-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [all-prolearn] [Fwd: Second Call for Papers - Symposium "Organizational Learning and Knowledge Work Management", Romania] Datum: Tue, 24 May 2005 17:21:28 +0200 Von: Martin Wolpers wolpers@l3s.de Firma: L3S Research Center, Germany An: all-prolearn@agws.dit.upm.es
FYI, Martin
-------- Original Message -------- [...]
*OL-KWM 2005*
*International Symposium on*
*/Organizational Learning and Knowledge Work Management/***
October 13, 2005
Bucharest, ROMANIA
*http://www.racai.ro/events/SympOL_KWM/ *
*Email: ol-kwm@racai.ro mailto:ol-kwm@racai.ro *
*/Organized by:/* */Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence/* (http://www.racai.ro/ )
*/Sponsored by:/* *Ministry of Education and Research of Romania* (http://www.edu.ro/ ), *NoE PROLEARN* (http://www.prolearn-project.org/ )
*OL-KWM attempts to enable a useful exchange of information among researchers, scientists, engineers and practitioners in e-learning and knowledge work management. The field of interest approached covers both theoretical viewpoints and experimental achievements in all areas of the field.*
not limited to:
· *New Work Organization*
· *Knowledge Product Management*
· *Organizational Learning*
· *Competence Development*
· *Performance & Productivity*
· *Performance Management*
· *Collaboration & Knowledge Sharing*
· *Online Experiments & Simulation*
The International Symposium /OL-KWM 2005/ will be hosted by the Romanian Academy Library (http://www.bar.acad.ro/index_eng.html ), located in the center of Bucharest: Calea Victoriei 125.
All papers will be reviewed by the Program Committee.
* *Paper sessions:* 15 minutes presentation followed by a panel discussion. * *Round Table (Poster Session): /E/*/*-Learning Tools for Building Intelligent Interactive Environments*/
* *
The paper should be made in the following format:
· Rich Text Format (**.RTF*)
· Font /Times New Roman, /10 points
· Maximum number of pages is 10
· Page setup
o margins:mirror pages, top 1.2 cm, bottom 2.5 cm, inside 1.5 cm, outside 1.0 cm, gutter 0 cm, header 0.6 cm, footer 1.5 cm
o paper size: height 20.2 cm, width 14.5 cm
· Paragraph: line spacing single
· Paper title: size 12
· Empty space between paper title and author(s)'(s) name(s): 1 line
· Empty space between author(s)'(s) name(s) and text: 2 lines
· Title, author(s)'(s) name(s), city, country, email aligned to the right.
The posters will be at displayed during the whole period of the symposium.
Please follow the instructions below closely:
1. Each author is responsible for preparing his/her display. Stands (height: 100cm, width: 70cm). 2. In any case limit your display to the sizes indicated above. 3. It is recommended that lettering and drawings / figures should be large enough for easy reading from a distance of 2m.
Submission of a paper or a poster can be made by e-mail: ol-kwm@racai.ro mailto:ol-kwm@racai.ro.
* *Registration Fee* for authors is *90 EURO* *or equivalen*t and covers logistic resources and the proceedings of our Symposium. * *Registration Fee* for the other participants is *100 EURO* *or equivalent* and covers logistic resources and the proceedings of our Symposium. * *Payment method*: 1. Bank Transfer
Romanian Commercial Bank, BCR SUC. Doamnei
Account Name
ICIA (Institutul de Cercetari pentru Inteligenta Artificiala), CF 6121265
Account number (ROL)
Account number (EUR)
Account number (USD)
Please, fax the transfer receipt at *+40 21 4113916* or* +40 21 3188142* and also e-mail to
the local organizers: ol-kwm@racai.ro mailto:ol-kwm@racai.ro. Bank charges are the responsibility of the payee and should be paid at source in addition
to the registration fee.
2. For other means of payment please contact us by e-mail: ol-kwm@racai.ro mailto:ol-kwm@racai.ro.
Submission of /full papers/
/Notification /of authors about /acceptance/rejection/
/Registration Fee/ payment
/Camera-ready/ form submission of full papers
/Final program/ announcement
*Acad. Florin FILIP*, Vice-president of the Romanian Academy
*Acad. Mihai DRAGANESCU*, President of the Section for the Science and Technology of Information
*Dr. Eng. Martin WOLPERS*, PROLEARN project manager, L3S Research Center, Hannover, Germany
*Prof. Dr. Eng. Dan Ioan TUFIS*, Corresponding Member of the Romanian Academy, Director of RACAI
*Alexander KARAPIDIS M.A.*, Competence Center Personalmanagement, Fraunhofer Institut Arbeitswirtschaft und Organisation (IAO), Stuttgart, Germany
*Dr. Till BECKER*, Fraunhofer IAO - Universitaet Stuttgart IAT, Germany
*Dr. Math. Angela IONITA*, Scientific Director of RACAI
*Dr. Eng. Cristina NICULESCU*, Senior Researcher of RACAI
*Prof. Dr. Eng. Stefan TRAUSAN-MATU*, Senior Researcher I of RACAI
*Dr. Eng. C. Niculescu*
*Ec. E. Papadatu*
*I. Stanescu*
Phone: +(40 21) 4102953
Fax: +(40 21) 4113916 / +(40 21) 3188142
E-mail address: ol-kwm@racai.ro mailto:ol-kwm@racai.ro