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Subject: [all-prolearn] UM2005 final CFP Date: Friday 22 October 2004 09:38 From: "Peter Dolog" dolog@l3s.de To: all-prolearn@agws.dit.upm.es
10th International Conference on User Modeling, UM'05
Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, 24-29 July, 2005 http://gate.ac.uk/conferences/um2005/
The International User Modeling Conferences represent the central forum for the discussion and presentation of research and industry results in the development of personalized systems, as well as basic research about personalization. In the last 25 years, the field of User Modeling has produced significant new theories and methods to analyze and model computer users in short and long-term interactions. Moreover, methods for personalizing human-computer interaction based on user models have been successfully developed, applied and evaluated in a number of domains, such as information filtering, e-commerce, adaptive natural language and adaptive educational systems. New User Modeling topics are emerging, including adaptation to user attitudes and affective states, personalized interaction in mobile, ubiquitous and context-aware computing and in user interactions with embodied autonomous agents. User Modeling research is being influenced by different fields, such as Artificial Intelligence, Human-Computer Interaction, Cognitive Psychology, Linguistics, Education, as well as, by newly emerging links with Customer Relationship Management and technologies for the communication on the Web, such as Web Services and the Semantic Web.
UM'05 invites submissions in following categories: * Papers and posters * Workshops * Tutorials * Doctoral Consortium
Relevant topics for the conference include, but are not limited, to:
* acquisition, updating and management of * user models and student models * security and privacy aspects in the * management of user data * evaluation of user modeling techniques * user model representation standards * user model information sharing in ubiquitous * services and smart environments * user modeling servers * user modeling in the Semantic Web * user modeling and adaptive systems * applications of user modeling systems and techniques * data mining for personalization and cross-recommendation * affective computing * adaptation to the handicapped and elderly * adaptive hypermedia and Web systems * intelligent information retrieval, information * filtering and content personalization * collaborative filtering and recommender systems * adaptive user interfaces * dialog planning and response tailoring * plan recognition and generation * presentation planning * recognition and correction of misconceptions * intelligent tutoring systems * human-computer cooperation, user support * adaptive learning environments * personalized Web sites and services * personalized interaction in Virtual * reality and 3D Interfaces * personalized interaction in mobile, * ubiquitous and context-aware computing * embodied animated agents * support of collaboration and group modeling * engineering adaptive systems
All submissions will be reviewed on the basis of relevance, originality, significance, soundness and clarity. Three referees will review each submission.
Preliminary workshop proposals: November 15, 2004 (see below) Papers and posters: November 22, 2004 Tutorial proposals: December 6, 2004 Final workshop proposals: December 6, 2004 (see below) Doctoral Consortium Papers: January 28, 2005 Papers/Posters Notification: January 28, 2005 Camera-Ready Versions Submission: February 28, 2005 Workshop Papers Submission: March 7, 2005 Conference: 24-29 July, 2005
Papers and postscripts have to be submitted in electronic form (PDF format is preferred, but PostScript and RTF are acceptable as well). The link to the submission Web site will be available on the main conference Web site (http://gate.ac.uk/conferences/um2005/) starging from the first days of November.
The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html) under the title "UM2005 User Modeling: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference". For camera-ready format instructions, please see "For Authors" instructions at http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. The page limit is 10 pages for papers, 5 pages for posters, and 3 pages for the Doctoral Consortium submissions.
Conference Chair: Paul Brna, Northumbria University, UK
Program Co-Chairs: Liliana Ardissono, Universita` di Torino, Italy Tanja Mitrovic, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Organizing Chair: Alison Cawsey, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland
Workshop and Tutorial Co-Chairs: Kathleen McCoy, University of Delaware, US Vania Dimitrova, University of Leeds, UK
Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs: Jon Oberlander, University of Edimburgh, UK Kalina Bontcheva, University of Sheffield, UK
Industrial Liaison CHair: Daniel Kudenko, University of York, UK
Publicity Co-Chairs: Nicolas van Labeke, Northumbria University, UK Ayse Goker, Robert Gordon University, UK
Program Committee:
Lora Aroyo, The Netherlands Mathias Bauer, Germany Joseph Beck, USA Peter Brusilovsky, USA Susan Bull, UK Sandra Carberry, USA Noelle Carbonell, France Keith Cheverst, UK David Chin, USA Luca Chittaro, Italy Cristina Conati, Canada Albert Corbett, USA Paul De Bra, The Netherlands Nadja De Carolis, Italy Fiorella de Rosis, Italy Vania Dimitrova, UK Peter Dolog, Germany Gerhard Fischer, USA Elena Gaudioso, Spain Piotr Gmytrasiewicz, USA Brad Goodman, USA Jim Greer, Canada Haym Hirsh, USA Eric Horvitz, USA Anthony Jameson, Germany Gal Kaminka, Israel Judy Kay, Australia Alfred Kobsa, USA Joseph Konstan, USA Antonio Krueger, Germany Frank Linton, USA Diane Litman, USA Brent Martin, New Zealand Mark Maybury, USA Gordon McCalla, Canada Kathleen McCoy, USA Eva Millan, Spain Riichiro Mizoguchi, Japan Wolfgang Nejdl, Germany Helen Pain, UK George Paliouras, Greece Cecile Paris, Australia Daniela Petrelli, UK Candy Sidner, USA Barry Smyth, Ireland Markus Specht, Germany Carlo Tasso, Italy Julita Vassileva, Canada Gerhard Weber, Germany Stephan Weibelzahl, Germany Ross Wilkinson, Australia Frank Wittig, Germany Ingrid Zukerman, Australia ------------------------------------------
Workshop proposals should provide sufficient information to judge the importance, quality, and benefits for the research community. Each workshop should have one or more chairs and a program committee. Proposals should be 2-4 pages long and should provide the following information:
* Title of the proposed workshop. * Names and full addresses, including contact details, of the workshop chair(s). * A brief description of the workshop topic and goals, its relevance to UM05 and significance for the research field. * A description of the target audience, areas from which the participants are expected to come, strategy for publicizing the workshop, number of expected participants, names of potential attendees (if known). * Arrangements for the organization of the workshop, including length (half day or one day) and a brief outline of the workshop describing anticipated format and possible session names. * Names, addresses, and home page links of people who have agreed to be part of the workshop program committee if the workshop proposal is accepted. This list should preferably include people from at least three different sites. * A brief description of the organizers experience and background in the topic, and links to web pages of the workshop chairs.
Workshops should be submitted via e-mail (either plain text or pdf format) to both UM05 workshop chairs:
Vania Dimitrova (vania@comp.leeds.ac.uk) and Kathleen McCoy (mccoy@cis.udel.edu
with a subject line of: UM05 Workshop Proposal
Workshop organizers are encouraged to submit a preliminary workshop proposal containing a brief outline of the workshop which will be used to identify possible overlap of workshop topics and, in this case, cooperation and joint workshop organization may be suggested.
For further information about workshop organization check the conference web site: http://gate.ac.uk/conferences/um2005/
------------------------------------------ Peter Dolog, Research Associate
L3S Research Center Expo Plaza 1 30539 Hannover Germany
Tel. +49. (0)511. 762-9735 (L3S) Tel. +49. (0)511. 762-19713 (ISI-KBS) fax. +49. (0)511. 762-9779
E-Mail: dolog@l3s.de WWW: http://www.l3s.de/~dolog ------------------------------------------