-------- Original Message --------
********************* CALL FOR PAPERS *********************
SPECIAL ISSUE ON: DMSS Development Methodologies: a Software-Systems
Engineering Approach
Guest Editors:
Dr. Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, México
Dr. Miroljub Kljajic, University of Maribor, Slovenia
Dr. Fen Wang, Central Washington University, USA
Dr. Ovsei Gelman, CCADET, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, México,
DMSS are developed for delivering process and outcome value to individual
and group-based decision-making processes (Forgionne 2000). DMSS can be
considered as full technological systems; however, from a systemic view
(Ackoff 1967; Kljajic and Farr, 2008), DMSS can be also defined as
sub-systems of organizational management information systems that
interactively support the decision-making process (Simon et al., 1997) of
individuals and groups in life, public, and private organizations. Classic
DMSS include Decision Support Systems (DSS) (model-based DSS including
analytic, statistical-based and simulation-based types), Executive
Information Systems (EIS), Expert Systems (ES), Knowledge Based Systems
(KBS), and Creativity Enhancing Systems (CES) (Forgionne et al. 2005).
Other DMSS, such as Executive Support systems (ESS), Management Support
Systems (MSS), Artificial Intelligent Decision Support Systems (IDSS), and
Decision Technology Systems (DTS), integrate the functions of DSS, EIS,
ES, KBS, or CES, to provide more comprehensive support than the individual
separate systems (Turban and Watson 1994; Forgionne 1991; Forgionne and
Kohli 2000; Nichols and Goul 2005). Emergent and modern widely used DMSS
are data-based DSS (Gray and Watson 1998; March and Hevner, 2007), Group
Support Systems (Nunamaker et al. 1997; Pervan 1998), and spatial DSS
(Keenan 2003; 2006). Despite their organizational success, DMSS have been
developed during the last 40 years from a more art-based approach (by
using general development schemes) than from Software-Systems Engineering
methods (Gachet and Haettenschwiler, 2006). While several coarse-grain
development paradigms such as: prototyping evolutive (Courbon 1980; Alavi
and Henderson 1981; Mahmood and Medewitz 1985), adaptive (Keen 1980; Alavi
and Napier 1984), or Representation-based method (Carlson 1979) have been
reported, as well as general requirements engineering methods for related
DMSS (for DSS see Meador et al. 1984; for EIS see Watson et al. 1991; and
for Expert Systems see Turban and Aronson 1998), few software-systems
engineering-based approaches (Saxena 1991; Sage 1991; Holsapple and
Winston 1996; Manjarrez and Pickin 2002; Mora et al. 2010) have been
used. In contrast with other types of IS, where well-structured systems
development methodologies have been posed and used more systematically,
practitioners and academics are confused about the available DMSS
development methodologies. Consequently, organizations develop DMSS in
particular modes. We believe that this DMSS topic has been taken for
granted, but evidences show few standardized DMSS development
methodologies (Gachet and Haettenschwiler 2006). Furthermore, DMSS
development methodologies are considered as an implementation success
factor (Einierman et al. 1995; Turban 1992; Watson et al. 1991) and their
selection and correct application cannot be overlapped.
Thus, in this special issue we invite researchers and practitioners to
report high quality research papers on advances on both classic DMSS
(model-based DMSS such as DSS, EIS, ES) and emergent and modern DMSS
(data-oriented DSS, spatial DSS, and GSS) development methodologies using
a robust Software-Systems Engineering approach (Jalote 1997; Sage 1981;
Kljajic and Farr 2008).
Topics to be discussed in this special issue include (but are not limited
to) the following:
Descriptions and proofs of concept of DMSS development methodologies
Comparison studies on DMSS development methodologies
Foundations on the expected characteristics for a DMSS development
Contribution from Systems and Software Engineering to DMSS developments
DMSS development tools and methodologies
Survey studies on DMSS development methodologies used in the practice
Business Intelligence and DMSS development methodologies
Data Mining and DMSS development methodologies
Cognitive aspect of DMSS development methodologies
Challenges for DMSS development methodologies
Academic teaching of DMSS development methodologies
Industrial training of DMSS development methodologies
Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit papers for this
special theme issue on DMSS Development Methodologies: a Software-Systems
Engineering Approach on or before May 31, 2011. All submissions must be
original and may not be under review by another publication. Interested
authors should consult the journals guidelines for manuscript submissions
at http://www.igi-global.com/Files/AuthorEditor/guidelinessubmission.pdf.
All submitted papers will be reviewed on a double-blind, peer review
basis. Papers must follow APA style for reference citations.
The primary objective of the International Journal of Decision Support
System Technology (IJDSST) is to provide comprehensive coverage for DMSS
technology issues. The issues can involve, among other things, new
hardware and software for DMSS, new models to deliver decision-making
support, dialog management between the user and system, data and model
base management within the system, output display and presentation, DMSS
operations, and DMSS technology management. Since the technologys purpose
is to improve decision making, the articles are expected to link DMSS
technology to improvements in the decision-making process as well as its
outcomes. This link can be established theoretically, mathematically, or
empirically in a systematic and scientific manner.
This journal is an official publication of the Information Resources
Management Association.
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Pascale Zarate, IRIT, France
Published: Quarterly (both in Print and Electronic form)
The IJDSST is published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.),
publisher of the Information Science Reference (formerly Idea Group
Reference), Medical Information Science Reference, Business Science
Reference, and Engineering Science Reference imprints. For additional
information regarding the publisher, please visit www.igi-global.com.
All submissions should be directed to the attention of:
Dr. Manuel Mora, Autonomous University of Aguascalientes, México
Lead guest editor, IJDSST
E-mail: mmora@securenym.net
Manuel Mora, EngD.
Full Professor and Researcher "C" Level
Autonomous University of Aguascalientes
Ave. Universidad 940
Aguascalientes, Ags.
México 20100
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