-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [WI] WIMS'11 paper/proposal submission deadline extended
Date: Tue, 5 Oct 2010 19:09:00 +0200
From: WIMS'11 <wims11@vestforsk.no>
To: wims11@vestforsk.no

Dear Colleague,
Due to number of requests from authors the deadline for submission of papers for WIMS'11 has been extended until 20th NOVEMBER 2010. Please note that this is a hard deadline, so that the technical committee can perform their paper reviewing duties in a timely manner.

It will be appreciated if you kindly circulate this information among your esteemed colleagues/associates/students and encourage them to participate and present their work in the International Conference on Web Intelligence, Mining and Semantics (WIMS'11) [http://wims.vestforsk.no] to be held in Sogndal, Norway.

This is the first in a new series of conferences concerned with intelligent approaches to transform the World Wide Web into a global reasoning and semantic-driven computing machine. Next conferences in this series, WIMS'12 and WIMS'13, will take place in Craiova (Romania) and Madrid (Spain), respectively.

Topics & Scope: Areas of interest include, but not limited to:
Semantics-driven information retrieval
Semantic agent systems
Semantic data search
Interaction paradigms for semantic search
Evaluation of semantic search
User interfaces
Web mining
Ubiquitous computing
Semantic deep Web and intelligent e-Technology

The call for tutorial/demo proposals, papers, and posters can be  found at: http://wims.vestforsk.no/cfp.html

Confirmed Invited Speakers [http://wims.vestforsk.no/pro.html]:
Jim Hendler ( Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA)
Marko Grobelnik (J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana , Slovenia)
Peter Mika (Yahoo!, Barcelona, Spain)
Sören Auer (University of Leipzig, Germany)

Advisory and Program Committee: http://wims.vestforsk.no/org.html

Important Dates:
Electronic submission of full papers/proposals/Posters: November 20, 2010 (Extended!)
Notification of  acceptance: January 15, 2011
Registration opens: February 1, 2011
Camera-ready of accepted papers: February 15, 2011
Registration closes: May 10, 2011
Conference: May 25 - 27, 2011

Accepted papers/tutorials  will be published by ACM and disseminated through the ACM Digital Library. Author instructions and style files can be downloaded at http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/proceedings-templates

Authors of accepted papers are expected to attend the conference and present their work. Selected extended papers will be invited to appear in a special issues of reputed journals in the field and also in a book published by Elsevier.

Tutorial/demonstration proposals, poster papers and full research paper submissions must be made electronically in MS Word or PDF format through the EasyChair submission system at  http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=wims11

Please access the website at: http://wims.vestforsk.no

Looking forward to your active participation, making the event a great success.

Sincerely yours,
Rajendra Akerkar
Chair, WIMS'11 PC
E-mail: wims11@vestforsk.no
URL: wims.vestforsk.no
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