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Subject: [WI] Call for FULL PAPERS, Mensch und Computer 2022 in Darmstadt (published @ACM DL)
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2022 16:00:51 +0000
From: Reuter, Christian <reuter@peasec.tu-darmstadt.de>
Reply-To: Reuter, Christian <reuter@peasec.tu-darmstadt.de>
To: wi@lists.kit.edu <wi@lists.kit.edu>

Conference announcement & full papers call


Conference Announcement & Call for Papers: Full Papers


Mensch und Computer 2022 - Facing Realities

September 4 to September 7 2022

TU Darmstadt, Germany


ACM In-Cooperation - Publication in the ACM Digital Library


Submission deadline for Full Papers: April 06, 2022



With more than 800 attendees, Mensch und Computer is one of the biggest conferences on Human-Computer Interaction in Europe. Each year, the conference attracts participants from academia and industry, with the program consisting of a scientific track "Mensch-Computer Interaktion (MCI) / Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)" and a practitioner's track "Usability Professionals" (UP).


Hereby, we would like to invite submissions to the Full Papers track. Detailed calls for papers for the remaining tracks (short papers, demos, tutorials, workshops and the doctoral consortium) will follow shortly.


Submissions to the scientific track will be published in the ACM Digital Library, and will receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI). All accepted submissions will also be listed in the Digital Library of the German Informatics Society e.V. (http://dl.mensch-und-computer.de).





MCI (HCI) - Full Papers: April 06, 2022


Pre-announcement of other deadlines:

MCI (HCI) - Workshop Proposals: March 14, 2022

MCI (HCI) - Short Papers: June 15, 2022

MCI (HCI) - Demos: June 15, 2022

MCI (HCI) - Tutorials: June 15, 2022

MCI (HCI) - Doctoral Consortium: July 04, 2022




* Methodology and modeling (e.g., agile methods, adaptive user interfaces, user modeling, user requirements and UX, user experience design, prototyping and interaction modeling, crisis proof user studies)

* Interaction techniques (e.g., tangible interaction, haptics, touch and gestures, MRI, multimodal interaction, mobile and ubiquitous interaction, eye tracking and gaze interaction, BCI/brain-computer interfaces, assistive technology)

* Application areas of HCI (e.g., IoT/Industry 4.0, interaction with embedded and ambient systems, smart homes and AAL, automotive user interfaces and mobility, CSCW and social computing, digital humanities and UX, entertainment computing, AR/VR, gamification and serious games, usable security, health and wellbeing)

* Reflection and perspectives: Individual and Society (e.g., affect, aesthetics and emotion, gender and diversity in design, inclusion, refugee informatics, economic perspectives on UX, fairness, ethics, universal design)


For more details and the full list of topics, please see:




All submissions should use the most recent ACM template, which you can find on the conference website via "Authoring guidelines and templates (https://muc2022.mensch-und-computer.de/en/cfp-en/template/)". All submissions need to be made in digital format using the conference management system ConfTool (https://www.conftool.com/muc2022/).

Full papers need to make a compelling scientific contribution, and are expected to present novel research results. Accepted full papers will be published in the ACM Digital Library, and will be listed in the GI Digital Library. Authors of accepted submissions are expected to present their work at the conference. There is no page limit for full papers, but the length needs to be commensurate with the contribution of the work. All submissions need to be anonymous, and will receive at least three reviews.




General Chairs

* Max Mühlhäuser, TU Darmstadt

* Christian Reuter, TU Darmstadt


Technical Program Chair

* Bastian Pfleging, TU Bergakademie Freiberg


Paper Chairs

* Kathrin Gerling, KU Leuven

* Sven Mayer, LMU Munich


For general enquiries about the conference: info@mensch-und-computer.de


Prof. Dr. Christian Reuter, TU Darmstadt, Informatik,
Wissenschaft und Technik für Frieden und Sicherheit (PEASEC),
Pankratiusstraße 2, 64289 Darmstadt, Raum 108, Tel. +49 6151 1620941,
reuter@peasec.tu-darmstadt.de, www.peasec.de


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