-------- Original Message --------
The First International Workshop on Multimedia Databases
and Data Engineering (MDDE’12)
Held in conjunction with VLDB'12
Istanbul, Turkey
August 31, 2012
Call for Papers
The First International Workshop on Multimedia Databases
and Data Engineering (MDDE’12) will take place in Istanbul,
Turkey on August 31, 2012, in conjunction with The
38th International Conference on Very Large Databases
(VLDB 2012). MDDE’12 aims to provide a forum for
researchers from all fields of multimedia databases and
data engineering, including experts in multimedia indexing,
multimedia data mining, in-depth media content processing,
multimedia searching, analysis, management, and retrieval.
Recent advances in computing, networking, storage, and
information technology have enabled the collection and
distribution of vast amounts of multimedia data in a
variety of applications such as entertainment, education,
environmental protection, e-commerce, public safety,
digital government, homeland security, and manufacturing.
However, big data and large scale analytics is a
fundamental problem within multimedia data processing and
understanding, and several important questions remain to
be answered. For examples, what are suitable indexing
structures that can facilitate multimedia search and
management? What are the system requirements for a
multimedia database that can manage various types of
media data, including images, videos, audios, multimedia
presentations, and media-enriched texts? How to enable
and incorporate multimedia data mining and knowledge
discovery into existing multimedia database architectures?
How can cloud computing facilitate ubiquitous multimedia
computing? How to integrate human-computer interaction
with data mining to help users understand and interact
with big multimedia data corpus?
Specific topics include, but are not limited to,
the following:
- Multimedia indexing and retrieval
- Multimedia database query languages
- Multimedia data and metadata models
- Multimedia data definition languages
- Multimedia presentations
- Multimedia data mining
- Multimedia data storage
- Security support for multimedia databases
- New multimedia standards
- In-depth content analysis and search
- Optimization and processing of semantic multimedia
- Mobile multimedia databases
- Cloud computing-based multimedia databases
- Mapping and integration of multimedia metadata and
ontologies into databases
- Semantic understanding of multimedia data using
web-scale social media data
- Multimedia systems and novel applications
Dr. Shu-Ching Chen, Florida International University
Dr. Mei-Ling Shyu, University of Miami
Dr. Chengcui Zhang, The University of Alabama at Birmingham
Dr. Tansel Ozyer, TOBB Economics and Technology University
Submission deadline: May 7, 2012
Notification of acceptance: June 4, 2012
Camera Ready: June 19, 2012
Prospective authors are invited to submit papers
(English only) presenting original research.
Submissions should be no more than 7 VLDB proceedings
pages. Only electronic submission (PDF only) is
accepted. The Preparation and Formatting Guidelines
can be found on
Please submit your paper (PDF only) to
https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=mdde2012 .
Proceedings will be distributed to all participants at the workshop.
Selected submissions will be invited to submit extended papers for
the International Journal of Multimedia Data Engineering and Management
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