-------- Original-Nachricht --------
Betreff: [AISWorld] CoP: MISQE and SIM Pre-ICIS Workshop
Datum: Sun, 28 Aug 2011 09:00:00 -0500
Von: Leidner, Dorothy <Dorothy_Leidner@baylor.edu>
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

Call for Papers, Pre-ICIS 2011 Academic Workshop and MISQE Special Issue

SPONSORED BY:  MIS Quarterly Executive and the Society of Information Management

TITLE: Enterprises and People on the Move: Managing Mobility for Business Value

Program Co-Chairs and MISQE Special Issue  Editors:
Dorothy Leidner, Baylor University, Senior Editor, MISQE
Shan Pan, National University Singapore
Juliana Sutanto, ETH-Zurich


The past decade has witnessed a remarkable increase in the use of mobile technologies and applications to gather and disseminate information to and from employees as well as customers.   Technology advancements such as the smartphone, tablet computer, and cloud computing liberate employees from their physical constraints leading to flexible working space and time. While on one hand, an increase in employees’ mobility may lead to better productivity and customer service; on the other hand, it may generate new security and compliance challenges for their organizations. How to address the challenges of supporting employees’ mobility to eventually generate the desired business values is a pertinent and timely organizational issue.

In addition, these advances in mobility provide opportunities and challenges for organizations seeking new means of reaching potential and existing customers, of personalizing customer service and advertising, and of tracking customers’ use of various services as well as customers’ responses to advertisements.  As an interface to customers, advanced mobile devices may increase customization but also threaten privacy.   Organizationsmust strike a careful balance between reaching its customers and pushing them away with messages that may be construed as intrusive.  Those that achieve this balance are positioned to offer newer, richer services and products tocustomers.

For this pre-ICIS 2011 workshop and for the MISQE special issue in 2012, we are seeking “research for practice” papers that address the value that organizations are creating through embracing mobility.  We are interested both in papers that consider the challenges and solutions to managing an increasingly mobile workforce and papers that consider the challenges and solutions to managing the relationships with customers using mobile technologies.   Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

IT’s Influence on Mobility
Benefits and Challenges of Consumerization of IT for Enterprises
Advantages and Drawbacks of Consumerization of IT for Employees
Managing the Road Warriors
Mobile IT Management and Strategy
Strategies for Coping with the Personal Mobile Devices of Employees
Increasing Employees’ Productivity through Virtual Mobility
Managing the Information in the Internet of Things
Obtaining Business Values from Mobile Applications

Pre-ICIS 2011 Workshop Information:

Shanghai Location: TBA
Date: Sunday, December 4th, time and location TBA

Workshop Deadlines:
•Submit extended abstract (maximum 2 pages of text, single spaced):  October 1, 2011

·      Notification of workshop acceptance with preliminary editorial feedback: November 1, 2011

Workshop Registration:

·       Registration will be posted on the SIM web site: www.simnet.org<http://www.simnet.org>

·      SIM Academic Workshop liaison:  Mary Sumner, Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville, msumner@siue.edu<mailto:msumner@siue.edu>

MIS Quarterly Executive Special Issue Deadlines:

Note: Authors are not required to attend the workshop in order to submit to the special issue.

February 15, 2012 Paper submission deadline

March 1, 2012  Preliminary feedback to authors

May 1, 2012  First round revision deadline

June 1, 2012 Second round feedback to authors

August 1, 2012 Final round revision deadline

September 20, 2012  Final paper acceptance decisions

December, 2012  Special Issue Published

All submissions should be sent to all the Program and Special Issue Co-Chairs:

Dorothy Leidner, Baylor University, dorothy_leidner@baylor.edu<mailto:dorothy_leidner@baylor.edu>

Shan Pan, National University Singapore, pansl@nus.edu.sg<mailto:pansl@nus.edu.sg>

Juliana Sutanto, ETH-Zurich, jsutanto@ethz.ch<mailto:jsutanto@ethz.ch>


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