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Interaction Design and Architecture(s) Journal (IxD&A)
(ISSN 1826-9745, eISSN 2283-2998)
2017 call for proposals of Special Issues and Focus
IxD&A is a well known international think tank situated at
the cross-border among
Education, Computer Science,
Design-Architecture and Social Innovation that implements
Gold Open Access road to its content with no charge
for authors.
IxD&A distinguish itself for the attention toward
cross-disciplinary emerging topics of the international research
and, as well, for its people centered and experiential vision.
see IxD&A archive: http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/idea2010/index.php?s=10&a=10)
IxD&A has scheduled special issues till winter 2016 (see
below) and is now looking for proposals of new special issues and
focus sections offering the possibility to explore challenging and
fore-front themes during year 2017.
Only four proposals of special issues and focus sections will be
Next call for special issue proposals is expected in winter 2016.
The proposal for a special issue should contain the following
1. Introduction & Background -> explain why the
subject proposed is a fore-front and challenging one and describe
its expected impact (max 1000 words).
2. Topics of Interest (at least 5).
3. List of guest editors, their affiliation and short bio
(max 4, a larger number should be dutifully justified).
4. Dissemination strategy -> indicate the channels that
the proponents intend to use to distribute the CFP, in parallel to
those usually offered by IxD&A journal.
5. Description of researchers and research groups
potentially interested in submitting a paper with an indication of
the expected number of submissions (max 100 words - list
6. Target audience short description (max 100 words).
7. Indication of the preferred issue: spring, summer,
autumn, winter (note that the important dates are established by
the timing of the IxD&A publication process; as example,
please, have a look at the calls published on the journal website)
Please note that each special issue cannot contain more than 8
high quality blindly peer-reviewed paper, while a focus section no
more than 5.
In special cases, when among the submitted papers there are more
than 8 (or 5 for focus sections) of very high-quality, the number
of accepted papers can be adjusted accordingly.
Important dates
Deadline: Open call till the filling of all available
Notification with feedback to the proponents:
within 30 days
from the date of the proposal submission
Submission procedure
The proposal should be submitted, either in .doc, .pages or in
.rtf format, by email to the scientific editor of the IxD&A
marking the subject as:
IxD&A, proposal of special issue (or focus section) on
*** 2014: IxD&A in figures ***
acceptance rate: less than 30%;
4 issues and 28 papers published, written by 90
authors from 16 countries (5 continents); 102
reviewers involved.
IxD&A is visited by scholars from all over the world coming
from more than 115 countries
View stats:
*** Since 2015 in Scopus ***
*** Since 2015 in Emerging
Sources Citation Index and Web of Science
forthcoming issues:
• Spring 2016
'Mobile learning and Special Education'
Guest Editors: Peña L. Bedesem, Enrico Gandolfi, Richard
E. Ferdig, C. C. Lu
with a focus section on:
'Emotions and Personality in Personalized Systems'
Guest Editors: Nadja DeCarolis, Marco de Gemmis, Andrej
Košir e Marko Tkalcic
• Summer 2016
'The Social Innovation capacity of Open Education and Learning'
Guest Editors: Carlo Giovannella
& Demetrios Sampson
with a focus section on:
"Experiences of Technology Appropriation: Unanticipated
Users, Usage, Circumstances, and Design"
Guest Editors: Alina Krischkowsky,
Nervo Verdezoto, Manfred Tscheligi,
Michael Muller
• Autumn 2016
'On Making'
Guest Editors: Joep Frens & Patrizia Marti
with a focus section on:
'Player and Learner eXperience'
Guest Editors: Monica Divitini, Gabriella Dodero,
Rosella Gennari
• Winter 2016
'Smart Learning Ecosystems and Regional
Guest Editors: Alke Martens,
Radu Vasiu, Annika Wolff