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Special Issue on Volunteer Computing and Desktop Grids
Future Generation Computer Systems
The Elsevier Science's Journal Future Generation Computer Systems
with the subtitle: 'The International Journal of Grid Computing:
Theory, Methods and Application' will publish a special issue on
Volunteer Computing and Desktop Grids. Desktop grids and volunteer
computing systems (DGVCS's) utilize the free resources available in
Intranet or Internet environments for supporting large-scale computation
and storage. For over a decade, DGVCS's have been one of the largest
and most powerful distributed computing systems in the world, offering
a high return on investment for applications from a wide range of scientific
domains (including computational biology, climate prediction, and high-energy
physics). While DGVCS's sustain up to PetaFLOPS of computing power from
hundreds of thousands to millions of resources, fully leveraging the
platform's computational power is still a major challenge because of
the immense scale, high volatility, and extreme heterogeneity of such systems.
The purpose of this special issue is to focus on recent advances in the
development ofscalable, fault-tolerant, and secure DGVCS's.
*This special issue will have special emphasis on the interaction of
clouds and desktop grids.
As such, we invite submissions on DGVCS topics including the following:
* Cloud computing over unreliable enterprise or Internet resources
* DGVCS middleware and software infrastructure (including management),
with emphasis on virtual machines
* incorporation of DGVCS's with Grid and Cloud infrastructures
* DGVCS programming environments and models
* modeling, simulation, and emulation of large-scale, volatile environments
* resource management and scheduling
* resource measurement and characterization
* novel DGVCS applications
* data management (strategies, protocols, storage)
* security on DGVCS's (reputation systems, result verification)
* multi-core DGVCS's
* fault-tolerance on shared, volatile resources
* peer-to-peer (P2P) algorithms or systems applied to DGVCS's
Submission Deadline
30 May 2010
Early submission encouraged
Special Issue Editors
Derrick Kondo
INRIA, France
Email: derrick.kondo :: inria.fr
Bahman Javadi
INRIA, France
Email: javadi :: imag.fr
Peter Sloot
University of Amsterdam, Department of Computer Science
Email: sloot :: science.uva.nl
Submission Details
Manuscripts formatted along the guidelines for authors of the Future Generation
Computer Systems must be submitted online by 30 May 2010. Manuscripts are
typically 15 pages in length, and should not exceed 20 pages.