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"Human Choice and Digital by Default: Autonomy vs Digital
Tokyo, Japan, 9th-11th September 2022
Venue: Faculty of Global Informatics (iTL), Chuo University,
Since the advent of COVID-19, whole sectors of the economy in many
countries, or at least those that can, have been working remotely,
from home. This has brought a whole new meaning to the maxim
'digital by default' and brought home some of the potential
pitfalls. Not only are we now missing the paralinguistic benefits
of body language and location context in our communication, but
the trend towards digital meetings - already strong - has
accelerated, meaning fewer and fewer of us have any choice whether
or not to embrace the digital alternative to in-person meetings.
The encroaching influence, moreover, of machine learning based
systems, that can embed the biases inherent in the data they have
learnt from, threatens to entrench the societal problems of the
past, rather than redress them, in this new online world. Issues
of privacy, accountability, fairness and access are all coming
more and more to the fore of discussions around the digital, with
face-offs between the Tech Giants unfolding over their fundamental
business models.
Since 1974, the Human Choice and Computers (HCC) conference series
has consistently fostered innovative thinking about the interfaces
between society and technology. At this time, HCC15 in 2022
focuses on "Human Choice and Digital by Default: Autonomy vs
Digital Determination" and welcomes inputs from members of
academia and research, civic society, computing associations,
industry, and the IT professions on the following (and related)
* Ethical and Legal Issues for Data Analytics and Big Data
* Social Accountability and Responsibility for Computing and Data
* Digitalization, embodiment, mobility and repairment in relation
to Gender and Diversity, Work, Educational and Daily Life
* How data can support rather than infringe personal liberty
* Harnessing Information with Unconscious Bias
* Legal Systems for Criminal Offences and Abuse
* Ethical governance models for new data economy ecosystems
* How did we get here? Precedents, and lessons from the past
* Personal Autonomy in Information Systems: where is the human in
our models?
* How culturally diverse interpretations / understandings of
life-work balance can help us shape a more human-centric computing
* Personal freedom and informational security
* Can our personal choices add up to an environmental impact?
* ICT for Development: how much choice outside the developed
* Global or local? How are the lived experiences of the
marginalized and dispossessed citizens of developing countries
affected by government reactions and policies?
* Security and privacy for Data Analytics and Big Data
* Using collaborative skills to work with team members in order to
ensure reliability, availability and performance of applications
* Working, playing, entertaining and relaxing at home: seamless
integration in our working and private digital lives
* * *
HCC15 will also welcome co-located TC9 Working Group Workshops:
WG9.2 - Social Accountability and Computing
Need for Social Accountability - Art Nouveau of digitalization?
Covid-19 forced interaction at work and private life to go digital
so fast that it could not be seen beforehand. However, we can
raise the question, is this a desirable outcome or not? By taking
a digital leap, what did we achieve from the viewpoint of
environment, equality and wellbeing? Is there a need for starting
to see what good and beauty we could achieve using technology,
instead of focusing on efficiency? What does social accountability
mean while digitalization is progressing at a different pace in a
different context? What would it mean from an organizational or
societal perspective? Do we need a new Art Nouveau for
digitalization to ensure the digital society is good for people
and the environment?
The objective of Art Nouveau was to create beautiful yet
sustainable things for people with arts and craftsmanship. One of
the reasons for the birth of Art Nouveau was the resistance
towards industrialization that offered cheap standardised products
to everybody. Digital Art Nouveau could be the rise of
human-centric digitalization, where other values than economy and
efficiency could also flourish.
We encourage the submission of papers focusing on the following
and related themes.
* Slow tech
* Artificial intelligence helping human intelligence
* Sustainability of digitalization
* Human-centric digitalization
WG9.4 - The Implications of Information and Digital Technologies
for Development
Digital Approaches to Development Issues during COVID-19: Global
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a plethora of new needs,
encompassing the domain of health infrastructures and those of
emergency assistance, social protection and socio-economic
development measures. Digital approaches have been largely
leveraged in COVID-19 responses, creating solutions that cover all
such domains: COVID-19 tracking has been delegated to digital
systems that have raised advocacy, but also concerns of privacy
and data governance related to mobile-based apps (Taylor et al.,
2020). Emergency assistance and social protection have been linked
to algorithmic approaches that have facilitated distribution of
subsidies, but also raised concerns of algorithmic justice (Cerna
Aragon, 2020; Lopez, 2020). More at large, digital routes to
socio-economic development have been adapted in the ongoing
pandemic, seeking to tailor digitality in ways that seek to meet
the needs of the new poor and of those whose vulnerability has
Against this backdrop, this track invites papers that deal with
digital approaches to the solution of issues posed by the COVID-19
pandemic. We are especially interested in issues that pertain to
the domain of socio-economic development, and their configurations
at this time of global crisis. We invite submissions on topics
that include, but are not limited to:
· Digital health infrastructures in the pandemic
· COVID-19 tracking in developing countries
· Datafied social policies in the Global South
· Algorithmic justice in relation to emergency assistance
· Digital social protection during COVID-19
· Digital inequalities in the COVID-19 context.
Cerna Aragon, D. (2020). On not being visibile to the state: The
case of Peru. COVID-19 from the Margins,
Lopez, J. (2020). The case of the Solidarity Income in Colombia:
The experimentation with data on social policy during the
pandemic. COVID-19 from the Margins,
Taylor, L., Sharma, G., Martin, A., and Jameson, S. (2020). What
does the COVID-19 response mean for data justice? In Taylor, L.,
Sharma, G., Martin, A., and Jameson, S. (Eds.), Data Justice and
COVID-19: Global Perspectives, London: Meatspace Press, pp. 8-18.
WG9.5 Our Digital Lives
Given the prevalence of connectivity and digital work in its
various forms, we are interested in studies (including
work-in-progress) exploring any aspect of 'Our Digital Lives'
following our Working Group's general theme. Example topics
include (but are not limited to):
· digital work in its social context
· digital health
· digital education
· digital labor
· digital games
· digital tourism
· online communities
· social media
· augmented or virtual reality
· emerging technologies
· artificial intelligence
Submissions are welcomed that offer fresh theoretical or empirical
insights into how our digital lives have transformed the way we
work, communicate, and play together.
WG9.8 Gender, Diversity and ICT
Digitalization, embodiment, mobility and repairment in relation to
Gender and Diversity, Work, Educational and Daily Life
The Covid-19 pandemic makes visible the intersecting positions and
hierarchies of embodied work, as well as the merits and limits of
the digital. We invite feminist techno-science approaches to
themes of gender, diversity, and inclusion vis-a-vis the
societal-scale shifts to online platforms (Zoom, Microsoft
Meetings, etc.) and more digitalized lives and labor in response
to the pandemic that foregrounds how everyday life depends on
materialities and embodied labor. Doctors, nurses, drivers,
teachers, social workers, cleaners, cashiers, researchers and many
others are essential to fighting the pandemic and meeting lives'
and societies' basic necessities.
Hence our broad question: how should we conceptualize, design for,
and speak about "recovery" from the pandemic? Who should / will be
included in a "recovery" of pre-pandemic practices of travel and
affiliated conceptions of place and mobility as privileges tied to
class, gender, ethnicity, etc? How are we to conceptualize and
thereby shape how we think and feel about possible futures and the
role of digital technologies therein? What happens, moreover, if
we shift from "recovery" to "repairment"? Repairment can further
implicate notions of entanglement and co-generation, evoking new
questions. What is needed is to repair unjust social, cultural,
spiritual, economic, and political structures and systems, and
most especially the climate and ecosystems of the planet we live
on - can we discern and better design for our interrelationality
via computational and network technologies?
WG9.9 ICT and Sustainable Development
Covid-19 - Missed opportunity or the transition to a sustainable
and fair society?
For a couple of decades now researchers within fields related to
ICT have discussed the sustainability-related potential of the
technology. Conventional approaches include for example
optimization of energy and resource use in production and
transportation, and dematerialization (i.e. replacing physical
goods with digital ones). However, despite the potential of ICT to
contribute to sustainability, we have not yet seen this potential
being fully exploited. Instead, the environmental footprint of ICT
products (energy consumption, resource use, disposal) is
increasing, among other things due to the short useful life of
many ICT products, its linear value chain ("take-make-waste") and
various more or less unexpected rebound effects of ICT
development. Among other things, it has recently been estimated
that data centers world-wide consume around 200 TWh yearly, and
this figure is likely to increase in the coming years with among
other things the increased popularity of video and game streaming
and crypto currencies such as Bitcoin (which currently consumes as
much electricity as the Netherlands to maintain). In summary,
while there is certainly potential for ICT to do good for the
environment, current trajectories show that the footprint of ICT
is increasing while the full sustainability-related potential of
the technology is not exploited.
But with the Covid-19 pandemic currently ongoing - to recite Naomi
Klein and the title of the HCC13 conference - this (surely)
changes everything! We have been forced to drastically change our
unsustainable transportation and consumption patterns and have
instead relied on ICT-supported, more sustainable, alternatives.
Well, according to the EEA Briefing "COVID-19 and Europe's
environment: Impacts of a global pandemic", the environmental
impacts have not been as radical as many researchers hoped for and
believed when the almost world-wide lockdown started around one
year ago. Many now instead argue that the pandemic was a "missed
opportunity" to radically transform our society into a more
sustainable one. But perhaps it is still not too late?
We encourage the submission of papers focusing on the relation
between ICT and sustainable development in general, but reflect on
the role of ICT in a sustainable and fair post-Corona society in
* * *
Paper Submission
The conference is open to attendees at all stages of career and
education, whether you are at the start, middle or peak of your
career, either as academics or practitioners. Submitted papers
should be approximately 3,000-5,000 words in length. Please return
your paper, using the appropriate format, through
There are no video conferencing facilities at the venue. Remote
presentation via Zoom will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
Please be sure to indicate whether you are submitting to the
conference general theme, or to one of the specific workshops.
Papers must be anonymized for blind peer review.
Important Dates
January 31, 2022 - Submissions due
March 31, 2022 - Notification of acceptance/rejection
April 30, 2022 - Submission of camera-ready papers
July 31, 2022 - Deadline for early bird registration
September 9 - 11, 2022 - Conference dates
Conference Chairs: Taro Komukai, David Kreps
Programme Committee Chair: Robert Davison
Organizing Committee Chair: Kaori Ishii
Proceedings Editor: David Kreps
Proceedings Co-Editors: Taro Komukai, Robert Davison, Kaori Ishii
Workshop Chairs:
WG9.2: Jani Koskinen, Anne-Marie Tuikka
WG9.4: Johan Ivar Sæbø, Silvia Masiero
WG9.5: Brad McKenna, Petros Chamakiotis, Kathrin Bednar
WG9.8: Charles Ess, Johanna Sefyrin, Sisse Finken
WG9.9: Per Fors
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