-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [AISWorld] ICWE 2011: 2nd Call for Doctoral Symposium Papers (*** Extended Deadline***)
Date: Sat, 26 Feb 2011 11:40:34 +0200
From: Announcements <announce@cs.ucy.ac.cy>
To: certellus.net, <aisworld@lists.aisnet.org>

     11th International Conference on Web Engineering (ICWE 2011)

                   June 20-24, 2011, Paphos, Cyprus

            *** 2nd Call for Doctoral Symposium Papers ***

              *** Extended Deadline: March 14th 2011 ***

The ICWE 2011 Doctoral Symposium aims at providing PhD students an
opportunity to discuss their research in Web Engineering in an
international forum, and with a panel of well-known experts in the
field. Additionally, it will host several invited talks both to serve
as motivation for students and to address their topics of interest.

The aims of the Doctoral Symposium are to:

 * provide PhD students with a welcoming atmosphere to present their
   research, receive useful feedback from senior researchers, and
   exchange ideas and experiences with other students
 * help PhD students develop their research questions, methodology
   and research plan
 * support a new generation of researchers

PhD students carrying out research in Web Engineering are invited to
submit a position paper to the Doctoral Symposium, to be reviewed by
the Symposium's program committee members. The criteria used for
accepting a paper include potential quality of the research,
contribution of the work to the field of Web Engineering, originality
of the work, and overall quality of the position paper.

This year the ICWE features a special them "Web Data Engineering" and
therefore, PhD proposals fitting to the conference topics are especially

Web application engineering

 * Processes and methods for Web application development
 * Conceptual modeling of Web applications
 * Model-driven Web application development
 * Domain-specific languages for Web application development
 * Component-based Web application development
 * Web application architectures and frameworks
 * Rich Internet Applications
 * Mashup development and end user Web programming
 * Patterns for Web application development and pattern mining
 * Web content management and data-intensive Web applications
 * Web usability and accessibility
 * I18N of Web applications and multi-lingual development
 * Testing and evaluation of Web applications
 * Deployment and usage analysis of Web applications
 * Performance modeling, monitoring, and evaluation
 * Empirical Web engineering
 * Web quality and Web metrics
 * Adaptive, contextualized and personalized Web applications
 * Mobile Web applications and device-independent delivery

Web service engineering

 * Web service engineering methodologies
 * Web Service-oriented Architectures
 * Semantic Web services
 * Web service-based architectures and applications
 * Quality of service and its metrics for Web applications
 * Inter-organizational Web applications
 * Ubiquity and pervasiveness
 * Linked Data Services

Web data engineering

 * Semantic Web engineering
 * User-contributed data
 * Web mining and information extraction
 * Linked Data
 * Web data normalization, linking, fusion
 * Information quality assessment
 * Data repair strategies
 * Dataset dynamics
 * Dataset introspection
 * Linked Data consumption, visualization and exploration
 * Deep Web
 * Web science and Future Internet applications
 * Ontology design, publishing, and evolution
 * Web data analysis

Accepted position papers will be presented during the ICWE 2010 Doctoral
Symposium and will be published by Springer in the LNCS Series. It is
required for publishing a paper that at least one author of the accepted
papers registers for the conference by April 28, 2011.

The author of the 2 best proposals will be granted with a free
registration to ICWE 2011.

Submission instructions

 * Extension: Position papers must not be longer than 5 (five) pages.
 * Format: Submissions should be formatted according to the LNCS
   guidelines and must include:
      o author's name
      o affiliation
      o a 200 words abstract
      o the name of the student's PhD supervisor(s)
      o the problem(s) that the proposed research is going to solve,
        and the motivation for solving them
      o the aims and objectives of the proposed research
      o the research methodology to be used to achieve the research
        goals, including a brief description of the work done to date
        and a tentative plan for future work
      o the main contribution(s) of the research to Web (data)

 * Submission place: Authors should use the ICWE 2011 Doctoral
   Symposium Submission site at EasyChair
   for the submission of their manuscripts

Important Dates

 * Submission deadline: March 14, 2011
 * Notification of acceptance: April 1, 2011
 * Camera-ready version: April 28, 2011 (hard deadline)

Doctoral Symposium Chairs

 * Peter Dolog, Aalborg University, Denmark
 * Bernhard Haslhofer, Cornell University, USA

Contact Information

In case of inquiries, please contact the doctoral symposium chairs at:
docsymposium [at] icwe2011.webengineering.org

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