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Subject: [AISWorld] CfP SEAMS 2020: The 15th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems
Date: Mon, 2 Sep 2019 22:53:44 +0100
From: Simos Gerasimou <simos.gerasimou@york.ac.uk>
To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org

[Apologies for any cross-posting]

# SEAMS 2020 - Call for Papers
The 15th International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and
Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), Seoul, South Korea, May 25-26, 2020
Co-located with the 42nd International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2020)

* Abstract submission: Friday 10 January 2020
* Paper submission: Friday 17 January 2020
* Notification: Monday 2 March 2020
* Camera-ready submission: Monday 16 March 2020


Modern and emerging software systems, such as the Internet of Things,
Cyber-Physical Systems, cloud and edge computing, robotics, and smart
environments have to operate without interruption. Self-adaptation and
self-management enable these systems to adapt themselves at runtime to
preserve and optimize their operation in the presence of uncertain changes
in their operating environment, resource variability, new user needs,
attacks, intrusions, and faults.

Approaches to augment software and software-controlled systems with
self-managing and self-adaptive capabilities are an important area of
research and development, offering solutions that leverage advances in
such as software architecture, fault-tolerant computing, programming
languages, run-time program analysis and verification, among others.
Additionally, research in this field is informed by related areas such as
control systems, machine learning, artificial intelligence, agent-based
systems, and biologically inspired computing. The SEAMS symposium focuses
on applying software engineering to these approaches, including methods,
Techniques, processes and tools that can be used to support self-*
like self-protection, self-healing, self-optimization, and

The objective of SEAMS is to bring together researchers and practitioners
From academia, industry and government, to investigate, discuss, examine and
advance the fundamental principles, the state of the art, and the solutions
Addressing critical challenges of engineering self-adaptive and

Topics of Interest

All topics related to engineering self-adaptive and self-managing systems,

Foundational Concepts
* Self-* properties
* Understanding and taming uncertainty
* Runtime models and variability
* Consistent change of systems in operation
* Mixed-initiative and human-in-the-loop systems
* Situational awareness
* Ethical challenges of self-adaptive systems

Engineering Strategies
* Architecture and model-driven approaches
* Control theory
* Online analysis and planning
* Decentralized control
* Automatic synthesis techniques
* AI techniques (machine learning, game theory, etc.)
* Search-based techniques and learning
* Simulation
* Mechanisms to ensure security and privacy in self-adaptive loops

Engineering Activities
* Domain/environment analysis techniques
* Requirements elicitation techniques
* Architecture and design techniques
* Verification and validation activities & frameworks
* Systematic reuse (patterns, viewpoints, reference architectures,
code, etc.)
* Instrumentation of legacy systems (probing and effecting)
* Processes and methodologies
* Impact of DevOps on self-* systems

* Formal notations for modeling and analyzing self-* properties
* Domain-specific language support for self-adaptation
* Programming language support for self-adaptation

Application Areas
* Industrial Internet of Things
* Cyber-physical systems
* Cloud, fog and edge computing
* Bioengineering
* Robotics
* Smart environments
* Smart user interfaces
* Privacy and security

Artifacts & Evaluation
* Model problems and exemplars
* Resources including data sets, metrics, and software useful to compare
self-adaptive approaches
* Real-world demonstrators
* Controlled experiments, case studies, replication studies, surveys

Types of Paper

SEAMS 2020 solicits the following types of papers:

* Technical papers (10 pages main text, inclusive of figures, tables,
appendices, etc.; plus references up to two additional pages). Technical
papers should:
(1) clearly describe innovative and original research, or
(2) report a survey on a research topic in the field.

* New Ideas and Emergent Results (NIER) papers (6 pages + 1 page
NIER papers should describe novel and promising ideas and/or techniques that
are in an early stage of development. To that end, NIER papers will be
reviewed with dedicated review guidelines.

* Experience papers (6 pages + 1 page references). An experience paper
describe the experiences gained from applying/evaluating software
research results in practice. It is encouraged that the partners from both
practice and research join the effort as co-authors and that the paper
reflects the perspective of both sides. The papers should emphasize the
of the experience for the community - in particular, the lessons learned due
to the transfer of research results to practice.

* Artifact papers (6 pages + 1 page references). Artifacts describe model
problems, exemplars, or useful sets of resources for the broader SEAMS
community. This year we solicit artifacts in two modalities: associated with
a research paper and standalone. In the research paper modality, the
complements a long research paper and does not require a separate paper
submission, the authors need to complete the self-assessment and attach
paper to the submission. The standalone modality requires the submission of
an artifact paper (6 pages + 1 page references) in addition to a
self-assessment form. The authors of accepted artifacts will have an ACM
Artifact badge attached to their paper. All artifact papers will be
presented at SEAMS.

* Demo papers (6 pages + 1 page references). Demo papers should demonstrate
the use of self-adaptive software in a proof-of-concept, prototype or
real-world application. Unlike artifact papers, these software systems may
not be at a stage of development where they can be released to the broader
SEAMS community for other researchers and practitioners to use them in their
own work, or may not be suitable for release as artifacts. However, demo
papers can also be accompanied by an artifact. In this case, the artifact
will be evaluated together with the paper and, if accepted, will receive an
ACM Artifact badge.

* Doctoral project papers (4 pages + 1 page references). A doctoral project
paper should describe the dissertation research of a PhD student in the
of self-adaptive and self-managing systems. This paper has to be authored by
the student only. A suggestion for structuring the paper is as follows:
- The problem to be solved in your thesis (justify why this problem is
important and make clear that previous research has not yet solved
that problem).
- Your research hypothesis (claim).
- The expected contributions of your dissertation research.
- How you plan to evaluate your results and to present credible evidence
Of your results to the community.
- A description of the results achieved so far and a planned timeline
for completion.
Students of accepted papers will present their research during SEAMS and
receive personalized and specific feedback on their research plan. Students
will also have the opportunity to further engage with the audience during
a poster session. Instructions for formatting posters will be provided
the notification. We encourage submissions from PhD students at any stage
of their research.

* Special session papers on ethical concerns of self-adaptive systems
(2 pages including references). SEAMS 2020 will organise a panel session
devoted to ethical concerns associated with self-adaptive systems.
Interested authors are invited to submit an extended abstract in which
they identify, analyse and sketch potential solutions to the ethical
challenges surrounding self-adaptive systems.

Paper Submission Details and Review Process

All submitted papers and artifacts will be reviewed by at least three
of the program committee. Papers must not have been previously published or
concurrently submitted elsewhere. Papers must conform to the IEEE Conference
Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt
type, LaTEX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without
including the compsoc or compsocconf option), and submitted via EasyChair.
Accepted papers will appear in the symposium proceedings that will be
published in the ACM and IEEE digital libraries. The official publication
date of an accepted paper will be the date the proceedings are made
in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the
first day of ICSE 2020. The official publication date affects the deadline
for any patent filings related to published work. Purchases of additional
pages in the proceedings is not possible.

Submission Sites

* For Research, NIER, Experience, Demo, Doctoral Project, and Special
Session papers: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=seams2020
* For Artifact papers:

Simos P. Gerasimou
Research Associate
Department of Computer Science | University of York | UK
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