-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CfP: International Workshop on Software Product Management (RE'08 Workshop) Datum: Thu, 15 May 2008 11:29:35 +0200 Von: Slinger Jansen slinger@cs.uu.nl Antwort an: Slinger Jansen slinger@cs.uu.nl An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Call for Papers International Workshop on Software Product Management Barcelona, Spain, Friday, September 12, 2008 http://www.cs.uu.nl/groups/OI/IWSPM/
In conjunction with the 16th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference Barcelona, Spain, Friday, September 12,2008 http://www.re08.org/
*** Workshop Objective *** In today’s competitive software markets it is of utmost interest to have winning products. The success of any software product depends on skilled and competent product management. Software product management includes product requirements, release definitions, product release lifecycles, creating an effective multifunctional product introduction team and – above all – assuring a winning business case. Indeed software product management is complex: there are many intra- and interorganizational stakeholders, many responsibilities and no formalized education or body of (scientific) knowledge.
After the success of last year’s workshop (collocated with the 2006 Requirements Engineering conference in Minneapolis/St. Paul, USA) this workshop aims to continuously increase the body of knowledge for this specific area of requirements and software engineering by providing a forum to exchange ideas and publish baselined results. It will build and shape the community of leading practitioners and research experts.
Given the relevance of product management in IT and software companies, and the rather unexplored scientific and industry contribution in this field, the workshop will deliver a state-of-the- practice overview of the available knowledge on software product management, as well as an overview of areas within software product management for further research.
*** Topics of interest *** * Product management practices in software and IT domains * Requirements engineering in relation to product and requirements management * Release definition and roadmapping * Product management processes * Product families and product line management * Portfolio management and product life-cycle management * Subcontracting, partnering and incorporation of open-source components * Software supply networks * Service oriented software products * Impacts of subcontracting on product architecture * Product strategy definition and marketing * Measuring and improving the performance of the product manager * Product management skill and competence building * Product management at SME’s * Tools for product management
*** Workshop proceedings *** Proceedings of accepted papers will appear in electronic format, in the IEEE CS Digital Library. We are in search of a journal to allow for publishing of extended and revised versions of the best papers.
Paper preparation, submission and evaluation We welcome both research and industry papers to IWSPM 2008. Research papers should either not exceed 5,000 words (full research papers) or not exceed 3,000 words (work-in- progress/position research papers). They must be original and not submitted to or accepted by any other conference or journal. To encourage industrial participation we also welcome short industry papers (2,000 words maximum). Papers should be submitted in electronic form (PDF) to the organizers at IWSPM@cs.uu.nl. Submissions must be formatted according to the 8.5x11 inch IEEE CS proceedings format. For downloading instructions and templates, go to the Author Forms web page of the IEEE Computer Society, available at http://www.computer.org/portal/pages/ieeecs/publications/cps/cps_forms.html.
Three reviewers of the workshop’s program committee will judge the quality of each submitted workshop paper. Proceedings will appear in the IEEE CS Digital Library.
*** Important dates *** June 10, 2008: Deadline for workshop submissions; July 17, 2008: Notification of authors; July 31, 2008: Camera-ready papers due.
All deadlines are 23:59 Apia, Samoa time.
*** Program committee *** * Christof Ebert, Vector Consulting Services, Germany * Sjaak Brinkkemper, Utrecht University, the Netherlands * Gerald Heller, Hewlett Packard, Germany * Slinger Jansen, Utrecht University, the Netherlands * Anthony Finkelstein - University College London, UK * Kari Smolander, Univ. Lappeenranta, Finland * Alan Hevner, NSF and University of South Florida, USA * Björn Regnell, Lund University, Sweden * Pnina Soffer, The University of Haifa, Israel * Johan Versendaal, Utrecht University, the Netherlands * Tony Wasserman, Carnegie Mellon West, USA * Günther Ruhe, University of Calgary, Canada
*** Workshop organizing committee *** * Sjaak Brinkkemper, Utrecht University, the Netherlands * Christof Ebert, Vector Consulting Services, Germany * Gerald Heller, Hewlett-Packard, Germany * Slinger Jansen, Utrecht University, the Netherlands
For further questions, please contact us at IWSPM@cs.uu.nl.