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10th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC2012)
12-15 November 2012, Shanghai, China
The ICSOC conference is the prime forum for academics and industry researchers and developers to report and share ground breaking work in service oriented computing. The conference provides cross-community scientific excellence by the gathering of experts from various disciplines, such as business process management, distributed systems, computer networks, wireless & mobile computing, grid computing, networking, service science, management science, and software engineering. ICSOC 2012 emphasizes on results that solve open research problems and has significant impact on the field of service-oriented computing and also in particular cloud services.
ICSOC 2012 attracted 205 paper submissions, out of which 32 full and 21 short research papers were selected with an acceptance rate of 17% for full papers, and an additional 11% for short papers. The conference also features 9 industrial papers (6 full papers and 3 short papers).
The scientific program of the conference is complemented by 3 outstanding keynotes, an invited talk, a panel discussion, demonstrations, a PhD symposium as well as a collection of workshops.
The three keynotes are:
1. Rapid Rise and Evolution of Cloud Computing
By Dr. Charles Loboz, Principal Architect, Windows Azure
2. Challenges in Service Modeling, Composition, and Analysis
By Dr. Jianwen Su, Professor, University of California, Santa Barbara
3. Cloud? It is all about Services
By Dr. James T. Yeh, Independent Researcher and Consultant and former Director of Strategy at Corporate Strategy of IBM
Invited Talk: 10 Years Research in Service Oriented Computing and Beyond
By Prof. Michael P. Papazoglou, Executive Director of the European Research Institute in Service Science at Tilburg University and the Scientific Director of the European Network of Excellence in Software Services and Systems (S-Cube)
For the detailed program, please visit the conference site at: www.icsoc.org
The program co-chairs
Chengfei Liu
Heiko Ludwig
Farouk Toumani
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