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CDVE2023 Call for Papers
The 20th International conference on Cooperative Design
Visualization and Engineering (CDVE2023) will be held in Mallorca,
Spain on October 1-4, 2023. See
www.cdve.org for details.
You are all welcome to submit papers and join us! The focus of the
conference is "cooperative". Research results concerning multiple
users, multiple disciplinaries, multiple locations, multiple
units, multiple sensors are within our attention. The major areas
are in design, visualization, and engineering, and any other
cooperative applications. The areas include social networks, IoT,
sensor networks, health care, education etc. Check our
https://www.cdve.org/cfpaper.html for more. This year we will
include cooperative applications in more areas such as in
metaverse etc.
The proceedings of CDVE2023 will be published by the LNCS -
Lecture Notes in Computer Science by Springer Nature. It will be
indexed by ISI(CPCI-S), Web of Science, EI, Scopus, DBLP, ACM
Digital Library etc. Selected papers will have the opportunity to
fully expand to be considered in a couple SCI indexed journals.
A recommended submission of abstracts is now open. You can submit
the whole paper directly without submitting an abstract. However,
we highly recommend you to submit an abstract first to receive
some feedback before writing the full paper. The abstract
submission deadline is Feb. 15, 2023. Full paper deadline is April
1, 2023. The submission page is
We hope that you are enjoying a very happy year of 2023. See you
in Mallorca!
The 20th International Conference on Cooperative Design,
Visualization and Engineering
Oct. 1-4, 2023, Mallorca, Spain
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