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Call for Papers - Special Issue on “Digital Government and
Sustainable Development Goals” to be published by Information
Guest Editors
Rony Medaglia, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark,
Gianluca Misuraca, Executive Director, AI4GOV Master on AI for
Public Services, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Associate
Researcher at the Department of Design of the Politecnico di
* 1 October 2022: Deadline for extended abstract submission
* 1 November 2022: Notification for invitation to submit full
* 1 February 2023: Deadline for submission of full manuscript
* 1 February – 1 June 2023: Review process
* 1 July 2023: Final decision on manuscripts
* Anticipated publication: Fall 2023 (issue 4)
The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) (United
Nations, 2015) are shaping the global agenda in multiple areas,
including public opinion, policy, and research. The 17 SDGs,
detailed in 169 targets, have an ambition of linking separate
goals of sustainable development across different areas, into a
unitary vision. At the heart of these goals are themes of poverty,
inequality, health, discrimination, inclusion, climate change,
environmental degradation, peace, and justice. The main
consequence of this new vision has been to move the focus beyond
the individual instances of e.g., environmental impacts of human
activities, or economic inequalities, and to link them in a
coherent system within the framework of the Agenda for the
Sustainable Development 2030 (United Nations, 2017).
Digitalization has the potential to represent an integral part of
achieving sustainable development goals (Corbett & Mellouli,
2017; Medaglia & Damsgaard, 2020; Nishant et al., 2020). In
particular, digital government can act as enabler to
sustainability, equity and social inclusion (Estevez &
Janowski, 2013) and it represents a cross-cutting objective across
several SDGs at both sectoral and horizontal level, with a crucial
importance in particular for goal 16 that aims to ´Promote
peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development,
provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable
and inclusive institutions at all levels´ (Medaglia et al., 2021;
Misuraca & Medaglia, 2021). Information exchange between
governmental organizations (G2G), between business and government
(B2G) as well as between governments and citizens (G2C) can
support the formulation and monitoring of policies to reach SDGs
(Janowski, 2016). The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated digital
transformation in the public sector, pushing governments to
experience unprecedent challenges of data management, policy
formulation, and citizen inclusion in a short period of time (Pan
& Zhang, 2020). As we move closer to the 2030 milestone, we
are only beginning to understand the implications of digital
government initiatives on the journey towards sustainable
The goal of this Special Issue is to advance the understanding on
the potential benefits, challenges, and theoretical implications
of digital government in supporting the achievement of SDGs and on
the role of digital technologies to sustain policy developments at
both horizontal and sectoral level. As the sustainability agenda
gains increasing attention worldwide, there is more than ever need
for original, rigorous, and theoretically-informed research on how
digital government can support or hinder SDGs.
We invite studies on the design, management and evaluation of
policies and implementation of digital government strategies in
relation to the UN SDGs at global, national, and local level. We
welcome research from different social science perspectives,
including Public Administration, Information Systems, Sociology,
Information Science, and Management, that can combine relevant
research foci, with rigorous methodological approaches.
Interdisciplinary submissions are also encouraged, as well as
submissions that are theoretical and/or empirically based.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
* SDGs in digital government policy, design, and implementation
* Artificial Intelligence in government and SDGs
* The Internet of Things in government and SDGs
* Blockchain in government and SDGs
* Open Government Data and the SDGs
* Digital government infrastructure and SDGs
* Smart cities and SDGs
* Impact of technology on democracy in relation to SDGs
* Ethical implications of digital government and the SDGs
* Institutional/cultural change arising from digital
transformation around SDGs
* Factors limiting digitally-enhaced sustainable development in
* Critical perspectives on digital government and SDGs
* Long term consequences of government digitalization on SDGs
Reviewing process
The Special Issue will apply a two-step reviewing process.
* In the first step, we invite the submission of an extended
abstract of maximum 1000 words (excluding references) that
presents the study’s research question(s), theoretical framework,
methodology, preliminary and/or expected findings, and expected
contributions to research and practice. This extended abstract is
mandatory and will be used by the editors for selecting which
abstracts will be invited to make full paper submission. The Guest
Editors will make selections based on topic relevance, novelty,
and potential contributions of the study.
* In the second step, the completed submissions will be managed by
the Guest Editors, and will be reviewed by at least two expert
reviewers per paper, in a double-blind process. The submissions
will undergo a maximum of two rounds of review. Papers with a
final acceptance are expected to be published online at the end of
Format and guidelines
Extended abstracts are to be submitted to the Special Issue
Editors at
ipsisdg@gmail.com<mailto:ipsisdg@gmail.com> as a
Word document, double-spaced, non-justified, in 12-point font. The
reference style to be followed is the APA 6thedition.
Completed papers may not exceed 8000 words (excluding references
and appendices) and will have to be submitted via the journal
online manuscript management system.
Submitted papers should not be under review for any other journal
or conference, should be significantly different from previously
published work (at least 60% unpublished material), and should
present original contributions. Duplicate submissions will be
rejected. In case the manuscripts are an extension of previously
published work (e.g., conference article), the authors need to
disclose all information about the previous work upon submission.
About Information Polity
Information Polity is a tangible expression of the increasing
awareness that Information and Communication technologies (ICTs)
have become of deep significance for all polities as new
technology-enabled forms of government, governing and democratic
practice are sought or experienced throughout the world. This
journal positions itself in these contexts, seeking to be at the
forefront of thought leadership and debate about emerging issues,
impact, and implications of government and democracy in the
information age.
More information:
Author Instructions
Instructions for authors for manuscript format and citation
requirements can be found at:
If you have questions or concerns about this Special Issue, please
contact the guest editors at
Corbett, J., & Mellouli, S. (2017). Winning the SDG battle in
cities: How an integrated information ecosystem can contribute to
the achievement of the 2030 sustainable development goals.
Information Systems Journal, 27(4), 427–461.
Estevez, E., & Janowski, T. (2013). Electronic Governance for
Sustainable Development—Conceptual framework and state of
research. Government Information Quarterly, 30, Supplement 1,
Janowski, T. (2016). Implementing Sustainable Development Goals
with Digital Government – Aspiration-capacity gap. Government
Information Quarterly, 33(4), 603–613.
Medaglia, R., & Damsgaard, J. (2020). Blockchain and the
United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: Towards an Agenda
for IS Research. PACIS 2020 Proceedings.
Medaglia, R., Misuraca, G., & Aquaro, V. (2021). Digital
Government and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals:
Towards an analytical framework. DG.O2021: The 22nd Annual
International Conference on Digital Government Research, 473–478.
Misuraca, G., & Medaglia, R. (2021). Re-designing the UN
e-Government Survey in light of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
Development: Towards a post-COVID digital society. ICEGOV.
International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic
Governance, Athens Greece.
Nishant, R., Kennedy, M., & Corbett, J. (2020). Artificial
intelligence for sustainability: Challenges, opportunities, and a
research agenda. International Journal of Information Management,
53, 102104.
Pan, S. L., & Zhang, S. (2020). From fighting COVID-19
pandemic to tackling sustainable development goals: An opportunity
for responsible information systems research. International
Journal of Information Management, 55, 102196.
United Nations. (2015). About the Sustainable Development Goals.
United Nations Sustainable Development.
United Nations. (2017). Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda
for Sustainable Development. Springer Publishing Company.
Rony Medaglia
Professor MSO, PhD
Department of Digitalization
Copenhagen Business School
Howitzvej 60
DK-2000 Frederiksberg
Tel.: +45 2479 4327
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