-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] CAISE'2017: Call for Workshops Proposals Datum: Sat, 01 Oct 2016 19:53:40 +0200 Von: Selmin Nurcan nurcan@univ-paris1.fr An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
Dear Colleagues,
Please find underneath the Call for Workshops Proposals for the 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering.**
I would be grateful to all who could disseminate this Call in their personal networks.
Best regards, Selmin Nurcan CAISE'2017 Publicity Chair
*CAISE'2017 Call for Workshops proposals*
CAiSE 2017 - 29th International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering 12-16 June 2017, Essen, Germany
*http://caise2017.paluno.de/ *
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAiSE is a well-established highly visible conference series on Advanced Information Systems Engineering. CAiSE has a long tradition of hosting thematic workshops around Information Systems topics. CAiSE workshops provide ample room for discussion of recent developments, as well as new and emerging ideas.
CAiSE 2017, the 29th edition of the CAiSE series, invites proposals for workshops to be held in conjunction with the conference. Two kinds of workshop proposals are invited:
* /*Paper-oriented workshops*/ concentrate on presentations of accepted papers with associated discussions. The proceedings of these workshops will be published as one volume in the Springer LNBIP series. According to Springer standards, the acceptance rate of full papers (up to 12 pages) should not exceed 45%-50%. Some of the contributions might be accepted as short papers (up to 6 pages). The organizers are encouraged to elicit short papers that deal with new and emerging ideas to be discussed in the workshop. * /*Discussion-oriented workshops */have an emphasis on discussions. The discussions are facilitated by paper presentations. Since the main criterion for paper acceptance for such workshops is relevance and potential for raising discussion, the papers of this kind of workshop will not be published in the Springer LNBIP volume. The workshop organizers are expected to manage their own proceedings (e.g., using the CEUR series).
Workshop proposals should follow the guidelines below. They should be submitted to the workshop co-chairs Anne Persson (anne.persson@his.se) and Andreas Metzger (andreas.metzger@paluno.uni-due.de). Prior contact with the workshop chairs is encouraged.
------------------------------------ *Important dates for workshop proposals* ------------------------------------*_ _*Deadline for submission of workshops proposals (via email): *20 October 2016* Notification of workshop acceptance: 3 November 2016 *_ _*------------------------------------------------------------------* Important dates for workshop paper submission for accepted workshops** **------------------------------------------**------------------* Abstract submission: 24 February 2017 Workshop papers: 3 March 2017 Camera ready papers: 17 April 2017 Summary by workshop chairs: 17 April 2017
Accepted workshops will be held on June 12th and/or June 13th 2017.
------------------------------------------* Detailed instructions for workshop proposals** *------------------------------------------ The proposal (length up to 1000 words) should cover the following topics:
1. Workshop title, duration (1 day or 2 days), and workshop type (paper-oriented or discussion-oriented). 2. The organizers (PC chairs, additional organizers present at the workshop or are otherwise involved, including people responsible for web presence and communication). Please include names, addresses, affiliations, and indicate the main responsible person. The submission should include a one-paragraph (up to 10 lines) short CV for each organizer, describing relevant qualifications and experience. 3. Purpose: What are the main goals of the workshop? Please list the workshop topics. How does the focus of the workshop differ from and complement the main conference? 4. Organization of the workshop: How do you plan to organise the workshop in terms of type of sessions, etc. Mention if you plan to have a keynote (please note that the conference organization will not cover fees, travel expenses, accommodation nor registration cost). Please mention if you require any special requirement regarding infrastructure and room layout. 5. Proceedings: For paper-oriented workshops LNBIP will be the default publication. For discussion-oriented workshops, specify how the contributions will be published and how you make them available to attendees (especially if you require some support from the conference organization). 6. Tentative list of PC members. 7. An estimation of the number of papers you are expecting to be submitted and the number of attendees at the workshop. If applicable, please provide information on previous editions of the workshop (this should include number of submission, number of accepted papers, number of attendance, etc.) 8. Short information about your publicity plans for the workshop to increase submission and making it highly visible. 9. Draft of the Call for Paper (1 page PDF as appendix to the above information)
All workshops are expected to have the same, fixed submission deadline -- March 3. Notification of acceptance or rejection for the papers of the main conference is February 23. Ideally, workshops set February 24 for submitting paper abstracts.
**---------------------------------------*- Responsibilities of the Workshop Organisers** *---------------------------------------- The organizer(s) of approved workshops will be responsible for advertising their workshop, for eliciting high quality submissions, for organising and overviewing the reviewing process of workshop submissions, and for the collection of the camera-ready copies of accepted papers (verifying that they comply with the formatting rules). Organizers (including co-organizers) are expected to attend their workshop, and to provide a summary of the event to the CAiSE organizers. Workshops with papers published in the LNBIP proceedings should use Easychair (at least the final version of the papers) to support an efficient proceedings process.
---------------------* Free Registrations** *--------------------- One free workshop registration will be granted if more than 10 people are registered for the workshop. Local organization support (registration, badges, refreshments, beamers, screens, etc.) will be provided by the CAiSE organizers. A joint advertisement of workshops on the CAiSE'17 website and in general e-mailings (e.g., SEWORLD) will be made by the CAiSE organizers.
---------------------*------------ Submissions by Workshop Organizers** *---------------------------------- Workshop organizers should not submit to their own workshops. However, if there is more than one workshop organizer, at least one workshop organizer should not submit. This workshop organizer then should lead and guide the workshop paper review and selection process.
---------------------* ****Cancelation and Merging of Workshops *--------------------- If there are several workshop proposals focusing on similar topics, we might suggest merging workshops. Accepted workshops with less than 12 submissions may be cancelled by the workshop chairs, or the workshop chairs might suggest to merge with another workshop to avoid a cancelation. The merge will be done (if at all) before the submitted papers are evaluated. If less than 6 papers are accepted for a workshop, the workshop could also be cancelled or requested to merge with a workshop to avoid cancelation. Also, please note that a workshop may be cancelled if the number of registrations is less than 10.
*Andreas Metzger*,**Paluno, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany* **Anne Persson*, University of Skövde, Sweden* *CAISE'2017 Workshop Chairs* ***
*Web site*: http://caise2017.paluno.de/