In an era
of global, organizational,
and technological change,
all of which are
transforming the world of
work, professional and
workplace learning are
critical for both
employability and
competitiveness. Such
learning is therefore
needed on a greater scale
than ever before, and the
only way to provide that
scale is through the
integration of technology
and learning. At the same
time, if it is to serve
the goal of boosting
productivity, professional
and workplace learning
needs to be based around
and integrated with work.
Yet most advances in
learning technologies have
been made within K–12 and
higher education settings,
and in the area of formal
learning environments in
general. Technologies
developed within formal
education settings are
nevertheless also
increasingly being
appropriated for use
with/by professional
learners in contexts other
than those for which they
were originally designed.
This special issue of the
Transactions on
Learning Technologies
(TLT) on “Designing
Technologies to Support
Professional and Workplace
Learning for Situated
Practice” aims to showcase
the latest developments
and innovations in, and
advance the scientific
discourse on issues
specific to, designing
technologies that support
learning for work. In
order to achieve this, we
place focus on learning
that is intended to
improve work practice, and
that is situated within
work activities and
Topics of interest for the
special issue include, but
are not limited to, the
design and development of
technological solutions
and applications aimed at:
- Remote or
distributed, work-based
- Workplace
and professional
learning that
helps ensure resilience
to continuity crises
(e.g., pandemics,
natural disasters)
- Supporting
and assessing the
transfer of learning to,
and between, on-the-job
- Learning-as-knowledge-creation
in the workplace and in
professional settings
- Learning
in complex professional
domains and/or in
domains with low uptake
of learning technologies
- Coaching
and mentoring in the
workplace (both human
and intelligent
- The
development of “soft”
skills in the workplace
and professions
- Supporting
the links between
individual learning,
organizational learning,
and capability building
- Learning
through reflection on
workplace and
professional practice,
including collaborative
or shared reflection
- Assessment
and credentialing of the
workplace and
professional learning
- The
modeling, development,
and management of
workplace and
competencies (i.e.,
learning and assessment)
- Computer-supported
collaborative workplace
and professional
Also of
interest are
investigations of specific
technologies as applied to
workplace and professional
learning, such as:
- Adaptive
and personalized
learning systems,
including learner models
for enabling those
- Authoring
and instructional design
- Games and
- Modeling,
simulation, and digital
twin technologies and
- Reusable
learning objects and
learning designs
- Semantic
Web services,
applications, and
- Social
networking and
- Virtual
reality (VR), augmented
reality (AR), mixed
reality (MR), and other
extended reality (XR)
- Wearable
devices and interfaces
- Learning
analytics and data
TLT is somewhat unique
among educational
technology journals in
that it is both a
computer science journal
and an education
journal. In order to be
considered for
publication in TLT,
papers must make substantive
technical and/or
contributions to the
development of
learning technologies
as well as show how
the technologies can
be used to support
learning. Papers
that are concerned
primarily with the
evaluation of existing
learning technologies
and their applications
are suitable for TLT
only if the technologies
themselves are novel, or
if significant technical
and/or design insights
are offered.
and Review Process
Abstracts may be submitted
to the guest editors via
email at;
this is not mandatory but
will enable the editors to
offer early feedback on the
paper’s suitability with
respect to the aims and
scope of the special issue.
Full manuscripts should be
prepared in accordance with
the IEEE
Transactions on Learning
guidelines and
submitted via the journal’s
Manuscripts portal,
being sure to select the
relevant special issue name
during the submission
process. Manuscripts
must not have been
published or currently be
under consideration for
publication elsewhere.
Only full manuscripts
intended for review, not
abstracts, should be
submitted via the ScholarOne
portal, and conversely, full
manuscripts cannot be
accepted via email.
Each full manuscript that
passes an initial
prescreening will be
subjected to rigorous peer
review in accordance with
TLT’s editorial policies and
procedures. It is
anticipated that seven or
eight articles (plus a guest
editorial) will ultimately
be published in the special
- Abstract
submission (optional):
15 April 2021
- Feedback
from guest editors to
authors on abstracts: 22
April 2021
- Full
manuscripts due: 15 June
- Completion
of first review round:
End of September 2021
- Revised
manuscripts due: End of
November 2021
- Final
decision notification:
End of January 2022
- Publication
materials due: End of
March 2022
- Publication
of special issue: Summer
- Viktoria
Pammer-Schindler - Graz
University of
Technology, Austria
- Allison
Littlejohn - University
College London, U.K.
- Tobias Ley
- Tallinn University,
- Joachim
Kimmerle - IWM-KMRC
Tuebingen, Germany
- Mark J. W.
Lee - Charles Sturt
University, Australia
Please contact
with any questions,
comments, or concerns.