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MUM 2021, 20th International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous
December 5-8, 2021
Leuven, Belgium
# Important Dates (AoE)
September 15 | Submission (Workshop and
Call for Workshops
The International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia
(MUM 2021) welcomes proposals for workshops. A MUM Workshop is a
forum for attendees with shared interests to present, discuss, and
develop new ideas around a specific theme or domain related to
Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia. It is the perfect opportunity
for putting the best minds in the field together to build new
communities, to explore new ideas, and to develop emerging topics.
All workshops will take place on the Sunday before the conference,
on the 5th of December. Because workshops are meant to encourage
ideas exchange, we encourage proposals that go beyond being a
mini-conference and that engage participants in hands-on
activities and in discussion. We also encourage organisers to open
the workshops to conference attendees without a workshop paper,
but who would be interested in participating.
If you are interested in submitting a proposal and wish to discuss
your ideas prior to the submission deadline, the workshop chairs
welcome any inquiries. You can contact us at
# Submission and Templates
Workshop proposal submissions should be in the ACM Primary Article
Submissions should be 6 pages or less (excluding references),
detailing your goals for the workshop, how you plan to run the
workshop, and any planned outcomes. Workshop proposal submissions
contain an abstract that is less than 150 words long that clearly
states the purpose of the workshop. Submissions will by juried by
the Workshop chairs. Submissions must be submitted via e-mail.
Accepted workshop proposals will be included in the conference
proceedings published by ACM Press and included in the ACM Digital
Call for Tutorials
The International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Multimedia
(MUM 2021) welcomes proposals for tutorials. We invite academic
and industry leaders in all topics related to Mobile and
Ubiquitous Multimedia to submit a proposal following the
guidelines below. We encourage proposals that include practical
activities inside and outside the classroom.
All tutorials will take place on the Sunday before the conference,
on the 5th of December and you can choose between three formats:
90min, half-day, or full-day. If you are interested in submitting
a proposal and wish to discuss your ideas prior to the submission
deadline, the workshop chairs welcome any inquiries. You can
contact us at
Tutorial proposal submissions should be in the ACM Primary Article
Template. Submissions should be 6 pages or less (excluding
references), and include the following details:
* Title
* Topics and objectives of the tutorial and how they are relevant
to the MUM community
* Description of the tutorial activities
* Short biography of the organisers
* Proposed tutorial length (90min, half-day, full-day)
* Room and material requirements
* Maximum number of participants
Tutorial proposal submissions contain an abstract that is less
than 150 words long that clearly states the purpose of the
tutorial. Submissions will be juried by the tutorial chairs.
Submissions must be submitted via email to the tutorial chairs
workshoptutorial2021@mum-conf.org). Accepted tutorial proposals
will be included in the conference proceedings published by ACM
Press and included in the ACM Digital Library.
# Workshop and Tutorial Chairs:
Bruno Dumas, University of Namur
Adriana Wilde, University of Southampton
# More information:
Twitter: @MUMconf
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