KR 2012 - Call for Participation
Thirteenth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge
Representation and Reasoning
10 to 14 June 2012 Rome, Italy
Co-located with: DL2012, NMR2012, AI*IA2012, CILC2012 and KiBP2012
Reduced fees for registration at colocated events will be available.
Important Dates
Late Registration ends: 27 May
Conference (on site registration): 10 June to 14 June
Highlights of KR 2012
Special keynote in remembrance of the passing of John McCarthy:
- Leora Morgenstern, Science Applications International Corporation
"Great Moments in KR" lecture:
- Vladimir Lifschitz, University of Texas at Austin
Keynote speakers:
- Craig Boutilier, University of Toronto
- Maurizio Lenzerini, La Sapienza University of Rome
- Moshe Vardi, Rice University
- IBM Watson
Alfio M. Gliozzo, IBM Watson Research Center
- Graph-Based Methods for Problem Decomposition
Georg Gottlob, University of Oxford
Francesco Scarcello, University of Calabria
Gianluigi Greco, University of Calabria
- Introduction to Social Choice
Jérôme Lang, Paris Dauphine University
- Modeling and Solving in Answer Set Programming
Torsten Schaub, University of Potsdam
Cutting Edge Research Papers:
- 53 Long Technical Papers
- 18 Short Technical Papers
- Complete listing at http://www.dis.uniroma1.it/~kr12/?p=papers
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR&R) is a well-established
and vibrant field of research. KR&R techniques are key drivers of
innovation in computer science, and they have led to significant
advances in practical applications in a wide range of areas from
Artificial Intelligence to Software Engineering. The underlying
approach of explicitly representing knowledge in a tangible form,
suitable for processing by dedicated reasoning engines, is a
fundamental component of many modern intelligent systems. Foundational
and applied research in KR&R contributes to the principles of
artificial intelligence. It also contributes to the foundations of
longstanding fields including automated planning, databases, and
software engineering. In recent years KR&R has also derived
challenges from new and emerging fields including the semantic web,
computational biology, and the development of software agents.
The KR conference series is a leading forum for timely in-depth
presentation of progress in the theory and principles underlying the
representation and computational management of knowledge. KR 2012
will be a forum for the exchange and discussion of new ideas, issues,
and results on the principles and practice of KR&R.
Contacts for KR 2012
General Chair:
- Gerhard Brewka (U Leipzig)
Program Chairs:
- Thomas Eiter (TU Vienna), Sheila McIlraith (U Toronto)
Local Organization:
- Giuseppe De Giacomo, Marco Schaerf (U "La Sapienza", Rome)
Doctoral Consortium:
- Esra Erdem (Sabanci University), Frank Wolter (U Liverpool)
- Benjamin Johnston, Mary-Anne Williams (UT Sydney)
Professor Mary-Anne Williams
Associate Dean (Research and Development)Director, Innovation and Enterprise Research Lab
Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology
University of Technology, SydneyResearch and Development OfficeBuilding 2 Level 7 Room 7092P.O. 123 Broadway NSW 2007 Australia
Phone: + 61 2 9514 2663 (Gunasmin)
Facsimile: + 61 2 9514 2868
http://TheMagicLab.org/Mary-AnneeMail: Mary-Anne@TheMagicLab.org