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Subject: [WI] Track "Cognition and Human Behavior in IS" (ECIS 2019)
Date: Thu, 25 Oct 2018 16:02:16 +0000
From: Kathrin FIGL <Kathrin.Figl@uibk.ac.at>
Reply-To: Kathrin FIGL <Kathrin.Figl@uibk.ac.at>
To: wi@lists.kit.edu <wi@lists.kit.edu>

Sehr geehrte Kolleginnen und Kollegen,


gerne möchte ich Sie auf den Call for Papers des Tracks „Cognition and Human Behavior in IS“ im Rahmen der European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2019) hinweisen.

Über Einreichungen aus unserer Community würden wir uns sehr freuen.


Herzliche Grüße aus Innsbruck,

Kathrin Figl


(Apologies for cross-postings)


Track: Cognition and Human Behavior in IS
June 8-14, 2019, Stockholm-Uppsala, Sweden
Deadline for paper submission: 27th November 2018


·         Kathrin Figl, Professor, University of Innsbruck, Austria. Email: kathrin.figl@uibk.ac.at

·         Jan Recker, Professor, University of Cologne, Germany. Email: Jan.recker@wiso.uni-koeln.de

·         Eric Walden, Professor, Texas Tech University, USA. Email: Eric.walden@ttu.edu


The on-going infusion of new digital technologies – mobile and distributed computing, social media, digital platforms, data analytics, artificial intelligence, blockchains, cloud computing, and so forth, is transforming the design and use of information systems, such that more personalized, consumerized and overall more human-centric information systems emerge. These purportedly bring many advantages but are also associated with adverse effects. We are overwhelmed by information on various channels leading to a scarcity of attention. Multitasking on various devices and interacting with a smartphone virtually all the time may lead to information overload and techno-stress, hampering information processing. Thus, engineering attention and the design of digitally transformed information systems with a focus on cognitive aspects is becoming increasingly important for information systems designer not only for targeting potential consumers, but also to avoid unnecessary interruptions in work environments.


This track sets out to invite research on cognitive implications, requirements and consequences of the digital transformation as they relate to design and use of information systems. Such cognitive considerations in guiding or “nudging” users’ choices or inputs in digital environments becomes highly relevant and prevalent (e.g. by encouraging people to behave more socially and environmentally responsible or to adopt a healthier lifestyle or to buy products). Thus, we also need a better understanding on how digital technologies can shape human cognition to better design human interaction with online systems.


We welcome novel qualitative and quantitative empirical insights as well as conceptual research contributing to theory development and offering directions for future research to optimize how humans and intelligent information systems may in future interact together. We especially encourage research that is grounded in different reference disciplines beyond the information systems field (e.g. cognitive psychology, neuroscience, or automated cognition).


Topics of interest include, but are not limited to

·         Effects of digital technologies on human behaviour

·         Evaluation of user experience and user attitudes of innovative interaction design

·         NeuroIS studies on information systems design and use

·         Shaping of cognitive behavior through emergent technology (e.g., virtual reality, augmented reality)

·         Cognitive biases and heuristics in the context of novel digital technologies

·         Differences in offline versus online thinking in digital platforms

·         Design of information systems for digital nudging in various domains (e.g. online shopping, crowd sourcing and funding, e-government, participation and contribution to the sharing society …)

·         Cognitive mechanisms underlying persuasive system design

·         Cognitive overload and technostress caused by interruptions and consumption of information through digital devices

·         Fostering creativity in digital settings such as co-creation and crowd-sourcing platforms

·         Cognitive requirements and consequences of human-centric design of information systems



·         René Riedl, Professor, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria & University of Linz, Austria

·         Christiane Lehrer, Assistant Professor, University of St. Gallen, Austria

·         Roozmehr Safi, Assistant Professor, University of Missouri Kansas City, USA         

·         Eva Bittner, Junior Professor, University of Hamburg, Germany

·         Fons Wijnhoven, Associate professor, University of Twente, the Netherlands

·         Xixi Li, Assistant Professor, Tsinghua University, Hong Kong SAR of China

·         Markus Weinmann, Assistant Professor, University of Liechtenstein, Liechtenstein

·         Maria Madlberger, Professor, Webster Vienna Private University, Austria

·         Irit Hadar, Senior Lecturer, University of Haifa, Israeli

·         Anne-Françoise Rutkowski, Professor, Tilburg School of Economics and Management, the Netherlands

·         Camille Grange, Assistant Professor, HEC Montreal, Canada

·         Christine Bauer, Senior Postdoc Researcher, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria

·         Jason Triche, Assistant Professor, University of Montana, USA

·         Siyuan Li, Assistant Professor, College of William and Mary, USA

·         Susanne Robra-Bissantz, Professor, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany

·         Don Jones, Professor, Texas Tech, USA

·         Sherrie Komiak, Associate Professor, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada

·         Verena Tiefenbeck, Senior Research Associate, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

·         Steffi Haag, Assistant Professor, Friedrich-Alexander-Universität (FAU) Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany

Submission deadline: November 27th, 2018
Notification of acceptance: February 28th, 2019





Univ. Prof. PD Dr. Kathrin Figl


Department of Information Systems, Production and Logistics Management

University of Innsbruck




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