*                                       Call for Papers                                                     *
* International Workshop on Software Process Simulation   *
*                            and Modeling                                          *
*                                         and the                                                               *
*            International Software Process Workshop                 *
*                        (ProSim/ISPW 2002)                                        *
*                                                                                    *
*            Silver Creek Canyon (near Portland, Oregon)                                 *
*                               July 8 - 10, 2002                                                         *
*                          http://www.prosim.org                                                      *

You are invited to participate in the International Workshop on Software Process
Simulation and Modeling (ProSim 2002) and the International Software Process
Workshop (ISPW 11).  This year, we are pleased to announce that these two
international workshops we will be combined into one event.  The result, will be
one workshop with a focus on Software Process Modeling and Software
Process Simulation.

This years workshop will be held at the Silver Falls Conference Center in Silver
Falls, Oregon, July 8-10, 2002.  The conference center is located 75 minutes outside
of Portland and is situated inside one of Oregons picturesque state parks.  We
anticipate a true workshop atmosphere where participants will be able to discuss
topics and ideas in depth in this lovely and secluded natural setting.

As in previous years, papers from ProSim/ISPW 2002 will be considered for
inclusion in a special issue of the international journal of Software Process:
Improvement and Practice.

The rest of the call for papers presents the motivation and goals for
ProSim/ISPW 2002 as well as provides instructions for authors interested in
submitting papers to the workshop.  We invite you to see the web site for
additional details and research presented at previous workshops.

Motivation and Goals for ProSim/ ISPW 2002

Today, the software industry faces greater challenges than ever before.
Customers are demanding more complex, fully functioned software that is
easier to use.  At the same time, customers want this software to be delivered
more quickly and with higher levels of quality.  These demands are set in a
dynamic project environment of frequently changing technologies, short staffed
projects and globally distributed development teams.  At the same time,
competition at home and abroad is forcing companies that develop software to
cut cost significantly in order to compete.

Amid these pressures, new software development lifecycle process alternatives
have emerged -from rough and ready extreme programming to well-planned
product line development.  Open source software development is ramping up.
At the same time, many projects are being contracted out, either in whole or in
part, and the software may be developed in multiple locations around the world
resulting in a greater need for good communication and co-ordination.  Security
also is an issue that is getting increased attention.

What process structures are most appropriate to address the dynamic environment
and significant challenges faced by industry?  These issues pose important questions
relating to how to organize and improve these processes.  Where does software
process modeling and simulation have a role?  How can they make a useful impact?

Software process simulation is increasingly being used to address a variety of issues
from the strategic management of software development, to supporting process
improvements, to software project management training.  The scope of software
process simulation applications ranges from narrow focused portions of the life cycle
to longer-term product evolutionary models with broad organizational impacts.

The goal of the workshop is to bring together academics and practitioners interested in
the area of software process modeling and simulation as well as important industrial issues
related to cost estimation and business process design. ProSim/ISPW 2002 will continue
the tradition set in previous workshops as being an international forum for presenting
current research themes and applications and discussing various approaches to
discover underlying similarities at both the applied and theoretical levels.

This years workshop will be held at the Silver Falls Conference Center in Silver
Falls, Oregon, July 8-10, 2002.  The conference center is located 75 minutes
outside of Portland and is located inside one of Oregons picturesque state parks.
We anticipate a true workshop atmosphere where participants will be able to
discuss topics and ideas in depth in this lovely and secluded natural setting.

Papers from past workshops have been published in special issues of the Journal of
Systems and Software (see Vol. 47, No. 9, 2000 and Vol 59, No 3, 2001) as well
as the international journal of Software Process: Improvement and Practice
(see 5:2/3, June/September, 2000).  Papers from this years workshop will be
considered for a special issue of the international journal of Software Process:
Improvement and Practice.

Workshop Theme and Topics of Interest

The focus of this workshop is on both the application of software process simulation
research in addressing real-world problems, as well as advances being made
which will provide the foundation for Software Process and Software Process
Simulation Modeling in the future.

We invite research and position papers, experience reports, tutorials, and
panel presentations in all areas related to software process modeling and
simulation, and using all applicable techniques and representations (including
discrete event, System Dynamics, knowledge-based systems, State-based
modeling, petri-nets, and other approaches.  Preference will be given to efforts
that facilitate, or results that demonstrate, both modeling and simulation. An initial
set of topics have been identified and include (but are not limited to) the following:

- Processes or models dealing with globally distributed development of
internal as well as contracted development teams

- Processes or models dealing with emerging problem areas like open source
development, security process issues, software project simulation, or Web services

- Advances in software process simulation modeling representations and methods

- Applications of software process modeling and simulation approaches in industry,
for example to improve business processes and/or to support financial and business
case analyses

- Use of software process modeling and simulation in promoting understanding
and knowledge of software and business processes

- Practical benefits of modeling and simulation

- Generalized and adaptable process simulation models.

- Feasibility of validating standard plug and play process model components,
patterns or archetypes.

- Approaches/environments for supporting the integration of process representation,
guidance, simulation, and execution capabilities for models of software processes

Information for Authors

Authors are requested to submit a 2-3 page extended abstract, tutorial, or
panel proposal to the workshop.  Abstracts will be reviewed and authors of
accepted work will have a choice to provide either a full paper (8-10 pages,
approximately 5,000 words) or a position paper (4-5 pages, approximately 2,500
words) to the workshop.  After the conference, papers will be then reviewed by a
panel of researchers and practitioners to select papers for inclusion in a special issue
of the international journal of Software Process: Improvement and Practice (SPIP).

March 1, 2002 2-3 page (1,000 to 1,500 words) extended abstracts are due
April 16, 2002 notification of acceptance for the workshop
June 2, 2002 Final version of full papers and position papers due
August 31, 2002 Best Papers selected for inclusion in special issue of SPIP
October 1, 2002 Revised versions of papers due for inclusion in special issue of SPIP

Please send extended abstracts via email (in PDF or MS Word readable attachment)
by March 1, 2002 to:

Dr. David M. Raffo
School of Business Administration
Portland State University
P.O. Box 751
Portland, OR  97207-0751
e-mail: : davidr@sba.pdx.edu

Organizing Committee

James Collofello, Arizona State University
Volker Gruhn, University of Dortmund, Germany
Marc Kellner, Software Engineering Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Leon Osterweil, University of Massachusetts, USA
Dewayne Perry, University of Texas, Austin, USA
David Raffo, Portland State University, USA
Guenther Ruhe, University of Calgary, Canada
Walt Scacchi, University of California, Irvine, USA
Wilhelm Schaffer, Paderborn University, Germany
Paul Wernick, University of Hertsfordshire, UK

David M. Raffo, Ph.D.            School of Business Administration
email: davidr@sba.pdx.edu        Portland State University
tel: (503) 725-8508              P.O. Box 751
Fax:  (503) 725-5850             Portland, OR 97207-0751, USA

Web:  http://www.sba.pdx.edu/faculty/davidr/draccess/csanchor.html