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Betreff: [AISWorld] JVLC Special Issue on Semiotics, Human-Computer Interaction and End-User Development – Second call for submissions
Datum: Fri, 11 Dec 2015 15:28:32 +0100
Von: Yvonne Dittrich <ydi@itu.dk>
Antwort an: ydi@itu.dk
An: AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org

Sorry for cross posting

Journal of Visual Languages and Computing

   [1]Special Issue on Semiotics, Human-Computer Interaction and End-User


   Over the last three decades, semiotics has inspired a number of
   researchers interested in the design of interactive languages and
   interactive systems. The hallmark of semiotic approaches to computing
   is to view computers as a medium for signs, their transformation and
   their use in communication. This also applies for the programming of
   computers by both ICT experts and domain experts. One of the main
   attractions to explore computers and Human-Computer Interaction from a
   semiotic perspective is that many semiotic approaches allow accounting
   for both the design of user interfaces and the design of End-User
   Development (EUD) environments and languages with the same set of
   concepts, frameworks or methods.

   As the diversity of interface modalities and media has increased and
   enabled sophisticated multimodal multimedia communication between users
   and systems, semiotics is gaining more attention by human-computer
   interaction researchers and professionals. The role of ICT in
   contemporary societies - no matter how diverse their cultural
   background is - calls for technologies that users can reinterpret and
   adapt easily in relation to a rapid change of the use context often
   provoked by the technology itself. The stage is thus set for semiotics
   to make relevant contributions to the move from `easy to use' to `easy
   to develop'.

   The aim of the special issue is to collect current research to semiotic
   approaches to HCI and especially to EUD, providing a reference point
   for current and future researchers interested in relating semiotics
   with HCI and EUD.

   We invite articles that discuss what Semiotics has, can and might
   contribute to the field of HCI and End User Development. The following
   list of topics serves as an indication for relevant themes:

   .       The Need for Semiotic studies

   o   Semiotic Models, Methods, and Frameworks for HCI and EUD

   o   Semiotics and Cultures of participation

   o   Semiotics in Empirical studies of EUD practices

   o   Semiotic and user (re)appropriation of software in context

   .       Supporting Evolution through Semiotics

   o   Semiotics informing EUD language and interactive systems design.

   o   Mashups and Web remix technologies

   o   Semiotics in the Design of Interactive Languages

   o   Abductive reasoning support for EUD

   o   Support for EUD-related collaboration among non-professional

   .       Critique and Commentary

   o   Semiotic theories and HCI

   o   Semiotic theories and EUD

   o   Semiotically-informed frameworks, methods and techniques for
   interactive systems design and EUD

   .       Surveys

   o   Semiotics and Visual Languages

   o   Semiotics and User Interface Languages

   o   Semiotics and Interaction Languages

   The number of accepted papers will be between three and ten. If the
   number falls below three, there will be no special issue and the
   accepted papers will be published as regular papers. Submitted
   manuscripts must not have appeared or been under review elsewhere. All
   submitted manuscripts will be reviewed by at least three reviewers in
   accordance with the refereeing procedure of Journal of Visual Languages
   and Computing.


   We solicit submission of papers consisting of original research and

   Formatting guidelines can be found on the JVLC webpage:

   All manuscripts and any supplementary material should be submitted
   through Elsevier Editorial System (EES)
   [4]http://ees.elsevier.com/jvlc/ by selecting "SI:Semiotics, HCI and
   EUD" as Article Type name.


   Abstract submission                           Dec 20, 2015
   Paper submission:                              Jan 30, 2016
   Revision/rejection notification:        March 30, 2016
   Revised paper due:                            June 30, 2016
   Acceptance notification:                   Sept 15, 2016
   Final Manuscript Due:                       Nov 30, 2016
   Publication:                                        April, 2017


   Yvonne Dittrich, IT University of Copenhagen, [5]ydi@itu.dk

   Dr. Yvonne Dittrich has been applying semiotic theories in the context
   of design and use of computer applications as early as 1997. She has
   been part of the European Network of Excellence in End User Development
   2000 - 2002. Her research connects EUD, Participatory Design and
   Software Engineering. She holds an associate professorship at the IT
   University of Copenhagen, known for inter- and cross disciplinary
   research on IT.

   Antonio Piccinno, University of Bari, [6]antonio.piccinno@uniba.it
   Dr. Antonio Piccinno is assistant Professor at the Computer Science
   Department of University of Bari "Aldo Moro". He is member of the
   Interaction, Visualization, Usability (IVU) Lab. Since 2001, he has
   been involved in End-User Development and related topics. He has also
   been part of the European Network of Excellence in End-User Development
   2000 - 2002. His research interests are in Human-Computer Interaction,
   particularly on End-User Development, Visual Interactive Systems,
   Theory of Visual Languages, Adaptive Interfaces, Component-Based
   Software Development, Multi-modal and Multimedia Interaction.

Yvonne Dittrich, assoc. prof

Software Development Group
IT University of Copenhagen

Rued Langgaards Vej 7
DK-2300 K?benhavn S, Denmark


   Visible links
   1. http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-visual-languages-and-computing/call-for-papers/special-issue-on-semiotics-human-computer-interaction-and-en/
   2. http://bit.ly/JVLC-SemHciEud
   3. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622907/authorinstructions
   4. http://ees.elsevier.com/jvlc/
   5. mailto:ydi@itu.dk
   6. mailto:antonio.piccinno@uniba.it
   7. http://www.itu.dk/people/ydi

   Hidden links:
   8. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622907/authorinstructions
   9. http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws_home/622907/authorinstructions
  10. mailto:antonio.piccinno@uniba.it
  11. mailto:antonio.piccinno@uniba.it
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