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Betreff: [AISWorld] 2015 IFLA International News Media Conference: “Transformation of the online news media: implications for preservation and access”
Datum: Fri, 30 Jan 2015 10:13:19 -0800
Von: Frederick Zarndt <frederick@global-connexions.com>
Antwort an: frederick@global-connexions.com
An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

Call for Papers

2015 IFLA International News Media Conference: “Transformation of the online news media: implications for preservation and access”

14 April 2015 Center for Research Libraries Newspapers digitization summit
15-16 April 2015 Transformation of the online news media conference

The National Library of Sweden, Stockholm Sweden

Conference website http://goo.gl/3c4iWi


Center for Research Libraries (http://www.crl.edu/)
IFLA News Media (Newspapers) Section (
Audiovisual and Multimedia Section (http://www.ifla.org/avms)

Theme & sub-themes

News media material published online is an important first draft of history as the printed newspaper and broadcast news has been and still is. The digital transformation of news multiplies the usage and current online news media constantly develop new channels and modes of communication, redefine the roles of all stakeholders and transform the news in an infinite process.

The IFLA 2015 International News Media Conference has as its focus the transformation aspects of born digital news media and the implications for long term archiving and access.

The main theme of the conference is Transformation of the online news media: implications for preservation and access with the following possible sub-themes – and papers chosen for presentation should address, but are not limited to:

·       Reporting the news in the digital and social media age: from big corporations to citizen journalism

·       Trends in the news media market

·       The advertising industry and its influence on online news media

·       Latest initiatives and technologies in online news media preservation and access

·       Challenges in archiving, preserving and using online audiovisual material

·       Text mining born digital news content

·       Issues of e-legal deposit: online news media

·       Web harvesting of online news media

·       Issues on long term access to and preservation of news databases

·       Services built on born digital newspaper collections

·       Research being done on the basis of born digital news media collections

·       Users’ experiences with born digital news media collections - usability expectations

·       Integrating born digital news media and digitized newspaper and audiovisual news collections

Other proposals relevant to the main conference theme will also be considered.

The day before the conference, April 14, the Center for Research Libraries, Chicago will hold a digitization summit in conjunction with the IFLA News Media (Newspapers) and Audio Visual Sections. The theme of the workshop is to create consensus on priorities for future digitization and it is intended for major actors in the newspaper digitization community.

Submission Guidelines

·       Proposal abstracts should be submitted in English as an Microsoft Office Word file

·       Proposal abstracts for the IFLA pre-conference must be submitted by 20 February 2015, must be in English and should clearly include:

o   Title of proposed presentation

o   Abstract of proposed paper (no more than 300 words)

o   Name(s) of presenter(s) plus position and/or title

o   Employer / affiliated institution

o   Contact information including e-mail address, telephone number

o   Short biographical statement of presenter(s)

Proposal abstracts should be submitted to program committee (yes to all 4!):

Pär Nilsson 

Bernard F. Reilly 

Mona Løkås 

Mikael Johansson 

Selected presenters will be notified by 27 February 2015.

Accepted papers

·       Complete accepted papers should be c. 3000-6000 words in length, be an original submission not published elsewhere

·       Complete accepted papers and accompanying presentation slides must be submitted by April 3 2015

·       Final papers should be written in English

·       20-25 minutes will be allowed for the delivery of the paper

·       The papers will be made available on the Conference website and the Sections’ webpages

·       Author(s) must agree to make their paper available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/

To discuss any matter relating to this Call for Papers, please contact:

Pär Nilsson, Bernard F. Reilly, Mona Løkås or Mikael Johansson.

Important dates

20 February 2015

Proposal abstracts due

27 February 2015

Acceptance notices sent to authors

6 February 2015

Start of registration

3 April 2015

Completed papers and presentation submitted


All proposal abstracts must be in before 20 February 2015.

Please note

The Programme Committee regrets that it has no funding to assist prospective authors and the submission of an abstract must be on the understanding that the costs of attending the conference including registration, travel, accommodation and other expenses, are the responsibility of the presenters of the accepted papers, or their institutions. No financial support can be provided by IFLA, but a special invitation can be issued to authors.