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PDP 2012 - Special Session on "Cloud Computing" - in Garching/Munich
20th EUROMICRO Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing
Leipniz Supercomputing Centre, Garching
February 15-17th, 2012
Special Session on "Cloud Computing"
Cloud computing technologies are raising significant interests. Cloud Computing and Infrastructure as a Service especially has emerged out of the development and widespread adoption of virtualization and Grid computing. The emergence of a large amount of web services at all major internet companies has also triggered great interest in new business processes and workflows being done in the cloud. The Cloud provides a high level of abstraction to the end user, one that provides on-demand services, a pay as you go model combined with elasticity. Cloud Computing covers a broad rage of distributed computing principles from infrastructure (e.g distributed storage, reconfigurable networks) to new programming platforms (e.g MS Azure, Google Appe Engine), and internet based applications. The special session on Cloud Computing is intended to be a forum for the exchange of ideas and experiences on the use of Cloud Computing technologies and applications with compute and data intensive w
orkloads, the challenges and opportunities offered by the development of Cloud Computing solutions themselves, as well as case studies in applications of Cloud Computing and Grid Computing. The general venue will be a good occasion to share, learn, and discuss the latest results in this field of research. The workshop program will include presentations of peer-reviewed papers. The topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Cloud Computing and Grid architectures
Cloud Computing platforms and applications
Cloud Computing for scientific applications
Cloud bridging
Cloud bursting
Virtualization technologies
Performance evaluation, modelling and prediction
Programming models and tools
Cloud computing for compute and/or data intensive applications
Workflows on the Cloud
CPU and GPU Clouds, Desktop Grids
Cloud Computing resource management
Cloud Computing deployment models
Cloud storage and I/O
Important dates
Deadline for paper submission: 15th August 2011
Acceptance notification: 17th October 2011
Camera ready paper due: 11st November 2011
Conference: February 15-17th, 2012
Submission guidelines
Prospective authors should submit a full paper not exceeding 5000 words in length and including a 150-200 word abstract. To facilitate an anonymous reviewing process, the first page of the paper should contain only the title and abstract. Proceedings will be published by IEEE CS. Authors of accepted papers are expected to register and present the paper at the Conference. Papers submitted for the workshops or special sessions must be submitted through the conference submission system with an indication of the name of the workshop/special session. Papers must adhere to the formatting rules of the conference and will undergo the same review process as other papers submitted to the conference. Organization
Program Committee
Thierry Delaitre, University of Westminster, UK
Sebastien Goasguen, Clemson University, USA
Goeffrey Vallee, ORNL, USA
Stephen Winter, University of Westminster, UK
Gabor Terstiansky, University of Westminster, UK
Tamas Kiss, University of Westminster, UK
Christopher Reynolds, University of Westminster, UK
Mark Baker, University of Reading, UK
Gabor Kecskemeti, University of Miskolc, SZTAKI, HU
Attila Csaba Marosi, MTA-SZTAKI, HU
Matthias Schmidt, University of Marburg, DE
Predrag Buncic, CERN, CH
Adrien Lebre, Ecole des Mines de Nantes, FR
Ruben Montero, Universidad Compultense de Madrid, ESP
Nabil Abdhennader, Ecole d'Ingenieur de Geneve, CH
Session Chair
Session Chair: Thierry Delaitre, University of Westminster, UK.
Co-Session Chair: Sebastien Goasguen, Clemson University, USA.
Dr Thierry Delaitre
School of Electronics and Computer Science
University of Westminster
115 New Cavendish Street
London W1W 6UW
Email: T.Delaitre@wmin.ac.uk<mailto:T.Delaitre@wmin.ac.uk>
The University of Westminster is a charity and a company limited by
guarantee. Registration number: 977818 England. Registered Office:
309 Regent Street, London W1B 2UW, UK.