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Dear colleagues,
The submission deadline for the 11th Workshop on Service oriented
Enterprise Architecture for Enterprise Engineering (SoEA4EE'2019)
has been extended to June 28th.
You have plenty reasons to submit to SoEA4EE'2019. The EDOC'2019
conference hosted by the University Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne will
offer an inspiring scientific environmement, exciting keynotes and
also a number of social events during which you can nurture your
networks and discover the wonderful city of Paris !!
For detailed information, stay tuned at
SoEA4EE'2019 is organised in conjunction with the 23th
International Enterprise Computing Conference (EDOC) on 28
October, 2019, Paris, France.
Workshop proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer
Society Press and be made accessible through IEEE Xplore and the
IEEE Computer Society Digital Library.
A third special issue in International Journal of Information
Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), with the selected papers
of four SoEA4EE editions (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) will be launched
immediately after the workshop (detailed information below).
Best regards,
Selmin Nurcan & Rainer Schmidt
SoEA4EE'2019 organisers
Call for Papers
11th International Workshop on Service oriented Enterprise
Architecture for Enterprise Engineering (SoEA4EE)
in conjunction with EDOC 2019
October 28, 2019, Paris, France
Selmin Nurcan – University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Rainer Schmidt – Munich University of Applied Sciences , Germany
Papers submission deadline: June 28th, 2019
Detailed Call for Papers is below.
SoEA4EE 2019
11th International Workshop on Service oriented Enterprise
Architecture for Enterprise Engineering (SoEA4EE'19)
in conjunction with EDOC 2019
October 28, 2019, Paris, France
Papers submission deadline: June 28th, 2019
Selmin Nurcan – University Paris 1 Panthéon Sorbonne, France
Rainer Schmidt – Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
The goal of the workshop is to develop concepts and methods to
assist the engineering and the management of service-oriented
enterprise architectures and the software systems supporting them.
During the workshop we will discuss the following topics:
1. Digital enterprises
- New trends in digitization for enterprise architecture and
enterprise engineering
- Patterns for digital enterprise architecture
- Impacts of digitized products on enterprise architecture
- Business transformations accompanying the augmentation of
physical products with companion services
2. SoEA and influence of social and big data in Enterprise
- Trends in SoEA to use the capabilities of Big Data (volume,
variety, velocity, veracity)
- Impacts of social production on the SoEA
- Creation of weak ties in SoEA
- Collective decision processes in SoEA
- Fitting SoEA with cloud computing; Designing Enterprise
Architectures using cloud-services
3. Compliance of SoEA with cloud-based enterprise resources
- Concepts and methods for mapping enterprise services to
cloud-based resources
- Trends in information system architectures for services
- Concepts and methods for mapping non-functional requirements to
cloud-based resources
4. Alignment of the enterprise goals and strategy with the SoEA
- Interdependencies between services and business goals
- Concepts and methods to align services with the business
- New potentials and trends created by services to reengineer
business processes
- Quality issues and non-functional requirements for SoEA
- Coherence of services with compliance requirements
5. Design of SoEA
- Specifications of business, software, platform and
infrastructure services
- Matching business services with business processes
- Lifecycle of business, software, platform and infrastructure
- Monitoring the fulfilment of non-functional requirements
- Benchmarks and key performance indicators for services
- Approaches the continual improvement of services
6. Governance of SoEA
- Impacts of SoEA on the compliance and governance requirements
- Meta-services for business, software, platform and
infrastructure services
- Building service (value) nets -consisting of business, software,
platform and infrastructure services
- Meta-services for cloud-environments
Full papers (8-10 pages in the IEEE-CS format) describing mature
results are sought. In addition, short/position papers (4-6 pages
in the IEEE-CS format) may be submitted to facilitate discussion
of recent research results and ongoing projects. Industry
experience reports provide new insights gained in case studies or
when applying service-oriented EA for enterprise engineering are
also welcome. The paper selection will be based upon the relevance
of a paper to the main topics, as well as upon its quality and
potential to generate relevant discussion. All contributions will
be peer reviewed based on the complete version, being full or
Please note that all submissions should be made in PDF format and
comply with the [IEEE Computer Society Conference Proceedings
Format Guidelines]
The proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society
Press and be made accessible through IEEE Xplore and the IEEE
Computer Society Digital Library.
Please submit your paper to Easychair at
At least one author of each accepted workshop paper will have to
register for the whole EDOC 2019 conference and attend the
workshop to present the paper. Analogously to previous years,
there will be no workshop-only registration at EDOC 2019. If a
paper is not presented in the workshop, it will be removed from
the workshop proceedings published in the IEEE Xplore digital
The SoEA4EE workshop has been a full day workshop in conjunction
with EDOC’09 in New Zealand, with EDOC’10 in Brasil, EDOC’11 in
Finland, EDOC 2012 in China, EDOC’2013 in Canada, EDOC’2014 in
Germany, EDOC’2015 in Australia, EDOC’2016 in Austria, EDOC’2017
in Canada and EDOC'2018 in Sweden. The programs of the previous
editions can be reached from the portal of the SoEA4EE series:
he link for the proceedings of EDOC 2009 workshops is:
The link for the proceedings of EDOC 2010 workshops is:
The link for the proceedings of EDOC 2011 workshops is:
The link for the proceedings of EDOC 2012 workshops is:
The link for the proceedings of EDOC 2013 workshops is:
The link for the proceedings of EDOC 2014 workshops is:
The link for the proceedings of EDOC 2015 workshops is:
The link for the proceedings of EDOC 2016 workshops is:
The link for the proceedings of EDOC 2017 workshops is:
The link for the proceedings of EDOC 2018 workshops is:
The workshop will consist of long and short paper presentations,
brainstorming sessions and discussions. Workshop papers will be
published in a second volume of the EDOC 2019 conference
In 2012, the authors of the selected papers from the four previous
editions of SoEA4EE have been invited to submit an extended
version of their paper to a special issue of the International
Journal of Information Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS).
Eight extended papers have been submitted. The IJISSS Special
Issue, 7(1) January-March 2015, presents four papers selected
after a two-round peer review and covering a broad spectrum of
themes in Service Oriented Enterprise Architecture Engineering
from technical to conceptual and managerial themes.
The second special issue in International Journal of Information
Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), with the selected papers
of the three SoEA4EE editions (2013, 2014 and 2015) has been
published in the volume 10(3) May 2018, and includes four papers
selected after a two-round peer review.
A third special issue in International Journal of Information
Systems in the Service Sector (IJISSS), with the selected papers
of four SoEA4EE editions (2016, 2017, 2018, 2019) will be launched
Submission due: June 28, 2019
Notification: July 26, 2019
Camera-ready paper due: August 16, 2019
Judith Barrios Albornoz - Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela
Khalid Benali - LORIA, Nancy, France
Eric Dubois - Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology,
Aditya Ghose – Wollongong University, Australia
Claude Godart - LORIA, Nancy, France
Jānis Grabis - Riga Technical University
Sung-Kook Han - Won Kwang University, South Korea
Ron Kenett - KPA Ltd., Israel
Florian Matthes - Technical University Munich, Germany
Michael Möhring - Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Julio Cesar Nardi - Federal University of Espírito Santo, Brazil
Selmin Nurcan - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, France
Jolita Ralyté - University of Geneva, Switzerland
Kurt Sandkuhl - University of Rostock, Germany
Rainer Schmidt - Munich University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Ulrike Steffens - Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Jelena Zdravkovic, Stockholm University, Sweden
Alfred Zimmermann - Hochschule Reutlingen, Germany
Maitre de Conferences HDR / A. Prof. Dr. habil.
Directeur Masters MSI: SIC, MIKS, Executive MSIC
The University Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne has been running for the
last 22 years, a highly successful Masters programme (SIC - apprenticeship)
that also offers for the 10th year an English-taught programme (MIKS)
The 23d IEEE International EDOC Conference - The Enterprise Computing Conference
October 28-31, 2019, Paris, France
*Surface mail*
Universite Paris 1 - Pantheon - Sorbonne
Ecole de Management de la Sorbonne
Centre Broca
21, rue Broca 75240 Paris cedex 05 FRANCE
Tel : 33 - 1 53 55 27 13
Universite Paris 1 - Pantheon - Sorbonne
Centre de Recherche en Informatique
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