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Subject: (SEWORLD) CFP: WWW2002 Workshop on Real World RDF and Semantic Web Applications Date: Thu, 7 Mar 2002 07:33:14 -0700 (MST) From: Vipul Kashyap vipul_kashyap@yahoo.com To: seworld@cs.colorado.edu
First WWW 2002 Workshop on Real World RDF and Semantic Web Applications
In Conjunction with WWW 2002
7 May 2002
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA
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Special Book on Workshop Proceedings in the series
"Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications"
by IOS Press
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The Semantic Web is a key initiative being promoted by the World
Wide Web Consortium (W3C) as the next generation of the current
web. The objective of this workshop is to discuss commercial
applications that make immediate advances and to gain insight
into the evolution of semantic web technology. Early commercial
applications that make use of machine-understandable metadata
range from information retrieval to Web-enabling of old-tech IBM
3270 sessions. Current developments include metadata-based
Enterprise Application Integration (EAI) systems, data modeling
solutions, and wireless applications.
Machine-understandable metadata is emerging as a new foundation
for component-based approaches to application development. Within
the context of reusable distributed components, Web services
represent the latest architectural advancement. RDF Servers enable
these two concepts to be synthesized providing powerful new
mechanisms for quickly modeling, creating and deploying complex
applications that readily adapt to real world needs. At the same
time, we welcome submissions that describe applications which are
trying to achieve the above goal through the use of other
specifications such as WSDL, UDDI, SOAP, ebXML, XML, possibly in
conjunction with transformation languages such as XSLT, RuleML, etc.
We invite submissions that discuss real applications (piloted,
deployed, robust prototypes) attacking real world problems in the
Semantic Web arena today instead of the future. This potentially
means very pragmatic decisions (e.g., executable agents that run in
the context of graph-based application models) caused by the
limitations of today's technology (e.g., are there robust/scalable
RDF parsers, stores, and inference engines?). Submissions that also
address issues related to the business aspects, e.g., is there a
market ?, is there a sustainable value proposition ?, what is the
business model, etc., will receive special consideration.
- Applications (prototypes, pilots, deployed) based on the RDF Model
and Semantics
- Semantic Web applications (prototypes, pilots, deployed) based on
XML and various variants
- Web Services based applications (prototypes, pilots, deployed)
based on WSDL, SOAP, UDDI, ebXML and other related standards
- Enterprise Application and Data Integration, and the Semantic Web
- E-Commerce and the Semantic Web
- Implementations of Semantic Web applications on component models
such as J2EE and .NET
- Model driven approaches for Semantic Web Applications
- Architectures for Semantic Web Applications (distributed objects,
- Scalability, Extensibility and Robustness of Semantic Web
- Information accuracy of Semantic Web Applications (e.g., precision,
recall, classification accuracy)
- Tools for creating Semantic Web components (ontologies, mappings, etc.)
- Tools for creating Web Services
- Return on Investment for Semantic Web Applications
- Sustainable Business Models for Semantic Web Applications
- Integrated Application Development environments for the Semantic Web
...and other aspects of realizing the vision of the Semantic Web!
15 March Submission Deadline
5 April Notification of Acceptance
15 April Final Camera Ready Version
May 7 Workshop
Please submit your paper by e-mail to vipul_kashyap@yahoo.com AND
shklar@cs.rutgers.edu. If you are unable to do so for any reason, please
let us know at the above e-mail address.
A Special Book will be published with Workshop Proceedings after the
Conference. This will be a part of the series "Frontiers in Artificial
Intelligence and Applications" by IOS Press
Co-Chair: Vipul Kashyap, Research Scientist, USA
Co-Chair: Leon Shklar, Information Architects, USA
Rafael Alonso, Sarnoff Corporation, USA
Yogi Arumainayagam, Thomson Legal and Regulatory, USA
Abraham Bernstein, Stern School of Business, NYU, USA
Cliff Behrens, Telcordia Technologies, USA
Klemens Boehm, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland
Munir Cochinwala, Telcordia Technologies, USA
Mike Dean, BBN Technologies, USA
Stefan Decker, Stanford University, USA
Umesh Dayal, HP Labs, Palo Alto, USA
Johannes Ernst, R-Objects, USA
Ora Lassila Nokia Research, USA
Alexa McCray National Library of Medicine, NIH, USA
Brian McBride HP Labs, Bristol, UK
Amit Sheth Voquette, and LSDIS Lab, UGA, USA
Surya Sripada Boeing, USA
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