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CFP: WICSOC 2015: Social Media, Crowdsourcing, and Public Health
Important Dates.
- Abstract: March 30
- Submission: April 25
- Acceptance: May 20
- Camera-ready: May 31
Social Computing Technologies (SCT) offer users opportunities for
connectedness, participation and engagement, collaboration,
offering/receiving social support, etc. These applications/systems gather
abundance of information that when mined and analyzed will further enrich
their services or help researchers understand many different things
including social dynamics of people, wisdom of crowd, social construction
and sharing of knowledge, etc. As a result, SCT can be leveraged to empower
both health professional and citizens. Online Social media such as
Facebook, Twitter, QuitNet are increasingly being used for health-related
purposes. A 2013 online survey suggests that 59.9% patients used Twitter
for increasing knowledge and exchanging advice and 52.3% used Facebook for
social support and exchanging advice (
Novel techniques for information analysis, reuse, and integration are
critical to make sense of health-related information. Systematic
approaches, design principles, and evaluation strategies need to be
researched for developing effective health-related social computing
applications. Other challenges in social computing include accommodating
privacy, security, and trust expectations of users or separating good
information from noise. The aim of this workshop is to discuss and exchange
ideas on the issues and challenges in social computing systems as they
relate to health care and public health. We invite research or position
papers from researchers and practitioners working in any aspect of social
computing with research focus on health, healthcare, or public health.
Example topics, but not limited to, include:
Design, modeling, and simulation of socially-aware health technology
Demonstration cases of using existing social media platforms (e.g.,
twitter, facebook) for health research
Social network analysis for the purpose of understanding or intervening
upon health related outcomes
Behavioral intervention implemented through social media platforms
Disease & health management using social media applications
Crowdsourcing health or biomedical research
Public health resource sensing or crowdsourcing of public health
In time, in place healthcare information through social media
Design and evaluation of online patient communities with social network
Healthcare/mHealth Social Networks
Data protection (Privacy, Security, Trust) in healthcare social networks
Empowerment of patients and healthcare professionals
Design and evaluation of social game for health education & awareness
Classification and categorization of health information in social media
Mining of big Data for population health monitoring or intervention
Social computing application for health & wellness management
All contributions will be peer-reviewed by at least three experts. Papers
should be 4-6 pages (English) in IEEE format, including bibliography and
well-marked appendices. Accepted papers will be published as workshop
papers in the IEEE IRI conference proceedings.
The extended versions of the best papers from the workshop will be
considered for journal publications.
Contact: manwar (at) ncat.edu URL: http://wicsoc.ncat.edu
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