-------- Original Message --------
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing
Call for Papers: Special issue on Social and Economic Computing
Guest Editors:
Fei-Yue Wang, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
Dongsong Zhang, University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA
Katia Sycara, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
Social and economic computing focuses on the development of computing
technologies that consider social and economic contexts. Social computing
can be broadly defined as the computational facilitation of social studies
and human social dynamics as well as the design and use of computing
technologies that consider social context. Economic computing is concerned
with the development of computational theories, models, and tools that
facilitate economic studies and the design, development, and evaluation of
economic systems using computational ideas and techniques. To facilitate
the design of social and economic systems, social and economic computing
must learn from disciplines such as sociology and economics, and integrate
psychological, organizational and communication theories into
computational thinking.
Services computing, and social and economic computing, are closely related
and benefit from each other. Social computing techniques enable and
support communication and collaboration between service providers and
consumers. Social and economic computing applications are typically built
upon and delivered through services computing principles and techniques.
This IEEE TSC special issue seeks innovative contributions to social and
economic computing research and development in the context of services
computing science, engineering, and applications. Multidisciplinary
research with substantive findings at the intersection of social and
economic computing and services computing is strongly encouraged.
This special issue is expected to cover representative research findings
to provide an integrated and synthesized view of the current state of the
art, identify key challenges and opportunities for future studies, and
promote community-building among researchers and practitioners in the
related fields.
Areas of interest include but are not limited to the following topics:
Service-based theories of social and economic computing
Service-oriented design and architectures of computational social and
economic systems
Computational social and economic modeling, agent-based computational
economics in services
Social media analytics, social learning, social network analysis and
mining in social and economic contexts, Web-enabled service-oriented
social and economic computing
Cultural dynamics, influence process, trust, privacy and
security-related services computing in social and economic contexts
Services, methodology, infrastructure, management and experimental
studies in social and economic computing related applications
Emerging services computing applications with social and economic
computing in areas such as e-business, national security, risk analysis
and public policy evaluation.
Important Dates:
Initial submissions due March 31, 2011
First-round reviews due June 1, 2011
Revised submissions due Aug. 1, 2011
Second-round reviews due Sept. 20, 2011
Final camera-ready version due Oct. 20, 2011
Submission Guidelines:
Submissions should follow the style and presentation guidelines of IEEE
Transactions on Services Computing (see http://www.computer.org/tsc for
details). Please submit your papers through the online system
(https://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/tsc-cs) and select Special Issue on
Social and Economic Computing. The manuscripts should not have been
published or be currently submitted for publication elsewhere.
Contact information:
Contact co-editors at zhangd@umbc.edu.
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