-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] CFP: Special Track on Cloud Computing for Augmented Reality, Computer Graphics and Visualization Datum: Thu, 4 Feb 2016 14:45:56 +0100 Von: Massimo Cafaro massimo.cafaro@unisalento.it An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.iccsa.org
============================================================================ Special Track on Cloud Computing for Augmented Reality, Computer Graphics and Visualization http://www.salentoavr.it/salentoavr2016-special-tracks/
As part of
The 3rd International Conference on Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality and Computer Graphics http://www.salentoavr.it/
June 15-18, 2016 Otranto (Lecce), Italy =============================================================================
Important Dates: =============== Submission: February 21, 2016 Notification of acceptance: March 21, 2016 Camera-ready submission: March 31, 2016 Conference Dates: June 15-18, 2016
Scope and Objectives: ==================== Augmented Reality has found promising applications in various segments such as commerce, art, architecture and education. With the growing of smart features and sensors in the mobiles and tablets, these portable devices are becoming the emperors of digital world of today resulting in a new platform to be opened for AR in the day-to-day life of common people. However, the limited capabilities in terms of computing processing and data storage of such portable devices represents strong bound for efficient and powerful AR applications. The cloud computing technologies would provide the enabling solution to overcome the computing limiting factors of mobile devices providing a powerful environment to demand the heavy processing and data storage repository required by an AR applications. The track aims at discussing the state-of-the-art research in cloud computing applied as enabling technologies for augmented reality, computer graphics and visualization for smart devices applications. Emphasis will be on novel advanced frameworks, solutions and technologies, as well as the related issues for computational environments and infrastructures.
Topics: ====== Cloud Computing for Augmented Reality, Computer Graphics and Visualization Track includes (but are not limited to) the following topics: • Cloud computing technologies and infrastructures for augmented reality • Cloud computing technologies and infrastructures for computer graphics • Cloud computing technologies and infrastructures for virtual reality • Mobile-cloud services for AR, VR and computer graphics • Parallel Algorithms for Computer Graphics Applications • Cloud Networks for Multimedia Applications • Design Tool for Cloud Computing • Security techniques for the Cloud • Energy management and programming environments • Data storage and management in Cloud computing
Instructions for authors: ==================== SALENTO AVR 2016 accepts two types of paper: full papers (10–20 pages), and short papers (6-10 pages). Full papers should be mainly focused on research, applications or systems describing results that contribute to advances in state-of-the-art software, hardware, algorithms, interaction or human-factors.
Short papers should be mainly focused on work-in-progress, achievements of initial research, projects in early stages of development, case studies, etc. Accepted short papers will be published in the conference proceedings and presented at the conference as poster.
The authors can refer to Springer’s LNCS webpage (http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=0-164-6-791222-0) where nearly all information relevant to contributing authors regarding the LNCS print/electronic publication process can be found. The editors’ guidelines can be also downloaded from http://www.salentoavr.it/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/SPLNPROC-Editor-Guidelin....
It is possible to submit full papers and short papers for the indicated special tracks, but also for the other topics of the general tracks. Only papers submitted through the electronic system and strictly adhering to the relevant format will be considered for reviewing and publication. In submitting a paper the author(s) agree that, upon acceptance, they will prepare the final manuscript in time for inclusion into the published proceedings and will present the paper at the conference. At least one author must carry out a regular registration and sign the copyright form to allow the publication of the a paper in the conference proceedings; the final manuscript will not be published without a regular registration (including payment of the registration fee) before the deadline for camera-ready submission.
To submit a paper, please use the following link; a pre-registration is required. http://conference.unisalento.it/ocs/index.php/salentoavr2016/salentoavr2016/...
Proceedings: =========== Accepted papers will appear in the conference proceedings to be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) edited by Springer. Volumes published as part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series are indexed by the following services:
ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index – Science (CPCI-S) included in ISI Web of Science Scopus EI Engineering Index (Compendex and Inspec databases) ACM Digital Library dblp Google Scholar IO-Port MathSciNet Zentralblatt MATH
More information about indexing of the LNCS Series is available through the Publisher’s website.
Conference Chair ================ Lucio Tommaso De Paolis, University of Salento, Italy
Conference Co-Chair ================ Patrick Bourdot, CNRS/LIMSI, University Paris-Sud, France
Honorary Chair ================ Giovanni Aloisio, University of Salento, Italy
Scientific Program Committee ================ Andrea Abate, University of Salerno, Italy Fernando Arambula Cosio, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico Carlo Alberto Avizzano, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy Roland Blach, Fraunhofer IAO, Germany Selim Balcisoy, Sabancı University, Turkey Vitoantonio Bevilacqua, Polytechnic of Bari, Italy Monica Bordegoni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Davide Borra, NoReal.it, Torino, Italy Andrea Bottino, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Pierre Boulanger, University of Alberta, Canada Andres Bustillo, University of Burgos, Spain Massimo Cafaro, University of Salento, Italy Sergio Casciaro, IFC-CNR, Italy Bruno Carpentieri, University of Salerno, Italy Marcello Carrozzino, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy Mario Ciampi, ICAR/CNR, Italy Pietro Cipresso, IRCCS Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Italy Lucio Colizzi, CETMA, Italy Jean-Marc Cieutat, ESTIA Recherche, France Arnis Cirulis, Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences, Latvia Mirabelle D’Cruz, University of Nottingham, UK Yuri Dekhtyar, Riga Technical University, Latvia Giorgio De Nunzio, University of Salento, Italy Francisco José Domínguez Mayo, University of Seville, Spain Aldo Franco Dragoni, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy María José Escalona Cuaresma, University of Seville, Spain Themis Exarchos, University of Ioannina, Greece Francesco Ferrise, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Dimitrios Fotiadis, University of Ioannina, Greece Emanuele Frontoni, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy Francesco Gabellone, IBAM ITLab, CNR, Italy Osvaldo Gervasi, University of Perugia, Italy Luigi Gallo, ICAR/CNR, Italy Viktors Gopejenko, Information Systems Management Institute (ISMA), Latvia Mirko Grimaldi, University of Salento, Italy Heiko Herrmann, Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Sara Invitto, University of Salento, Italy Fabrizio Lamberti, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Leo Joskowicz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel Tomas Krilavičius, Vytautas Magnus University, Kaunas, Lithuania Torsten Kuhlen, Aachen University, Germany Salvatore Livatino, University of Hertfordshire, UK Silvia Mabel Castro, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Argentina Luca Mainetti, University of Salento, Italy Andrea Martini, CETMA, Italy Daniel R. Mestre, Aix-Marseille University/CNRS, France Andrés Navarro, VICOMTech, Spain Roberto Paiano, University of Salento, Italy Andrea Pandurino, University of Salento, Italy Giorgos Papadourakis, Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Crete, Greece Gianluca Paravati, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Roberto Pierdicca, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy Sofia Pescarin, CNR ITABC, Italy Paolo Proietti, MIMOS, Italy James Ritchie, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK Giuseppe Riva, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy Jaume Segura Garcia, Universitat de València, Spain Robert Stone, University of Birmingham, UK Franco Tecchia, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy João Manuel R. S. Tavares, Universidade do Porto, Portugal Juan Carlos Torres, University of Granada, Spain Carlos M. Travieso-González, Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain Manolis Tsiknaki, Technological Educational Institute of Crete (TEI), Greece Antonio Emmanuele Uva, Polytechnic of Bari, Italy Paelke Volker, Bremen University of Applied Sciences, Germany Krzysztof Walczak, Poznan University, Poland Anthony Whitehead, Carleton University, Canada
Special Track Organisers: =================== Italo Epicoco, University of Salento, Italy Massimo Cafaro, University of Salento, Italy
Local Organizing Committee =================== Antonio Mongelli, University of Salento, Italy Ilenia Paladini, University of Salento, Italy Valerio De Luca, University of Salento, Italy Antonio Meo, University of Salento, Italy Pietro Vecchio, University of Salento, Italy
Prof. Massimo Cafaro, Ph.D. Dept. of Engineering for Innovation University of Salento, Lecce, Italy Via per Monteroni 73100 Lecce, Italy Voice/Fax +39 0832 297371 Web http://sara.unisalento.it/~cafaro E-mail massimo.cafaro@unisalento.it cafaro@ieee.org cafaro@acm.org
CMCC Foundation Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Via Augusto Imperatore, 16 - 73100 Lecce massimo.cafaro@cmcc.it