Last Call for Papers
14th Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
Toronto, Canada
27 - 31 May, 2002
Conference Aims and Objectives
Since the late 1980's, CAiSE conferences have provided a
forum for presentation and exchange of research results and
practical experiences within the field of Information Systems
Engineering. CAiSE'02 will be held for the first time outside Europe,
in the cosmopolitan city of Toronto. Toronto has been called the most
multicultural city in the world, hosting more than 50,000 new immigrants
per year, and boasting more than 100 languages spoken by some of its citizens.
As in previous years, the conference programme will feature invited talks,
technical paper presentations, workshops, tutorials and panel discussions.
Conference Theme
Web-based systems have become the status quo in information systems
engineering practice. This change to the nature of information
systems poses significant challenges to the research community,
such as faster time-to-market, increased concerns for security
and performance, open and evolving software architectures,
dynamically composed electronic services, and more. The main theme
of the CAiSE'02 conference will be "Web-Based Information Systems"
and the conference programme will focus on both technologies and
methodologies for building them.
Relevant Topics
Methodologies and Models for IS
Requirements Engineering for IS
Supply Chain Management
Infrastructure for Internet Business Models
Data Warehousing & OLAP
Information Quality
Privacy and Security,
Web Content Management and Distribution
Workflow Systems
Knowledge Management
Business Process Models and Engineering
Metadata and Ontologies
Cooperative Work Support
Novel Database Technologies
Distributed, Web and Mobile Architectures
OO and Agent-Oriented Technologies and their Applications to IS Development
XML and IS
Languages and Protocols for IS
Component-ware and IS
IS Reengineering
Advanced Application Domains
Validation and Evaluation of IS Models
Call for Papers
Papers are solicited either in the area of the general conference
theme or relevant to the list of topics given above. Papers should not
exceed 5,000 words. They must be original and not submitted to or accepted
by any other conference or journal. Proceedings from CAiSE'02 will be
published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science. The proceedings
from previous CAiSE conferences are also available in this series. As in previous
years, the best papers of the conference will be proposed for publication
(after revision and additional refereeing) in a special issue of the international
journal "Information Systems".
Submission details
Authors should submit an electronic copy of their paper, in postscript or
PDF format, to one of the programme committee co-chairs (John Mylopoulos or Carson Woo).
In their submission message, authors should indicate the name and email address of the
contact author.
Call for Panels and Tutorials
Proposals are solicited for tutorials and panels to be held together with the
conference. Tutorials can be either a half-day (3 hours) or a full-day (6 hours).
They should be directed at participants from both the academic and business
communities. Panel and tutorial proposals should include a title, an abstract
and a short biography of the proposer(s). Panel proposals should also include
a list of possible panel members. Tutorial proposals should indicate whether it i
s proposed as a half- or full-day tutorial and the intended audience in terms
of background and level of expertise. Proposals should be sent to the Tutorial
and Panel chair.
Call for Posters
A special area for the display of posters about innovative projects and prototypes
will be available during the conference. Poster proposals should include a title,
the name of the presenters and a one-page outline describing the project and what
would be presented. Proposals should be sent to the Workshop and Poster Chair.
Call for Workshops
A series of workshops will be held in conjunction with the CAiSE'02 conference
to encourage interaction between researchers. Workshop topics should be in-line
with the conference topics. We invite proposals for workshops stating the topic
and overall objectives of the workshop and giving a short curriculum vitae of the
proposed organiser(s). Note that the workshops are considered an important part of
the CAiSE'02 conference and all workshop participants are expected to also attend
the main conference. Proposals should be sent to the Workshop and Poster Chair.

Important Dates
27 - 28 May 2002 : Workshops
29 - 31 May 2002 : Conference
Submission Deadlines
30 October 2001 : Workshop Proposals
30 November 2001 : Paper, Panel & Tutorial
01 March 2002 : Poster Descriptions
Acceptance Notifications
03 December 2001 : Workshop Proposals
01 February 2002 : Paper, Panel & Tutorial
01 April 2002 : Poster Descriptions

Conference Organization
General Chair
Tamer Ozsu
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Canada N2L 3G1
Programme Committee Co-Chairs
John Mylopoulos
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada M5S 3H5
Carson Woo
Faculty of Commerce and Business Administration
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, British Columbia
Canada V6T 1Z2
Panel and Tutorial Co-Chairs
Jarek Gryz
Dept. of Computer Science
York University
Toronto, Canada M3J 1P3
Rich Paige
Dept. of Computer Science
York University
Toronto, Canada M3J 1P3
Workshop and Poster Chair
Patrick Martin
Dept. of Computing and Information Science
Queen's University
Kingston, Canada K7L 3N6
Local Chair
Manuel Kolp
Dept. of Computer Science
University of Toronto
Toronto, Canada M5S 3H5

Program Committee Members
Ken Barker (Canada)
Daniel Berry (Canada)    
Alex Borgida (USA)
Paul Bowen (Australia)
Sjaak Brinkkemper (The Netherlands)
Michael Brodie (USA)
Christoph Bussler (USA)
Silvana Castano (Italy)
Jan Dietz (The Netherlands)
Johan Eder (Austria)
Marcel Franckson (France)
Mariagrazia Fugini (Italy)
Antonio Furtado (Brazil)
Andreas Geppert (Switzerland)
Paolo Giorgini (Italy)
Martin Glinz (Switzerland)
Sol Greenspan (USA)
Alan Hevner (USA)
Juhani Iivari (Finland)
Sushil Jajodia (USA)
Keith Jeffery (UK)
Manfred Jeusfeld (The Netherlands)
Hermann Kaindl (Austria)
Hannu Kangassalo (Finland)
Gerti Kappel (Austria)
Steven Kimbrough (USA)
Kostas Kontogiannis (Canada)
Manolis Koubarakis (Greece)
Alberto Laender (Brazil)
Julio Leite (Brazil)
Maurizio Lenzerini (Italy)
Michel Leonard (Switzerland)
Qing Li (China)
Marin Litoiu (Canada)
Peri Loucopoulos (UK)
Kalle Lyytinen (Finland)
Neil Maiden (UK)
Sal March (USA)
Pat Martin (Canada)
Nancy R. Mead (USA)
Michele Missikoff (Italy)
David Monarchi (USA)
Hausi Mueller (Canada)
Oscar Nierstrasz (Switzerland)
Andreas Oberweis (Germany)
Antoni Olive (Spain)
Andreas L Opdahl (Norway)
Maria Orlowska (Australia)
Maurizio Panti (Italy)
Mike Papazoglou (The Netherlands)
Jeff Parsons (Canada)
Oscar Pastor (Spain)
Barbara Pernici  (Italy)
Alain Pirotte (Belgium)
Dimitris Plexousakis (Greece)
Klaus Pohl (Germany)
Radhakrishnan.T (Canada)
Sudha Ram (USA)
William Robinson (USA)
Colette Rolland (France)
Michel Scholl (France)
Michael Schrefl (Australia)
Timos Sellis (Greece)
Mike Shaw (USA)
Keng Siau (USA)
Jacob Slonim (Canada)
Arne Soelvberg (Norway)
Veda Storey (USA)
Eleni Stroulia (Canada)
Alistair Sutcliffe (UK)
Mohan Tanniru (USA)
Bernhard Thalheim (Germany)
Costantino Thanos  (Italy)
Aphrodite Tsalgatidou (Greece)
Yannis Vassiliou (Greece)
Yair Wand (Canada)
Benkt Wangler (Sweden)
Tony Wasserman (USA)
Christopher Welty (USA)
Roel Wieringa (The Netherlands)
Eric Yu (Canada)