-------- Original Message -------- Subject: IEEE CloudCom 2012 - Call For Papers (Taipei, Taiwan, December 03-06, 2012) Date: Fri, 6 Apr 2012 11:32:06 +0800 From: cfp@grid.chu.edu.tw To: neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
========================================================== We apologies if you receive multiple copies of this announcement. Please disseminate this CFP in any lists you subscribed and among your colleagues/students. We also take this chance to invite you (or anyone from your research group) to contribute papers to this conference. Thanks in advance. ==========================================================
4th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science IEEE CloudCom 2012
The Grand Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, December 03-06, 2012
1. Sponsors 2. Important Dates 3. Topics 4. Keynote Speakers 5. Special Issues 6. Workshops 7. Submission & Publication
========== 1. Sponsors: ==========
Sponsored by: Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) IEEE Computer Society IEEE Technical Commitee on Scalable Computing
In-cooperation with: National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan Chung Hua University, Taiwan National Center for High-Performance Computing, Taiwan Tunghai University, Taiwan Taiwan Association of Cloud Computing National Science Council OpenGrid Forum IEEE Cloud Computing Initiative
================= 2. Important Dates: =================
Abstract Submission (obligatory): July 13, 2012 Full Submission: July 27, 2012 Notification: Sep. 7, 2012 Camera-ready & Author registration: Sep. 28, 2012 Workshop Proposals: May 13, 2012 Poster and Demo: Sep. 10, 2012 Poster and Demo Notification: Sep. 20, 2012
========= 3. Topics: =========
1. Architecture *Cloud Infrastructure as a Service *Cloud Platform as a Service *Cloud federation and hybrid cloud infrastructure *Programming models and systems/tools *Green data center *Networking technologies for data center *Cloud system design with FPGA, GPU, APU *Monitoring, management and maintenance *Economic and business models *Dynamic resource provisioning
2. MapReduce *Performance characterization and optimization *MapReduce on multi-core, GPU *MapReduce on hybrid distributed environments *MapReduce on opportunistic / heterogeneous computing systems *Extension of the MapReduce programming model *Debugging and simulation of MapReduce systems *Data-intensive applications using MapReduce *Optimized storage for MapReduce applications *Fault-tolerance & Self-* capabilities
3. Security and Privacy *Accountability *Audit in clouds *Authentication and authorization *Cryptographic primitives *Reliability and availability *Trust and credential management *Usability and security *Security and privacy in clouds *Legacy systems migration *Cloud Integrity and Binding Issues
4. Services and Applications *Cloud Service Composition *Query and discovery models for cloud services *Trust and Security in cloud services *Change management in cloud services *Organization models of cloud services *Innovative cloud applications and experiences *Business process and workflow management *Service-Oriented Architecture in clouds
5. Virtualization *Server, storage, network virtualization *Resource monitoring *Virtual desktop *Resilience, fault tolerance *Modeling and performance evaluation *Security aspects *Enabling disaster recovery, job migration *Energy efficient issues
6. HPC on Cloud *Load balancing for HPC clouds *Middleware framework for HPC clouds *Scalable scheduling for HPC clouds *HPC as a Service *Performance Modeling and Management *Programming models for HPC clouds *HPC cloud applications *Optimal cloud deployment for HPC
================= 4. Keynote Speakers =================
Prof. Sanjay Ranka, University of Florida, USA Prof. Hai Jin, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China Dr. Siani Pearson, HP Cloud & Security Research Lab, UK Dr. Mazin Yousif, IBM Research
============== 5. Special Issues ==============
Best Paper Awards will be presented to high quality papers.
Selected papers, after further extensions and revisions, will be published in special issues of the following prestigious journals
International Journal of Communication Systems (Wiley) (SCI, EI) Journal of Systems Architecture (Elsevier) (SCI, EI) Automated Software Engineering (Springer) (SCI, EI) Journal of Internet Technology (SCI, EI) Information System Frontiers (Springer) (SCI, EI)
============ 6. Workshops ============
The following workshops will be organized in conjunction with the IEEE CloudCom-2012. Proceedings of CloudCom 2012 Workshops will be also published by IEEE CS Press (IEEE-DL & EI indexed)
- International Workshop on Medical Cloud (Chair, Guo, Yi-Ke, y.guo@imperial.ac.uk) - International Workshop on Simulation Cloud (Chair, Erdal Cayirci, erdal.cayirci@uis.no)
For details in organizing a workshop with CloudCom, please visit http://grid.chu.edu.tw/cloudcom2012/Call_For_Workshops.html
======================= 7. Submission & Publication =======================
Papers need to be prepared according to the IEEE CS format, and submitted in PDF format via the EasyChair system
Accepted conference papers will be published by IEEE CS Press (IEEE-DL & EI indexed).
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