-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] Deadline approaching: CFP - INSTRUMENTING THE GRID (INGRID2010) Datum: Thu, 28 Jan 2010 08:04:56 +0100 Von: Marcin Lawenda lawenda@man.poznan.pl Organisation: "ICCSA" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.iccsa.org
<< Apology for Multiple Posting>>
INSTRUMENTING THE GRID (INGRID2010) 12-14 May, 2010 Poznan, Poland
Conference Website: http://www.ingrid.cnit.it
IMPORTANT DATES ================= * Paper submission: January 31st, 2010 * Special session proposals: January 31st, 2010 * Acceptance notification: February 28th, 2010 * Camera ready copy due: April 15th, 2010 * Conference Days: May 12-14, 2010
A number of problems in science, industry and commerce, which require broad international cooperation, may be addressed by using sophisticated equipment and top-level expertise. Therefore, the development and dissemination of techniques and technologies that allow virtualized, remote and shared access to industrial or scientific instruments are essential for the progress of society. The possibility of using scientific or industrial equipment independently of their physical location helps towards equality of opportunity for and unification of communities, and subsequently provides new momentum for industry, science, and business. The current edition of the Workshop goes beyond exploitation of remote instrumentation on the Grid. First of all, it focuses on new Remote Instrumentation (RI) aspects related to middleware architecture, high-speed networking, wireless Grid for acquisition devices and sensor networks, QoS provisioning for real-time control, measurement instrumentation and methodology. Additionally, it will provide knowledge about automation of mechanisms oriented to accompanying processes that are usually performed by a human. Another important point of this workshop is focusing on the future trends concerning RI systems’ development and actions related to standardization of remote instrumentation mechanisms.
TOPICS OF INTEREST ================== Contributions are solicited on all advanced research issues concerning the theme of the Workshop, and particularly in (but not limited to) the following topics:
Remote instrumentation: * Remote instrumentation services * Virtual and remote laboratories * Virtualization technologies in remote instrumentation * Security issues for the remote control of devices * Architectures and use cases involving remote control of devices * Grid middleware extensions for remote control of instruments and devices * Interoperability of information systems for the remote control of devices * Building of communities around remote control of devices * Distributed synchronization and calibration * Present and future trends in RIS development * Standards and standardization processes for RIS systems
Tele-working environments and e-learning: * Tele-working environments and tele-presence * Tele-services, tele-diagnosis and tele-robotics * Tele-communities and their social impact * Collaborative work in virtual engineering environments * Mixed-Reality environments for education and training * Demands in education and training, e-learning, b-learning, m-learning and ODL * Innovative organizational and educational concepts for remote engineering
Distributed data management: * Management of large scientific data sets * Networking solutions in support of scientific data transport * Distributed data acquisition in sensor networks * Data management in Wireless Sensor Networks * Metadata and advanced information systems for instruments and sensors
Grid integration of experimental and computational resources: * Workflow management for large-scale experiments * Visualization techniques * Grid integration of experimental and computational processes * Human computer interfaces, usability, reusability, accessibility * Deployment of large scale applications for online engineering * Supporting interactive applications in the grid environment
PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINE =========================== The Workshop will be structured in technical sessions, some of which will be organized by leading researchers in the field, and will accommodate both invited and regular papers, selected on an open-call basis. INGRID 2010 allows also additional possibilities to be actively engaged in the conference program: 1) Special sessions – proposals for special sessions are welcome.Please provide the session description (1-1.5 page) including a draft session program. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by at least three members of the International Program Committee. 2) Extended abstracts – in alternative to full paper submission authors can provide an extended abstract (1-2 pages). The abstracts positively approved give a chance to make a presentation at the conference. A subsequent full paper will be reviewed independently, with a chance to add the paper to the post-workshop proceedings.
COMMITTEES ============
GENERAL CO-CHAIRS ------------------------------ Jan Węglarz, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC), Poland (weglarz@man.poznan.pl) Sandro Zappatore, DIST-University of Genoa and CNIT, Italy (sandro.zappatore@unige.it)
STEERING COMMITTEE CHAIRS --------------------------------------------- Franco Davoli, DIST-University of Genoa and CNIT, Italy (franco@dist.unige.it) Norbert Meyer, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC), Poland (meyer@man.poznan.pl)
STEERING COMMITTEE --------------------------------- Luigino Benetazzo, University of Padova, Italy; Geoffrey Fox, Indiana University, USA; Peter Kacsuk, Computer and Automation Research Institute, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Hungary; Dieter Kranzlmüller, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich, Germany; Vasilis Maglaris, National Technical University of Athens, Greece; Jesus Marco de Lucas, Universidad de Cantabria, Spain, Maciej Stroiński, PSNC, Poland, Tatsuya Suda, University of California at Irvine, USA; Phuoc Tran-Gia, University of Wuerzburg, Germany.
PROGRAM CO-CHAIRS --------------------------------- Marcin Lawenda, Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center (PSNC), Poland (lawenda@man.poznan.pl) Roberto Pugliese, ELETTRA, Trieste, Italy (pugliese@elettra.trieste.it)
PROGRAM COMMITTEE ---------------------------------- Davide Adami, CNIT, Pisa, Italy Steinar Andresen, NTNU, Trondheim, Norway Oreste Andrisano, University of Bologna, Italy Matteo Bertocco, University of Padova, Italy Giuseppe Bianchi, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy Artur Binczewski, PSNC, Poland Raffaele Bolla, University of Genoa, Italy Wojciech Burakowski, Warsaw Univ. of Technology, Poland Eusebi Calle, University of Girona, Spain Isabel Campos Plasencia, Instituto de Física de Cantabria, Spain Piero Castoldi, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa, Italy Luca Caviglione, ISSIA-CNR, Genoa, Italy Wojciech Cellary, Poznań University of Economics, Poland Carla Fabiana Chiasserini, Politecnico di Torino, Italy David Colling, Imperial College, London, UK Andrea Conti, University of Ferrara, Italy Davide Dardari, University of Bologna, Italy Duane Edgington, MBARI, USA Marcio Faerman, Brazilian National Research and Education Network Gianluigi Ferrari, University of Parma, Italy Erina Ferro, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy Paolo Gamba, EUCENTRE, Italy Paweł Gburzynski, University of Alberta, Canada Mario Gerla, UCLA, USA Stefano Giordano, University of Pisa, Italy Daniele Giusto, University of Cagliari, Italy Mary Grammatikou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece Ibrahim Habib, City University of New York, USA Peter Hobson, Brunel University, London, UK Carlos Juiz, University of Balear Islands, Spain Admela Jukan, University of Quebec, Montreal, Canada Tatiana Kalganova, Brunel University, London, UK Yuri Kalvachev, CLMC, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria Fotis Karayannis, National Technical Univ. of Athens, Greece Rainer Keller, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA Harald Kornmayer, NEC Europe Ltd., Germany Constantinos Kotsokalis, Technische Universität Dortmund, Germany Domenico Laforenza, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy Francesco Lelli, University of Lugano, Switzerland Ioannis Liabotis, Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET), Greece Krzysztof Malinowski, Warsaw Technical University, Poland Gaetano Maron, INFN, Italy Mario Marchese, University of Genoa, Italy Elena Mauri, OGS, Italy Gianluca Mazzini, University of Ferrara, Italy Andrew Stephen McGough, Imperial College, London, UK Donald F. (Rick) McMullen, Kansas State University, USA Corrado Moiso, Telecom Italia, Italy Hussein Mouftah, University of Ottawa, Canada Mohammad Obaidat, Monmouth University, USA Sergio Palazzo, University of Catania, Italy Giancarlo Parodi, DIBE-University of Genoa, Italy Marco Parvis, Politecnico di Torino, Italy Krzysztof Pawlikowski, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Laura Pearlman, ISI, USA Emil Petriu, University of Ottawa, Canada Marcin Płóciennik, PSNC, Poland Martin Potts, Martel GmbH, Switzerland Riccardo Raheli, University of Parma, Italy Roberto Ranon, University of Udine, Italy Marina Scapolla, DIBE-University of Genoa, Italy Michael Stanton, Brazilian National Research and Education Network Mathias Stümpert, Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe, Germany Francesco Vatalaro, University of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy Giorgio Ventre, University of Naples Federico II, Italy Stefano Vignola, CNIT, Genoa, Italy Pere Vila, University of Girona, Spain Józef Woźniak, Gdańsk Technical University, Poland Stefan Wesner, High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS), Germany William Yeager, Peerouette, Inc., USA T. Charles Yun, JIVE, The Netherlands Anastasios Zafeiropoulos, Greek Research and Technology Network (GRNET), Greece Michele Zorzi, University of Padova, Italy
WORKSHOP SECRETARIAT ======================= Damian Kaliszan Poznań Supercomputing and Networking Center, Poland e-mail: damian@man.poznan.pl
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