Abstract Proceedings. Submit Abstracts at https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=iima2017

Submission for Panel or Workshop:
The conference will feature sessions on topics of business, profession, government and education. To propose a panel or a workshop, contact the program chair (abel.usoro@uws.ac.uk or jointconf@uws.ac.uk). For a panel, provide the session topic and a list of 3-5 potential panelists. For a workshop, provide a short description (800 words) of the proposed workshop. Have the word "Panel" or "Workshop", whichever is relevant, on your email subject.

Submission of Papers to Journals:
Submission of papers to the Journals is separate from the submission of Abstracts to the conference. Authors may submit any articles for publication to one of the two following journals at the time as submitting the abstract: Communications of the IIMA (CIIMA) 1941-6687-online, or the Journal of International Technology & Information Management (JITIM) 1941-6679-online. Submit papers at www.IIMA.org<http://www.IIMA.org>.

Submission for PhD Symposium:
Research students are encouraged to submit proposals for this symposium. Final year students will particularly benefit from the feedback and input of typical viva examiners who will be there to support you. A submission of not more than 10 pages (single spacing, Times New Roman 12 font point) with this suggested outline, if it is a complete work (a) background, (b) aim, (c) objectives, (d) methods, (e) findings and discussion, (f) conclusions, contribution to knowledge and recommendations. There should be proper and current citations as well as references. Accepted proposals will be published in the proceedings. The keyword "PhD Symposium" must begin your title and be contained in your email subject. Submit proposals to jointconf@uws.ac.uk<mailto:jointconf@uws.ac.uk>.

Submission for Posters:
Proposals are not blinded and must contain the authors' names, affiliations and contact information. The poster title and email subject must begin with the keyword "POSTER". All submissions must designate a single corresponding author. In order to be included in the conference, at least one presenter per accepted poster/demo must register for the conference. The accepted posters/demos will be published in the proceedings.
Submit Posters to jointconf@uws.ac.uk<mailto:jointconf@uws.ac.uk>

New Submission Deadline: 30 May 2017
New Acceptance Notification: 15 June 2017
Final Version: 1 July 2017

Conference Chair:
Professor Ian Allison
University of the West of Scotland

Program Chair:
Dr Abel Usoro
University of the West of Scotland


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